Dark Age
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One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
While he certainly shouldn't be crucified for having one bad match, you can't just "Eh. He didn't try, but he USUALLY does so he's off the hook this time". Blaming the crowd, broken nose and the time it was given is nonsense as well. The match was going nowhere to begin with. They didn't try to display any type of wrestling psychology, instead opting to throw out chops and random moves until Benoit's tap out victory finish. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I guess you missed the part where I said he deserved criticism. -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
Well, now that I think about it: -During a Paul London/Akio match on Smackdown last week, Eddie ran in and beat both of them up within one minute of the match starting just to cut a promo and take away their spotlight. -Eddie getting pissed about having to put Benoit over at ECW: ONS, and intentionally giving Benoit a bad match. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, there ya go. You proved me wrong. Let's make Eddie Guerrero the NEW anti-Christ of the "IWC". After all, a writer had him INTERFERE IN A MATCH BETWEEN LONDON AND AKIO! He gave ONE BAD PERFORMANCE! What a fucking asshole that Eddie Guerrero is! -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
Also, can someone go back and listen to JBL after the Tanaka/Awesome match? I'm probably hearing things, but I'm sure JBL says to OJ, regarding Awesome, "call him". Probably not, but that's what it sounded like. -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
No one is trying to justify it. Sulking because he had to job (if it's true) is silly, regardless of the situation, and half-assing it is pretty shitty. HOWEVER, to crucify the guy for ONE bad performance is just idiotic. By all means, he deserves criticism (IF IT'S TRUE, and IF it wasn't anything to do with his injury) but comments like "fuck Eddie Guerrero" are just insane. Nevermind that the guy constantly puts on some of the best performances in the company, or that he's probably the best wrestler in the E, let's just kill him for one bad display. Nevermind that he had a broken nose, the crowd was ignoring his match and he was given only nine minutes. -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
Sounds like Eddie is becoming the Latino HHH on Smackdown. Ugh. This absolutely sucks. I hope he doesn't ask WWE to let him squash Paul London every other month like HHH does to the Hurricane on Raw. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How the hell did you come to that conclusion? -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
Oh but it did. -
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
I find it funny you say that, considering it would be much more appropriate for JBL. -
I figure Trips is going to SD, with the world title, and Cena's staying on Raw. This allows them to do the Cena/Christian and Cena/Jericho programmes that have long been rumoured without using two picks. I'm thinking Angle also goes to Raw, and Orton to SD.
One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread
Dark Age replied to GreatWhiteNope's topic in The WWE Folder
It wasn't bad... but it was just a Raw TV match when they could and should have had a classic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll go further then. It was really, REALLY bad. Loved the show, though. -
Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches
Dark Age replied to Downhome's topic in The WWE Folder
Yeah, I wouldn't argue with you, 'cos I got a lot of love for HIAC, too. MY favourite Taker matches are ONO, HIAC, SS98 with Austin, NM02 with Brock and the SD03 summer match with Angle. Oh, and Ground Zero with Shawn rules as well. -
I can top that. Three-person announce team. Romero. Grisham. And the announcing antichrist... Ivory~! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought Lita was the announcing antichrist... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How soon we have forgotten Ernest Miller... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ernest Miller isn't even nearly as bad as Ivory was. Ivory was absolutely BRUTAL. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, Ernest Miller was fucking awesome. The way he would just laugh his way through an entire match. His constant HATING~! on Zach Gowen. The guy rocked! Ernest Miller on Velocity was gold.
Undertaker (3-disc), HHH (3-disc), Ladder Matches
Dark Age replied to Downhome's topic in The WWE Folder
Yes. Yes it was. Taker's best match ever. -
Oh boy, the more I think about it, the more I think I've got this really, really wrong. I'm thinking Trips wins the belt at Vengeance, and DOES jump to SD, and becomes the top heel over there. Angle to jump to Raw, along with Cena. Orton may go to SD, too. That REALLY changes the way the rosters line up, and it's appealing to me for some reason. Raw with Edge, Angle, Jericho and Christian as the main event heels sounds pretty boss.
Yes, I am quite fantastic, I must say. Good thing you people are starting to notice.
I've pretty much erased all 99 - 2002 tv from my mind, so matches like Venis/Austin escape me. I do recall, however, Venis having a good match with Rock around the time of the Austin match. I'm going to have to get a comp with all this stuff on. Poch, the Venis/D-Lo match was Slam98, Venis/Kish was FullyLoaded00, you're right on Val/Mick, and I think you're thinking of Eddie/Val for the KOTR qualifier. Anyway, Val/D-Lo is a lot of fun, though sloppy, and it coud have done with a few more mins. I can't remember Val/Mankind at all. The KOTR was a lot of goodness, but way too short. The cage match was very well booked, but I loved the Kish/Val feud. Val's matches with Orton last year are really good, smoking anything Trips has done with him, and as good as anything Orton's done, including the Benoit matches. The Val/Storm/Dudleys tag match last year was also really good, and it's on the WMXX DVD if anyone wants to check it out. He also dragged some good stuff out of Garrison Cade last year that needs to be seen.
Hw do you figure Simon Dean is a jobber, but Snitsky isn't? I can't remember Snitsky going over ANYONE since his feud with Maven.
Why do people ignore the Street Fight with HBK when they're talking about great matches? It was the best match of 2002, god damn it! Also, the Raw match with HBK in December 2003 was undeniably at least a **** match. And for as much as this board creams itself over Benoit's win at WM XX, it should probably get some consideration as a **** match as well. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really. The street fight was hardly great. I can see the appeal, but it's not a great match, and there are far better matches in 02 (Benoit/Rey, Benoit/Angle, Rock/Jericho, the No Mercy tag, Lesnar/Taker). In fact, there's at least FOUR better matches on the same show! The Raw match with Shawn was pretty good, but, again, hardly great. I love the three-way, but I don't think it's ****. I think LMS with Jericho is Trips' best match. That is MAYBE ****. Maybe.
Looks pretty good. Also looks really quick. Like, I though Benoit/JBL would be the mid-show main event, and then it just seemed to end. I wouldn't have moved Benoit or Cena, but, eh, Benoit on SD could be good.
Venis had a singles match better than any Triple H singles match last year. He also had a better tag match than H had. Just sayin'.
Ya know, I'm finding it hard to think of a REAL **** Triple H match. LMS with Jericho? RR with Cactus Jack? That's about it, really, and they are arguable.
Oh, I don't know about that, but, just off the top of my head, the following have all been released/fired/cut/quit/whatever: Raven, D-Lo Brown, Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn, Rodney Mack, A-Train, Rico, Ron Waterman, Chad Collyer, Matt Stryker, Steve Bradley, EZ Money, Flash (Kobain in TNA), Elix Skipper, Kid Romeo, Alan Funk, Kaz Hayashi, Lash LeRoux, Jimmy Yang (though was later rehired), Rhyno, Matt Hardy, Spanky, Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboli, Reno, Jamie Noble, Sean O'Haire, Bull Buchanan, Scott Steiner, Goldust, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Sakoda, Ultimo Dragon, Mike Sanders, Jamal, Russ McCoulagh, Mike Awesome, DDP, Shawn Stasiak, Evan Karagias, Kanyon, Bryan Clark, Brian Adams, Ernest Miller, Nathan Jones, Big Vito, Mideon, Gangrel, Viscera (rehired), Perry Saturn, Faarooq, Godfather, Rikishi, Grand Master Sexay, Ron Killings, Billy Gunn, X-Pac, Road Dogg, Eddie Guerrero (rehired), BJ Payne, Curt Hennig, Test, Bryan Danielson, Luther Reigns, Predator (?) Probably a lot more but I don't care to find them out. Someone will, I'm sure.
Christian should still jump. Like I said in the other thread, I'm certain Cena will be back on SD. No doubt in my mind. I dont think too many ME should shift. I like the idea of Shawn going over to SD, since theres nothing left for him on RAW. Kane has to feud with Edge. Jericho is going places. I think Christian has to go over too, possibly with Eugene. His 1st apperance should be on Carlitos Cabana. Imagine the setting. He should be traded last (although I like the thought of a guy being traded from 1 show to another and then back again). His 1st opponent should be TBS but Matt Morgan helps him win. Then he goes over Booker T very quickly, since this has already been done. Rey only after his summers feud with Eddie. Id like to see Christian and JBL promos. He should face Cena either straight before Eddie or just after. Which order is best I dont know. Id think the latter, since Eddie would overshadow Christian. I think two or three new "names" on both shows could make them seem much fresher. It's needed. Shawn, Jericho and Christian really need to jump, as do Angle and Taker. Eugene shouldn't. He should team with Regal again, plus he would be better in a live environment, methinks. An Eddie, Jericho and Christian unholy alliance would rule.
There's NO WAY Cena stays on Raw. He'll be back on SmackDown! within the month. Bank on it. Jericho and Christian to go with him and continue their thing over there. BTW, now that they did the Cena switch, I wouldn't be shocked if Trips went to SD so as to put the Vengeance match in "doubt". I mean, like Cena, he'll go back to Raw, but they're going to try and be smart and do it.
Yeah, Punk is so signing. Can't blame him. Good luck to him, whatever he does.
They should have the GMs pick free agents. Like, Raw picks Matt Capotelli, SmackDown! picks Johnny Jeter, etc. It would make these guys seem important. Am I the only one who thinks someone is going to be drafted twice? Like, to Raw, then back to SmackDown!? It would be really stupid, but I'd bet they would think they're being really cute and smart, so they'd do it. Oh, and the Booker following Angle think isn't a bad IDEA - a wrestler chasing his rival to another show could be good. It's just, it would suck with Book and Kurt.