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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Yes, exactly. "WE WANT WRESTLING" True, but at least, surprisingly it was still actually adding continuity to a story that's been going on for weeks anyways, so it's not THAT horrible in the whole aspect of things.
  2. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Oh wow...I'm laughing. I don't know why. But it's funny.
  3. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    I see Regal was prepared >_>
  4. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    ....The hell was that?
  5. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Carlito and Cody are really....bright.
  6. Exslade ZX

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 8/6/2007

    Why isn't cena in it? He's a contracted superstar.. "Regal hurt himself, did you see him scoot under the rope and hobble off?" Which chances are is his heel tactic win.
  7. Exslade ZX

    The Dark Knight

    Here's the aformentioned trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwWwneV6tg0 and I have to say HOLY SHIT. That is all.
  8. Exslade ZX

    Impact spoilers

    Alright yea...may be just me, but I'm totally loving this these Angle segments lol
  9. Exslade ZX

    Smackdown Spoilers...

    Wow, thought there were some really nice spots in the Yang/Dykstra match. The reversal of the leg sweep into a leg drop, Dykstra sliding and grabbing Wang's legs when he hit the ropes, the knees during the crossbody, which looked pretty nasty...and I'm always amazed when Kenny gets on the top rope (he just jumps up, without turning around). I enjoyed the match.
  10. Exslade ZX

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Man this sucks, as I had my next few months all planned out. (Assassin's Creed - Sept, GTA - Oct, Smackdown - Nov)... ..but hey, I guess at least it's saving me money in the long run, for a while at least.
  11. Exslade ZX

    Super Hero Clash of The Titans Final Round

    Damn you...you used the Batman picture I was going to use to make my choice. >_> But I mean come on...really, he's the Goddamn Batman! (And did you have to pick the worst Daredevil picture ever? ) But yea, Batman.
  12. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Damn that was a nice little match there. And dead on about the selling. There were a few times where I thought each competitor was really hurt, espcially Burke (and that busted lip def helped) but that was a great match. Loved Burke's little pissed off flurry.
  13. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Holy shit...Burke about busted his ass. I totally thought he was going to when I saw that he was going to do a running start...and sure enough he almost did
  14. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Mmhmm...so I'm starting to think Punk always says/shouts random things during his matches? Because I'm pretty sure I just heard "Wow that hurt, huh" after that elbow to the back
  15. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Don't really think so, especially with his whole "Men fear me" thing. I think more of a tweener then anything...where the girls like him, the guys hate him. "Is that a different Boogie Man? A Boogie Man 2 if you will?" Pretty sure it was not. Just a different look, got rid of the black spots, and black around the eyes/lips, dyed his hair red, and put in some contacts. And I think he might have had some red stuff on his chest, but couldn't really tell
  16. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    The amount of oil on him is disgusting. edit-Ok..nvmind, it was gone by the end of the match >_> And lol at Striker hitting the guys with his pointer afterwards. Boogeyman looks retarded (yes, even more) without the black.
  17. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Those backbreakers look like hell....I wouldn't be surprised if something on Stevie was fucked up
  18. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    I actually like that whole concept...good build for SS.
  19. Exslade ZX

    ECW 7.31.07

    Johnny's joking on his old friend Paris >_> That's Joey Ryan right? Can't tell with that ponytail..
  20. Exslade ZX

    DC's Final Crisis by Grant Morrison and JG Jones

    With that teaser, my guess is that Hawkman dies. (Again >_>) Because really, for what reason is he even on that poster? As far as I can recall, he hasn't done anything recently, and he doesn't even have his own series right now, I don't believe. (Although I don't read Hawkgirl, so he's probaly making appearences in that I don't know about) And I doubt any of the others would die.. Although it is a Crisis...and there is a Flash on that poster. Although I'm really thinking Barry Allen returns soon, after that fuzzy ending to the Lightning saga
  21. Exslade ZX

    Guitar Hero.

    I'm pretty sure those are actually "mods". There's a way to like hook Guitar Hero up to your computer, ,and actually create whatever song you want. (I think that's the PS2 version, don't know if it's possible with 360 or not..) so yea..
  22. Exslade ZX

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Maybe he could "injure" it, and get it put in a cast >_>
  23. Exslade ZX

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Hey...dumbasses, stop crawling into that position when Orton's in the ring with you..pretty simple solution :/. I also think it's funny these kicks to teh head are taking people out..but the repeated stomps, DDT's, punches/clotheslines, etc, are doing nothing. But then again, that's why I love wrestling.
  24. Exslade ZX

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Ha, someone threw money at him....idiot.
  25. Exslade ZX

    OAO Raw Thread - July 30, 2007

    Ahhh...now wonder USA wants a 3 hour RAW. So they can have 20 million commercials instead of 18 million