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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    God I hope we get the random Rock/Hurricane segment again. I always love them, no matter what's said. And Hurricane does rule, especially when in promos with Rock.
  2. Exslade ZX

    The OAO Raw Thread - 6/21/04

    God we're probaly gonna have to watch the Kane beating last week for around 20 minutes. I can understand why, but ugh. And wow, just start with him.
  3. Exslade ZX

    Kash Injured and of the Anniversary Show

    Meh...I believe it will be someone 'foreign'. Or portrayed to be foreign whatever. Just the way, anywhere in the world seemed to be emphasized. First time they started coining that phrase, Tako Omori or whatever got a World title shot.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Need Help Deciding If Ebay Is The Way To Go

    http://wfigs.proboards5.com/ Maybe someone there will want to buy it.
  5. I believe he was referring to Tom Cruise.
  6. Exslade ZX

    Who is -iB-!?

    As the title says, yea I'm fairly new, and haven't really posted anywhere outside of the wrestling discussion. But every couple posts, I see someone being referred to as iB, and I've even seen s/n iB...so I'm kind of confused . So who exactly is iB?
  7. Exslade ZX


    This could serve as a discussion thread about it (them), but I just had a question about the Halloween movies. I'm not an avid Horror movie watcher like some but tonight decided to watch Halloween: Resurrection since I still have yet to see it from the beginning. But my question is what exactly is the deal between the guy and his sister? :/ I've only seen like two of the movies..and I can never catch it from the start, so I still don't know why he's always trying to kill her, or vice versa.
  8. Exslade ZX


    ...I don't believe Shrimp and Keg beer go together well :s
  9. Exslade ZX

    Would Randy Orton be even a bigger star...

    Exactly, which is why on his new t-shirt both Foley and Cactus Jack are listed. And I also belive that The Rock will be added to that list :/. I may be just me, but I think eventually there will be some Rock/Orton confrontation where Orton will go over...
  10. Exslade ZX

    Would Randy Orton be even a bigger star...

    ....Either way he was the one who won the match, so I don't believe it would have made any kind of difference. Plus even after WM many were still hatin' on Orton..so IMO wouldn't have made a difference.
  11. Exslade ZX

    Shelton Benjamin injured

    Maybe he was set to do both but they took him to the emergency room? ...Actually I had never thought of that. That might actually be the case :/..but still sucks that it happened, but I guess not much you can do to prevent it.
  12. Exslade ZX

    Who is -iB-!?

    Well yea..I'm not a complete 'n00b', I just don't visit here as often as I do some boards. And plus even though I've seen the name 'Donkeylips' and such floating around, I had only seen the actual s/n -iB- like once or twice. And I was thinking iB was some old member or something that was a huge troll, or either just made really stupid topics lol, because every time I see the name it's used as an insult it seems so I was just wondering. And yes I saw the iB (Moist Party girl) topic. It was said to be him who PMd about that.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Tentative SummerSlam card

    Damn, it didn't edit into my post but...my opinions on that card. Chris Benoit w/ Eugene in corner vs. Triple H - World Heavyweight Championship Of course...not really a Triple H fan, but this is the only right way to go. And with Eugene in Benoit's corner..not only will it be a decent in ring match, but there are gonna be some funny antics involved. + Undertaker w/ Paul Heyman vs. Eddie Guerrero -- WWE Title/Casket Match Never been a Taker fan...but he's pretty much the most over guy on SD whether he's not that great in ring or not. Plus it might be pretty 'cool' to see the old gimmick, casket match back. That is if they don't ruin it for us at GAB. -+ Shawn Micheals vs. Kane -- streetfight It won't be the best match pure wrestling wise, but I would enjoy to see these two go at it in a brawl. PLus it's something fresh...since we haven't really seen HBK/Kane. + Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T -- U.S. Title Of course this match should be enjoyable...and I have to say it's about damn time. I mean..what since did it make to have the two go over to SD together angry with each other...and then 2 weeks later just forget about their feud? What the hell? Maybe they'll bring the old you sucked when we were partners...and how much they really hated each other on RAW stuff up. + Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton vs. Christian -- Intercontinental Title Well nothing really needs to be said about this, love each guy in this match, and the build up would be bad ass when Christian gets back full time and starts pulling off his promos. + John Cena vs. Kurt Angle I liked the last time these two went against each other...and this time there's actually build up, so it should be great. + Edge vs. Shelton Benjamin Not really understanding this, unless it's an IC #1 contender, but it should be decent, and even better if SHelton goes over. + Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero -- Cruiserweight Title Ehh...I've never liked Chavo at all. So it should be a good cruiser match in ring, but not one I'd be really greatly into because I'm tired of seeing these two go at it. -+ Dudleys vs. Hardyz (assuming Jeff is cleared to return) -- Interpromotional Tag Team Match I actually do'nt think this one will happen, but it should be decent, and maybe better Matt seeing as recently he's been lackluster, even if they are pushing him terribly. But it would be decent if they went back to their old school matches. -+ That's my IMO...and the +,-+,- stuff shouldn't be that hard to get. Just telling whether or not I'd probaly enjoy..or so-so and there's six matches I'd think I'd definitely enjoy so good card IMO.
  14. Exslade ZX

    Tentative SummerSlam card

    Did you forget Chuck/Billy vs Rosey/Jamal or Goldberg vs Brock. Sure both of those had build up...but this probaly will too...point is, there have been, and probaly will be more interpromotional match ups. And to me...that card actually looks fairly decent in fact, pretty good.
  15. Exslade ZX

    Who is -iB-!?

    What? I didn't know.
  16. Exslade ZX

    Sunday Night B-Show Thread

    He is under contract to OVW...
  17. Exslade ZX

    Shelton Benjamin injured

    For one, I think it sucks he was wrestling on HEAT in the first place..especially the night after being in one of the damn top matches of a PPV card.
  18. Which usually result in them being killed. (If horror)
  19. Heh...it's funny these two are like kind of complete oppisites, yet the same. But it looks as if 32 is saying...you should do 30...which is fairly stupid. The smart thing is to run..rather then walking up to the killer and getting your balls cut off or something.
  20. Exslade ZX

    Video of JBL's Nazi March.

    Heh...for one thing it looks as if Booker is also doing it at the same time...or imitating him in that pose. And secondly look at the photographers reaction when he does it. It's like "OH SHIT!"
  21. Exslade ZX

    What RAW superstar...

    Somewhat. But then after that when they continued Jericho/Trish...and now Tomko, that sort of made it seem as if the feud with the faction isn't over. So in a sense Jericho/Christian has yet to end.
  22. Exslade ZX


    as many times as I've even made that joke myself...I've never noticed the V1 sign was just that lmao.
  23. Exslade ZX

    Favourite Animation Show

    As been said..it seems to be moreso action cartoons.
  24. Exslade ZX

    Favourite Animation Show

    Spiderman definitely. Hell that's about the only one I watched other then Xmen. Every day I came home from school Spiderman was on so that's what I watched, and I remeber I loved the 'Multi-dimension saga'. Where there's like 12 different Peter Parkers all from different dimensions...and with different costumes and personalities. That was awesome.
  25. Exslade ZX

    The OAO Hidden Gems Thread

    'In Hell' I don't know how popular this movie ever was...because I had never heard of it until recently when I saw a preview on USA. So picked up the DVD at Blockbuster for only 5$. (Y) And I have to say it was a damn good movie. And not only that it's a Van Damme film, and I know he has a lot of fans so if you're a fan and haven't seen this it's something good to pick up. "LT" Lawrence Taylor is in this, and I his role fucking rocked...and was played well. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0339135/