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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    I'm assuming it's Vince. And people come out to beat him up. One of which will be Austin.
  2. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Wow. Sexual Chocolate makes an appearence lol.
  3. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Lol...I don't know why, but Jillian's funny. At least her egging on in the background there.
  4. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Umm...yea, she looks even more fit. Especially in the abs department.
  5. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    I love how every week...it looks like the same vest... AND THEN ITS NOT! >_>
  6. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Owww fuck. Pete Gas's elimination looked painful.
  7. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Ha, Repo man. And I can't help but think of the poster, and the many times I've seen that picture in the PPV threads.
  8. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    And Hogan ruins it by coming out in the black and white...
  9. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Sweet, Hurricane sighting! Makes me think, hope Gregory Helms makes an appearence tonight. FUCK Mickie looks hot. edit- and I totally did not realize that was Molly.
  10. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Ha, loved Flair beating the shit out of Umaga to no response.
  11. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    It only applies to singles competition evidently.
  12. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    In kayfabe...by now, Umaga's probably like Orton, leave me the fuck alone haha. But man Edge is just all kinds of awesome.
  13. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Awww....although I didn't really see how it could happen, I was hoping they would all come out together to the Evo music as well.
  14. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Well damn, good for her, she looks pretty good again.
  15. Exslade ZX

    RAW XV

    Lol @ Vince being in the picture with a mic.
  16. Exslade ZX

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    ^Is obviously a fan of sarcasm.
  17. Exslade ZX

    So Fire Pro R is back

    Plus, even not being a big fan of wrestling, you can create awesome edits such as... That's right, I created all of them too lol.
  18. Exslade ZX

    Weird call

    You people give out your names way to easy over the phone.
  19. Exslade ZX

    WWE Results From Iraq

    How so? All it really shows is that the feud quite possibly continues after the match, doesn't prove who wins. As it could continue on Orton wanting to use his rematch, or Jericho just going after it again being cheated somehow or something.
  20. Exslade ZX

    The poster above you (forum edition)

    Makes me think of Shane Douglas.
  21. Exslade ZX

    So Fire Pro R is back

    Alright as good as the wrestler edit system is, this fuckin logo edit shit is ridiculous. And I'm even more pissed as I've found no real guides on how to do it, just a lot of "It's easy once you learn how to do it". AHHH! This is not new user friendly. I mean, it's not you can highlight them and words show up telling you what it is, it's just a little picture. I mean, obviously the scissors mean cut, but I'm supposed to ASSUME this. along with everything else that I have no idea what it is. I couldn't even get a cursor to come up to draw. And as I type this I finally did...and everything just turns blue! I have no idea what that means, as that's not one of the colors I selected. ! I need an f'n Max Drive soon.
  22. Exslade ZX

    So Fire Pro R is back

    That looks pretty good to me. Posted by someone at Gamefaqs. Just a guide if you want to edit yours any, as I've found it's really easy to look at pictures online and create that edit without a formula. (Except for getting the colors right)
  23. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    The CAW packs you buy start your guy at 80. Unless you were talking about popularity, and really, that means jack shit in 24/7. I spent pretty much a whole year as Jeff Hardy, WWE champion, with a popularity at like 5. (Because I actually decided to use the rest feature, because I was injured for a while)
  24. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Just grab with two hands people. It's really not that hard. When you do that, even if all Five people are standing up, by the end of the match, the person that crawls that ladder won't be able to get to you fast enough, and a computer player will ALWAYS knock the ladder over. This leaves you to just hang there and drain the meter. This should only take 3-4 times. I'm pretty sure 90 percent of the MITB matches I've had, the other competitors don't even get a chance to grab the belt. (When I'm actually trying to win, and not just playing a match) And also, never keep reaching when someone's like right at the top of the ladder. (When the meter's like almost all the way down.) Because then you're just asking for him to knock you off, and take it without even having to hold it a second.
  25. Exslade ZX


    "He said 2 questions, I'm out of here!" Brady must be going to check on that deal with the Devil.