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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Yea they did. first match mentioned after mentioning Punk.
  2. Lol @ Miz's "Ooohhhhh Snap" And that punch looked pretty nice. edit- Wait...so Miz is a pimp? Literally...
  3. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    It's a disc you get from certain Bestbuy's.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Raw 10.1.07

    They only showed it once. And the move was so fast/covered such a wide area, the camera was simply a still shot in the center of the ring for half of the replay. So it happened quick, but they did show it once.
  5. Exslade ZX

    Big Bang Theory (CBS)

    Second episode was a lot better. I have a friend i've made watch the show (Mainly because we will never miss an episode of HIMYM!) and although he didn't really enjoy the first one, this one got quite a few laughs. (And me being the comic book geek I am, enjoyed the Superman convo and Green Lantern reference)
  6. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    It's coming out for PS2 anyways...
  7. Exslade ZX


    Surely I can't be the only one who bought this masterpiece of a game? Which is exactly what it is. I've been excited about it for a while, as I'd been playing the demo nonstop for about 2 weeks, and even after being delayed for a few days it came out yesterday! And it really is an awesome game. Realism at it's best. (When going down huge ass hills, I get a little queezy...not literally, but damn it really feels like I'm flying down a hill) There are some annoyances...but they can be overlooked. Main one, is I'm so used to being able to get off the board in skate games (aka Tony Hawk) so it's a pain when I see a great spot, but i can't get to it because there's a huge flight of stairs...or even just a little high rise that's to high for me to jump to, so I have to find some 10 minute route to get to that spot. But on the plus side...skating that ten minute route to get to that spot is fun...so I suppose it all works out.
  8. Exslade ZX

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    How, it's funny as hell seeing the reaction of the superstars, in this kind of environment. Aka Elijah Burke dancing to the ho's lol. (Oh..and everything Jeff Hardy was doing)
  9. Exslade ZX

    50 Cent vs. Kanye West

    Lol, I love that forced pronunciation of "fiddy" cent.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special #1

    Being the huge Kyle Rayner fan that I am, I have to say I enjoyed Tales of Sinestro Corps, Parallax story as well.
  11. Exslade ZX

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Oh, sweet.
  12. Exslade ZX

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Bitch stole my name? Wait, there's no EscaladeZX. What did I miss?
  13. Exslade ZX

    Your Collection in picture form

    But...their PSP movies! >_>
  14. Exslade ZX

    WWE General Discussion - September 2007

    And...another, out of date superstar on SDvsRAW (on ECW too, no less) I must say that sucks, as I enjoy Cor Von.
  15. Exslade ZX

    101 reasons why

    http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/844/844743/vids_2.html Bottom right.
  16. Exslade ZX

    Freaks & Geeks

    I'm thinking Undeclared deserves it's own Topic as well. Or at least to be added to this one... Because Judd Apatow is that good.
  17. Exslade ZX

    The OaO Raw Thread - 9/17/2007

    Holy shit...Cena's dad can sell better then he can. He's selling the Orton stomp like death lol.
  18. Exslade ZX

    The OaO Raw Thread - 9/17/2007

    Lol @ Triple H's WTF look. You just know that was a serious look.
  19. Exslade ZX


    You said that as if that's the only thing you can do... You can keep it 'realistic' if you want (check out some of the vids on gamefaqs...or just from the skate.reel link) but how fun would that be? I like the fact you can do realistic moves if you want..or, 'Go Big' , unlike in Tony Hawk, where you pretty much have no choice.
  20. Exslade ZX

    50 Cent vs. Kanye West

    the fuck?
  21. Exslade ZX

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Maybe a stupid question, but do Xbox Live updates ever causes a game to fuck up more? Been playing Skate all day, no problem. Then, decided to connect to Live, and I had to update it to play, and since, it's crashed like three times now (The game just freezes up) and I'm curious as to whether or not the update had anything to do with it
  22. Exslade ZX


    My very own/first vid! Which I just figured out how to do...(And yea, the flips a little unrealistic, but still, looked nice) http://skate.share.ea.com/profiles/18826/posts/125788.aspx
  23. Exslade ZX


    In short, yes.
  24. Exslade ZX


    Yea, I'd say it's far from Tony Hawk. When string three tricks together in a line is actually an accomplishment...yea, far from being able to 900, 5 times in a row. (Although you can still sometimes hit, fictional stuff, but even then it looks real' example (Videos from gamefaqs) some guy hitting a Double front flip. http://skate.share.ea.com/profiles/6440/posts/118169.aspx http://skate.share.ea.com/profiles/15657/posts/119156.aspx (Gotta love the old lady laying on the ground....) And just figured out there's a whole gallery, although I don't know how good the tricks are but yea >_> http://skate.share.ea.com/profiles/
  25. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Vs Raw 08

    Wierd. I wonder whos dick he sucked to get that rating... Well Matt Hardy's a 90... (And keep in mind when they were doing the roster, he hadn't done any of the stuff he has recently.)