Exslade ZX
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Everything posted by Exslade ZX
That's what I was thinking. But good enough ending to the match I suppose.
Ha, gotta love that they still have a banner of the Cruiserweight championship still up on the set. This I noticed at the beginning of the show, but I didn't realized that just put a 'ECW' sticker on the top of the belt, as if it's supposed to be the ECW title. lol. Was not aware they were that cheap.
If this were two months ago, she probably wouldn't have even been on my radar. But with her newfound powers, I think she'd be a pretty good asset to any team. Plus, I don't have a woman yet. Vixen Vixen possesses the Tantu Totem, which magically enhances or helps Vixen control her innate animal mimicking ability. In the past, Vixen has mimicked the telepathic and physical abilities of Gorilla Grodd, the flight of a hawk, the swimming ability of a dolphin, the speed of a cheetah, the echo-location of a bat, the wall-crawling of a spider, the jumps of a cricket, the constriction of an anaconda, the strength of a bull elephant (12 tons), the senses of a wolf, the agility of a monkey, the debilitating shock of an electric eel, the regenerative abilities of earthworms, and the ability to spit venom like a spitting cobra. And more recently she can endow herself with the powers or weapons of other superhuman beings within her immediate vicinity. With a team with Superman, Black Adam, Invincible, even Mxy, she's got plenty of power to absorb, and she'd be pretty tough to beat.
No. We'll let it slide as even though his name is 'Clark Kent' as he's always been an alternate version of Superboy pretty much, until recently, which to my understanding is because of some copyright problems or something. So short answer, no, we'll count him as "Superboy"
Yes, Candy's up next, Brooklyn's last for this round. Then we're back to normal.
http://img125.imagevenue.com/img.php?image...8_123_240lo.jpg (NSFW)
Anyways, I've got quite a few powerhouses on my team, and it's time to add another. Once I saw Savage Dragon taken, I knew I had to go ahead and pick him. Kyle Rayner being my favorite hero, and being out, he's my answer to him, as their characters are fairly similar in a lot of ways. Invincible Invincible has super human strength (over 400 tons), speed, flight, and as his name states, invulnerability due to him being half human, half Viltrumite. Due to his hybrid nature he is not as strong as a true Viltrumite, but it is expected that as he grows, so will his powers. By pushing his powers to the limits he is able to accelerate them
Yea, Steviekick is next. (Although I can draft now as 12 hours is up.) I just had posted one of Nate's picks from the list he gave me, but I guess he didn't see it, and posted one anyways. So I just deleted what I posted, and now it looks out of order. But it's Stevie's/my turn.
On behalf of Mystery Eskimo: Mary Marvel
Just saw the recently released screens/vids and I have to say, it's looking pretty good. It's being made by THQ so a lot of people may end up being disappointed, but as someone who doesn't mind the SD games I like the way it looks so far. "Sure, we've seen some decent UFC games in the past, but this is the first time that THQ (known for publishing the WWE SmackDown vs. Raw games) is entering the eight-sided cage. The in-ring experience of making the SmackDown vs. Raw games will certainly help, too -- the developer of those games, Yuke's, will be making Undisputed (though the team that works on the wrestling game won't be creating the UFC title -- at least the company knows how to do man-on-man action right). And it seems to be taking its first UFC fight seriously: Yuke's is constructing a brand-new fighting engine for the game, which is great to hear because Undisputed is already kicking ass graphically." Link to the vids: http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/876/876973/vids_1.html Looking at some of the videos, it's obviously a THQ game. But some of the transitions looked pretty fluid. Particularly a part in the first vid where Forest goes for an armbar and it's reversed. Not to mention Rampage is funny as hell in the videos, cheering himself on.
On behalf of Mystery Eskimo, The always lovable, greatest hero you've never heard of: Booster Gold "Booster Gold, in his original incarnation, possessed a Legion Flight Ring, Brainiac 5's Force Field Belt, a power suit granting him enhanced strength, and wrist projectors that allow him to release powerful force bolts. He has since had many other suits, but his most recent provides all the same functions that his original suit and technology provided."
Late. but yea, as far as War Machine goes, he never even crossed my mind.
Really. Can't wait until that amazing Knox/Henry/Hardy 3 way feud.
Well if the plan is to do an Avengers movie, and Tobey isn't down for anymore movies, then they need to. To go ahead and establish someone else as the character. Otherwise it's just gonna be like this potential Justice League movie, where there are just a bunch of WhoTF guys playing the characters. (Although I admit, I'd enjoy Adam Brody as Flash)
Damn, I don't know why I was holding off on him, but for some reason I figured he wouldn't be drafted. He was to be one of my last 2 picks.
Maybe not! Chuck's moving with him.
What do you mean locked up? the chat? And Noble to RAW...don't really see anything happening for him there.
And the picks aren't announced until every 10 minutes.
http://fans.wwe.com/fannationlive/blog/200...draft_live_blog Just in addition to that, they're doing a 'live blog', that includes....Howard Finkel!
My next pick? Quite possibly the baddest Bastich in the multiverse. Lobo (For the sake of keeping this thread work friendly, figured I'd change the picture >_>) "Spit out of Heaven and Hell, Lobo is the last Czarnian, and the universe's best bounty hunter. As a boy at the age of 17 he created a plague just to kill everyone else on his planet" That...that is just awesome. Plus the Main Man is super strong, surprisingly fast, and of course tough as hell. When some "bastich" can actually hurt him, Lobo is able to heal absurdly quick. Lobo is able to survive the rigors of space without food or air, although he needs booze regularly. Not for survival, just because. He can also smoke cigars in airless space, because he needs his cigars. He was also able to create copies of himself from a single drop of blood. His weapon of choice is a chain and hook, and his preferred mode of transport is his "space hog". Lobo has an unbelievably good sense of smell that allows him to find anyone within a few solar systems. Not to mention, I'd just personally love to see the 'hi jinx' that would ensue between Lobo, Mxyzptlk, and Deathstroke. I could see Mxy and Lobo arguing as Deathstroke looks on sternly (with his one eye), or Deathstroke/Lobo having a contest over who gets the most kills. Fun for everyone. (And I don't know who Typhoid Mary is, but if these last two picks don't look like one hell of a couple...)
My next pick, someone who I think of as a steal this far in. Firestorm (Jason Rusch) Even though he's fairly new in the grand scheme of things, I consider him (Jason) the more powerful of the two. And just powerful in general. Powers include: -Possesses the ability to transmute both organic and inorganic matter with ease. This ability is limited by his will, imagination, and scientific knowledge. It is not limited by weight or volume. -Can shoot concussive force, heated or charged particles, and powerful 'fusion blasts.' -Possesses quark vision, allowing him atomic interactions and the structure of molecules. -Can see the ultraviolet spectrum. -Can see and detect thermal signatures. -Possesses microscopic and telescopic vision. -Superhuman speed in flight. He can fly up to speeds of 600 mph. -Possesses limited superhuman strength. He can lift up to at least 10 tons. -Possesses limited superhuman durability. -Possesses superhuman reflexes and reaction time. -Can easily regenerate injuries many times faster than normal human beings. -Possesses elemental reconstruction. -Can self-sustain himself for extended periods of time with food or water. He can survive in space without equipment. -Can become intangible and phase through solid objects and energy without any harm. This ability is a more stable version of Ronnie's. -Can playback memories of the Firestorm Matrix. -Possesses the ability of limited timesight, allowing him to see the Matrix's past or future while dreaming. -Has a psychic connection with the Elemental Firestorm.
Yea, that commercial really made going to Smackdown seem like it was a raw deal. No pun intended. A resounding "And the Game was played!".
My God, Kofi is probably the worst/best (I really don't know which) person at taking the throw to the stairs. He just went what looked like face first right into them. he did a few weeks ago too. Lol @ Tazz Tazz: Let me get a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM from ya! Adamle: *Silence* Tazz: Thank you.
So much for the draft meaning shit, at this point.