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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    Best Song of 2007

    So I have to ask...(Seeing as three people said it) What exactly are the reasons for nominating "All My Friends" as Best song? Just Youtubed it, and all I can really say about it, is that it's an, Interesting, choice.
  2. Exslade ZX

    Guitar Hero.

    Demos up. Looks like they put a LOT of work into the background. (Which I knew, but yea) the Drummer's on beat, the singers lips are with the song, couldn't really tell while playing, but I'm sure the guitar fingering was on point, there was even a point where the guy jumped on stage from the crowd, then crowd surfed. I still have no idea though, why some notes look like last years, and some have this glowing white thing in the middle. Maybe it's just because it's a demo, I don't know. Tenacious D song was pretty hard.
  3. Exslade ZX

    My mouse buttons stopped working?

    Anyone know what might be the cause of this? (I googled it, and saw a few cases of it, but none really where questions were answered, or any that had a reason why) Was just sitting here watching a video. Then it froze, and nothing would happen to where I had to restart the computer. And when it came back on, while I was able to move the mouse around, clicking on the log in icons did nothing.. Luckily I had an extra mouse, and I just switched, and it works, but as for the other mouse, is it dead now, and essentially useless? Is it a thing where it'll work in a little while, something to with the drivers? I don't really no...sort of sucks though, because if this one fucks up I have to buy a new one
  4. Exslade ZX

    Windows Vista

    ...is a pain. Maybe it's because I had to get a new computer just yesterday, and I'm not used to it yet, but, even though I've read people complain it's not that different from XP, it doesn't feel the same at all :/. But my question, is is there anyway to stop it from asking me to "confirm" every time I do one simple thing? Exp. every time I want to delete one simple picture, the whole confirm/type password thing comes up (Even if I don't have a password), and that's way to much extra hassle. So is there anyway I can stop this?
  5. Exslade ZX

    ECW 10.23.07

    Well...they came up with that commercial fast..
  6. Exslade ZX

    How I Met Your Mother

    I love this show. And they way they connect scenes through seasons. Tonight's example being Ted meeting Barney. And his whole "I'm gonna teach you how to live" which they followed up with a whole new addition which was funny as hell. I'm still waiting for the goat in the bathroom! Which, I'm pretty sure would be this season.
  7. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Well, bad news for you guys, they're not.
  8. Exslade ZX

    The OaO ECW thread for October 16 2007.

    Alright...I'm about 95 percent sure, Miz just hit the fuck out of Morrison. That one looked like it caught.
  9. Exslade ZX

    The OaO ECW thread for October 16 2007.

    That, at least from that one side camera angle, is an extremely blue mat.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    No, it's not. There's two types. Only difference is in one you use the analog stick to move, the other you use the d-pad.
  11. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Climb the scaffold with A. And evidently the weapon grapples are only for the Hardcore style, which no one in the demo has, so you can't do them. As someone who hated the demo with a passion earlier...I've grown to like, or rather, accept >_> it after having played for a while. And I think after a short while of playing, especially having the likes of Punk, Burke, Dreamer, and the other updated, and outdated wrestlers, I'll be able to have fun with this for a few months.
  12. Exslade ZX

    Total Non-Stop Action

    Yea...too bad the in game shots don't look that good. Not that the graphics are bad (Although I did notice blocky hands) but there's no point in hyping up the screen shot if the game looks nothing like that.
  13. Exslade ZX

    Windows Vista

    Yea, there's also an error that although I don't think it was confirmed...the assumption is that it has to do with AIM, and Vista that causes a disconnection from the network. (I had it) All in all, I really think I preferred XP.
  14. Exslade ZX

    Madden NFL 08

    I was ready to be amazed that anyone could get that far. because i have played every game of two seasons and I am at the second teir. And to me, this is the best madden in a while. It has its flaws, but it is still a damn good game. And the first season using my franchise, Vick had the yards but had 30 touchdowns and 21 INT's with a passing percentage of around 50 percent. This season I am up to around 70 percent passing with alot less INT's because I am learning the quirks of the game and when and where to go to certain plays. I haven't fumbled out side of a missed pitch since the first couple of days playing the game. RB people...cover the ball. Trust me, on All Madden, unless you adjust the sliders, that doesn't seem to help. (Because eventually I got to the point where I would hold RB from the start of the play, and just cover the whole way lol) And although RB worked fine for me on Pro. He still seems to do it occasionally on All-Madden. (Unless I turn up my RB ability, or their tackling ability down.)
  15. Exslade ZX

    10/11 Impact

    Oh wow! Love the new Look for Sting!@ >_>
  16. Exslade ZX

    ECW 10.9.07

    Holy shit....that almost looked like a broken neck right there. (But second view looked like he didn't actually hit, so I think he's safe)
  17. Exslade ZX

    ECW 10.9.07

    Ha...I thought it was a new Save_us video at first.. At first I was thinking, if it was Jericho, they wouldn't waste it on Cyber Sunday. (Or whoever it was)...but now, I can see why it'd be, with the whole viral thing and all. Lol...at Kennedy and Hardy just sort of getting lumped in there...
  18. Exslade ZX

    ECW 10.9.07

    Did you ever think you'd hear "What kind of human being punts a Teddy Bear!?" Haha.. I do love the Miz though.
  19. Exslade ZX

    Madden NFL 08

    Man...FUCK this game on All-Madden. Tis' bullshit I tell thee. I just lost 58 to fucking 0. Zero. Granted, I was using the Texans, but still, that shit is ridiculous. How about Grossman finishes 11 of 13, while Griese finishes 10 of 12. One missing, because it hit a linemen in the back of the head, and the other because I pretty much dove at a receiver right before he got it, and it caused him to drop. Meanwhile, I finish 6 of 14, and 4 of 16. What the fuck. Most of my passes, which hit the receiver..and I mean just that, perfect pass, one on one, and the ball just hits the fucker straight in the chest as he watches it fall. Or, the few times they did catch it, juggled lose, whether it be by barely being touched, or getting the fuck knocked out of him. (Tillman killed my guys) Oh yea, I can't forget the 4 interceptions I threw, compared to the 1 I got (Don't worry...of course, he fumbled it) I also had 2 other fumbles, both on the same play, where Green drops it, then we cause them to fumble...and then we drop it again! Again, bullshit. Oh, and their rushing. Lol. How about they break every fuckin tackle? If we weren't gang tackling, then we weren't tackling, because both Benson, and Dayne (Trade) just ran right through our guys. With, and without hitstick. I understand it makes you easier to knock off if the hitstick doesn't work, but once I had to resort to normal tackling...he dragged my guys at least ten yards each time, until someone was able to jump in and help! (What's the point of having the Hit and Highlight stick if you can't use them!?) Oh yea, punt returners do it to evidently, since they had a touchdown where the guy broke four tackles! And I'm just sitting here dumbfounded like what am I supposed to do? Can't forget, they early jump every fucking play! And yes, I know this post is essentially pointless, but I need to vent, and I'm sure the people in my dorm are tired of hearing me yell obscenities. (And I know there are people out there who say that even on All-madden, this game is way to easy for them...well, fuck you guys. Because I found that shit impossible) And although I wanted a challenge on this franchise..I didn't want to feel like the computer was playing me on Easy! What the hell. AHH! Definitely going down to All-Pro. Fuck you Madden. edit- Second game (Yea, I didn't want to just wuss out and quit after one game) First play...neat little four yard run, where pretty much the whole defense tackles me. Fine. Second play? Interception!...but that's ok, we get a good hit and knock the ball lose...fumble on them...what happens? My guy flys right over trying to pick it!...Doesn't touch it at all, just jumps over it, and they get it back. *Sigh*
  20. Exslade ZX

    NFL Week 5 Fails to Rebuild New Orleans

    Ha, saw that as well, thought it was funny ass hell.
  21. Exslade ZX

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

    Is HBK 100 percent...? He seemed to be stumbling around a little there, at least that's the way it looked. (HE also has on, either knee pads...or really high ass boots) Nice sell by Orton though.
  22. Exslade ZX

    The OAO RAW Thread 10/08/07

  23. I assume it is, but thought I'd ask someone who might know better before I just start deleting shit. What I mean is, (This is a new computer) there's all this stuff that I have on it, that I don't use, and I probaly never will, and hell I don't even know what it is. For example, this computer came with some 'eSobi'. There's also stuff from the manufacturer like 'Acer technology', that I really don't know how to use. Those are just examples and I'm sure there's others, and I feel like they're just taking up space. So is it fine to delete that stuff? Or are there maybe default programs up there, that keep the computer running, and I probaly shouldn't mess with it?
  24. Exslade ZX

    OAO 2007 No Mercy Thread

    So, I'm sensing a lot of pissed off people...for those who ordered expecting Y2J
  25. Exslade ZX

    Madden NFL 08

    ...He's a hell of a kicker? edit- But on a serious note, is it just the kicker you're trying to sign, or does it do it for anyone? And a question of my own, can you have more then one Franchise? I was trying to start a new one (different team, higher difficulty) but whenever I try and save, it says I'll overwrite, and I see no way to rename it, Franchise2 or something.