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Exslade ZX

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Everything posted by Exslade ZX

  1. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Hey...Mark Henry's on RAW now.. Oh, nevermind, it's Umaga Edit- Now...what was the reason Armando stopped Umaga from fighting last night? That's stupid. Why the hell couldn't they have just done this last night...
  2. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    Nice pop for Carlito
  3. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/26 Raw Thread

    I must say, I'm surprised how cleanly she won. And I totally forgot that Melina could fight for the Women's title now.
  4. Exslade ZX

    Kyle XY

    But that didn't keep it from being good. I thought I was going to be the only one watching it. But yea, I loved it. It was just so...I don't know, "quirky" and weird, it was good.And he played, confused really well.
  5. Exslade ZX

    OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

    I wouldn't say it was bad so much, as it just wasn't exciting. There used to be a point when on pay per views, there was always some kind of surprises, or something extra or something (I really expected X-pac, or at least a new DX member tonight)...but instead now, matches just sort of happen. As others have said, I really enjoyed the 3 way match. I really like the Tower of Doom like spot. And contrary to what Meltzer said, it didn't look like a Bad X-Division match, but instead, a good WWE match. WWE title match was good as well, but I'm still a little piss there were still 3 matches left after it. The DX match actually wasn't that bad (until the end when they buried them all with finishers) And kudos to Johnny. Spot of the match IMO at least, was Johnny's karate deal, which otherwise would have been stupid, but since his face/chest were covered in blood from what looked like a legit nose bleed/break, it just made it look so cool. Overall, the PPv wasn't that bad imo. Although, the STF is still a gay finishing move.
  6. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    I think everyone knows, Raw is "The A Show".. But of course, you will never here JBL, or any commentator/wrestler on SD go, 'This is the B (or C) Show!'...unless it's their gimmick, like Booker when he first came
  7. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    Wow, I can't believe I find myself liking Mark Henry. (More so tolerating, believing him as a main eventer, then 'liking', but nonetheless) I haven't been on the bandwagon of 'SD is consistently better then RAw', what I can I say, I'm a big fan of the sports entertainment dealio, but this has been a good SD for wrestling. And a good SD overall. Just 2 matches lasting almost half the show? Wow. If it wasn't for Edge, I would be on that bandwagon. (although if they keep up with this DX crap, I'm sure I will be)
  8. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    Ha, Kennedy is awesome. Only man who could have a succesful feud with Tony Chimel. And for a minute there, looked like he was trying to do CPR with Funaki.
  9. Exslade ZX

    The OAO 6/23 Smackdown Thread

    Because he's been injured. I'm sure he has one to come. Probaly US title before World Title though.
  10. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Did Orton hurt his arm, or is he selling? (meaning did someone do a move to his arm..if so I missed it, because he's acting like he's hurt(
  11. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Ouch...on that angle..he really hit his face.
  12. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Sabu vs Mamaluke.. Mainly a Sabu squash, but it was a match.
  13. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    I bet well get a big ECW chant now.
  14. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Wow...Test... Unlike most, I actually want to see him come back...but I wanted to see him on RAW, or hell...even SD. Not here.
  15. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    They need a black girl..or at least someone who can do this better. Because she's at Christina Model level dancing right here
  16. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    He doesn't like being attacked from behind... So he wants a lumberjack match...
  17. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity_%28wrestler%29 Oh, I know who that is (heh, look at the discussion earlier) Was talking about the chick with the tarot cards at the very beginning.
  18. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Well...at least they found a way to make Dreamer not look like a total bitch, with the smiling at the end there
  19. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Yea...look at that amazing pyro! that they won't be able to use in a small arena >_>
  20. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    I think you need a pair of glasses. Yea, all the better to see her nice rack, her great ass, and her just..completely fit body. I will agree her face isn't the greatest. (although sometimes, her face still finds a way to be cute :/) But I'd still do her in a heartbeat.
  21. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    They really cut like all of the lights off didn't they.. And this is weird, the main camera the one facing the announce table.
  22. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    God, I love Trinity
  23. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/20 ECW Week 2 Thread

    Is that Shelly..? Or some random chick
  24. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Yea....they really are half-assing this DX reunion thing.. Ha! Get it! Hahahhaha Yea..I suck.
  25. Exslade ZX

    OAO 6/19/06 Raw Thread

    Wrestling is gay.