Dark Age
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No. I'd remove the last few, but he is a better WRESTLER than Shawn. Shawn has always been more about spots than actual wrestling. I'm not talking about Shawn.
WrestleMania 21 Participants Mania Records
Dark Age replied to ChrisMWaters's topic in The WWE Folder
London/Chavo isn't confirmed, is it? -
Presale Password for RAW/SD Taping in MSG
Dark Age replied to pochorenella's topic in The WWE Folder
I doubt it. That would mean a lot of guys pulling double duty, and a lot of guys not wrestling at all. Obviously, this could happen, but I doubt they'd waste a double taping on anything BUT two (complete) sets of rosters. It'd kill the buzz for someone to switch shows, then appear on their new brand in front of the same crowd. BTW, there's a newspaper in the UK called the Daily Star, which has a wrestling column featured every Saturday. In (I think) last week's edition, they said something to the extent of "Cena could do with moving to Raw in the draft, but with that likely pushed back to the summer.....". Hmm. Not that I'd take the word of a UK newspaper, but still. -
This SD proved to me, once and for all, that Eddie is more over than Cena. Oh yes.
His match with Cena was watchable. Despite that.... He's not a very good wrestler.
They did the "lose title shot" deal with Austin/H a few years ago. The "opponent gets pin to disappointment of partner" thing happened with AJ and Jerry Lynn. Still, both are OK with me. Looks the best SD in forever, IF London/Kidman gets time.
This implies that all Japanese matches are about flips and junk. Not true. US wrestlers tend to be a million times more spotty than Japanese.
That's a pretty stupid and ignorant saying.
I'm not even a Hogan FAN you fool. It's just that I, unlike you, don't let bias get in the way of determining whether a match is good or not. Once again, you don't try to show WHY the matches aren't good. I request you leave. Don't reply again.
Oh man..... Don't tell me it wasn't good. It was. It wasn't great, I'm not claiming that. BUT, it's a good match. It's better than Triple H/Shawn. It's better than a good few of the MOTYC from WWE in 2002. Seriously, do you realise how ridiculous you sound? Your first sentence is terrible. I mean, just awful. "Hey, I mark for this guy, so I'll just say the match is good" is what you are saying. You'll defend yourself, but there is no defence. I TOLD you why the match was good, and yet you just ignored it and continued making whatever inane argument it is that you're making. Oh, and Randy Savage sucked in 99. Shut up. Seriously. SHUT THE FUCK UP. You haven't got a clue about anything. You're clueless. What does Austin have to do with Rock-Hogan? How on Earth is Austin overrated? Don't even reply, just leave. Don't think about replying. Just make your stupid little argument in your head and leave it there. Don't waste my time.
So, what, tag matches don't count? You simply said that Rock hadn't jobbed clean - I gave you a match in which he did job clean, by submission, no less. Who cares about a distraction, really? Distraction leading to a fluke win for the opponent when victory is inevitable for Rock, I'll give you - see Hurricane Vs. Rock. Distraction in this case doesn't taint the victory. It was clean. Don't deny it.
Except Rock tapped out to Benoit, clean, 3 weeks earlier. Your Rocky hate is sad.
Woah, that's like my dream scenario. So, what would Brock have done in the PPVS after SurSeries? I presume a title defense against Edge, maybe Eddie? I'd always assumed that the plan was for Angle (as a face) to end the undefeated streak of Brock at Mania. Why was the plan to go with Benoit winning the belt? Any info on what would have happened afterwards? And, what would have resulted from Booker's title win? A feud with Jericho?
Wrestlemania Plans over the last few months
Dark Age replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in The WWE Folder
The draft could spark things up a little. Heel Jericho challenging Cena could be something good. They'll do a rematch with JBL, obviously. Christian would make a decent challenger as well, or even Kane. If they're going to stick with Cena as a long term champion (and I don't think they will), then it wouldn't hurt to make him a "fighting champion". Defend against faces and heels. That way we got some decent main events with Cena Vs. Eddie, Cena Vs. Rey, etc. Putting Brock on SD when he returns is another big match for John. Brock Vs. Cena I could see headlining Mania22. But, of course, this is all assuming he's the long term champ. I can see him dropping it by GAB. -
I think it very well may be one of the ONLY clean losses Hogan has ever had period. Hogan has done quite a few clean losses. He jobbed to Rock and Kurt Angle pretty cleanly. Brock Lesnar too. Brock Lesnar Vs. Hulk Hogan Boy, there's another underrated match.
Wrestlemania Plans over the last few months
Dark Age replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in The WWE Folder
They shouldn't turn Eddie. It'd be a huge mistake. It bombed last time, and it would bomb again. As over as Rey is, Eddie's still way more popular. Plus, Eddie's just too sympathetic now. It's hard not to feel sorry for Eddie, the character and the man. I don't think anyone would boo him any more, despite the fact that he's probably the best heel in the company. I could maybe see the crowd booing him against Rey if he absolutely MURDERED Rey in a beatdown, but beyond that, I don't see it. Their best bet is either a repect feud, or, my favourite, have Eddie go tweener for a few months. Use Eddie's real life problems as part of the storyline; he's paranoid, burnt out, at boiling point. He's jealous of Rey and Book's respect for each other. Have Eddie beat Rey and Book in PPV matches, clean, but not want to be alligned with them. Finally, have Eddie win the title at GAB (one year after losing it) and Book, Rey and Chavo all come out and congratulate Eddie, who realises that his friends stood by him through his problems. Cena would be jealous that Eddie wins the title that he couldn't win, BAM - heel turn, Eddie Vs. Cena next year at Mania. -
I see Eddie/Cena as quite possibly the only "money match" on SmackDown right now. They shouldn't waste that on a crappy PPV like JD. Save it for SummerSlam. It could headline WM22 (Cena should be the heel). Jericho going to SD, as a heel, and winning the belt works. Have him win it IMMEDIATLEY, like at JD, then have Cena chasing to win it back. Have Jericho drop to Book or someone at around NM. THEN have Cena win it back at SurvivorSeries, turn heel and go to Mania, where he'd drop it to Eddie. Good times. Well, if Cena went to Raw, one or two of those guys would be going in the opposite direction. I wouldn't switch Cena until next yeat, maybe, as they've got life left in him on SD, if they make a few other switches. And besides, do you really think Benoit, Jericho and Edge pose any threat to Cena? Get real. Those guys are seen as second tier. Cena on Raw would run in to the same problems as everyone else - not getting a chance to get past Shawn and Trips. However, he would be viewed as, probably, the number three guy, maybe four, with Batista. SmackDown doesn't need Cena. They have Eddie Guerrero. Eddie SHOULD be the star of the company right now and for the next few years. They screwed it up.
Wrestlemania Plans over the last few months
Dark Age replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in The WWE Folder
Eddie/Rey could be great in a different sense. I'd expect/hope they'll develop a story with Eddie resisiting the urge to cheat throughout the match, until a point where he finally has the opportunity to win the match via cheating, but decides against it, and in doing so, saves his friendship with Rey. I don't want them to job Eddie at Mania (a year after he was champ), but it could work. Either have Eddie prove that he can win without cheating (tease all of Rey's wins over Eddie in the past before that; build something around the Splash Mountain Bomb; Eddie's submission win over Rey in 02; his win with the La Majistral in 03, and all Rey's wins at the end of last year/start of this) after deciding against it, or have it cost him and give Rey the win. Rey going over with a rollup (after Eddie decides not to cheat) could work as Rey would get a HUGE win, but Eddie would keep his heat by staying loyal to Rey. And besides all that, the work leading to the finish should be really good. I don't like how this seems to have been thrown on the card without a care for either guy but, if they keep it smart, it could be a blessing in disguise. -
Well he didn't need to bump much. When he did, he looked fine to me. Nothing wrong with his selling, either. Young lion Vs. old guard. Experience Vs. youth. This was Hogan's chance to prove he still belonged - he proved that he did, but Rock proved he had surpassed him. HE was the man now. Hence, the respect after the match. It wasn't boring. Yeah, Ok. How you can call Hogan's selling 'awful' then praise the SS02 match is beyond me. SummerSlam02 WASN'T a great match. It wasn't good. BTW, I'd like you to read this: Rock Vs. Hogan - WM18
It's actually a very underrated match. Most people are so decided in what's good and what's bad that the match is immediatley shit on. "Oh it's got Hogan in, it MUST suck!". Wrong. Is it a "technical" marvel? No. It didn't have to be. That's my biggest irk. That fans think matches have to be technical to be good. A couple of weeks ago, Triple H said Mick Foley wasn't the greatest wrestler because he didn't use holds. Who gives a fuck? Triple H may use more wrestling moves than Foley (as funny as that sounds. Triple H - TECHNICAL WRESTLER!) but that doesn't make him better. Wrestling is art. It's about telling a story, whether it's done in a technical bout, a brawl, or whatever. Rock/Hogan told a better story than probably any WWE match in 2002. It's a billion times better than Shawn/Triple H from SummerSlam. I don't want to be quoted on calling it WWE MOTY for 2002, but it's pretty close. Don't right it off as being bad just because the two involved aren't the most graceful wrestlers.
Hogan/Rock didn't suck. I want to punch people in the face when they say it does.
They have to make this MEAN something. Not just a few jobbers and one upper midcarder moving. Really shake up the shows. At least ten or so guys (on both shows) need a change of environment, so do it. The good thing about something like a draft is that it can breath new life in to a character. It's a chance for guys like Val Venis, Hurricane, Rhyno, etc to get a push without it seeming manufactured. In an IDEAL world, they really wouldn't need to make changes, because they'd know how to use the stars as it is. However, they don't, so this is the easy way out for them. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. I'd go with the following: To SmackDown! Chris Jericho - REALLY needs to get away from Triple H. Should go to SD with a heel turn, become the number one heel and probably get the title. Feuds with Eddie and Cena could actually draw. Should gain the most from the draft, as it may be his final chance to become the big draw that he should be. Shawn Michaels - Most seem to want to change Shawn (or Angle) so that both guys are on the same show. I don't see it that way. I'd like Mania to be the only Shawn/Angle match. No rematches are needed. Any way, same as Jericho for Shawn, in the sense that there is nothing left for him to do on Raw. He too needs a heel turn, but it would have to be more gradual, as it wouldn't be as impactful if Jericho and Shawn turn at the same time. Jericho should probably go heel straight away, whereas Shawn should probably develop a little more of an edge, tweener-ish, and turn heel by SSlam. Should be used to put over the likes of Eddie, Rey, Cena, etc. I'd make him the no. 2 heel, but, regardless of that, his main purpose should be to put these guys over. Kane - There's absolutely nothing for Kane on Raw. I think I'd be perversely entertained by a JBL/Kane match. Send him to SmackDown! as a face (for now) and use him well. Christian - Number 3 or 4 heel. Same opponents as already mentioned - Eddie, Cena, Rey, etc. I'd be interested in Cena Vs. Christian more than anything. Send Tomko with him. A confrontation with CCC and Jesus would be fun. Could be a real opportunity to make him a main eventer. Rob Conway - Let him adopt the 'Iron Man' character and give him the US title. He should have got the push that Rene Dupree got last year. See him getting over as a face long-term. Maybe get him involved with the Cabinet. Val Venis - Doing absolutely nothing on Raw - a move to SD could save his career. Either feud with OJ or, preferrebly, put him IN the Cabinet. Have a rivalry between him and OJ (chief of staff + chief Morley). Both constantly trying to impress JBL. Another for the US Title division. Rhyno - Start him off tagging with Tajiri, as on Raw. I think Tajiri/Rhyno Vs. Dudleyz could be fun. Eventually needs to be pushed BIG, and another part of the US Title division. Use him like in the first months after his debut. Face, but a monster. Tajiri - Like I said, he starts off teaming with Rhyno. Eventually, goes back to the cruiserweight division, probably as a face. Do something with him and Akio, maybe with Akio blaming Tajiri for the destruction of Kyo Dai when he left for Raw. If he returns, put Ultimo Dragon in the middle of it. Funaki, too. Hurricane - Doing nothing on Raw, like Val. I want them to push the tag titles on both shows, but Hurricane/Rosey is a dead team anyway, so splitting them up won't hurt too much. To the cruiserweight division he goes, and actually give him some storylines. Have other cruisers try to turn him to the "darkside", have him try to convert heels, etc. Needs a nemesis. Nova would have worked, but not now. Maybe Shannon Moore. It could work. Also, give him proper superhero music. Like Liger. He'd be over. Garrison Cade - I don't really know why. I guess you could do the HBCade think that has already been mentioned. You could reunite him with Jindrak if another tag team is needed. If not HBCade, make him more like his OVW self. COWBOY~! Tyson Tomko - Just because he needs to stay with Christian. To Raw Kurt Angle - I don't know what the deal is with Kurt's injuries, but, if he's ok, he can go to Raw. Luther goes with him. I'd love to see a rivalry between Team Angle and Evolution, but then I'm a sucker for heel/heel. Shelton and Charlie would be on Raw, so even if he doesn't wrestle, he could still be used. Needs to job to Benoit before he retires. Taker will be here as well, so they can finally do that match. Undertaker - Get him out of the way of Eddie and Cena. On Raw, he can work with Kurt as he apparently wants to. You can do something with the Orton stuff as well. Matches with Benoit, Edge and Batista are all fresh as well. DO NOT MAKE HIM THE NUMBER ONE FACE. He's an an attraction - a sideshow. He jobs, just like Shawn. Also, drop the deadman crap. Either have him be a more realistic Deadman, like in summer 99 just before he left, or just go back to being biker Taker. He can be summer 99 Taker if he rocks the Ministry theme. Big Show - He can work with Batista here. He's getting in the way of the important SmackDown faces with Taker, so move him to Raw. Should probably turn heel after a bit. Charlie Haas - Team him with Shelton for a bit. Have it seem like Charlie is holding Shelton back, and have Shelton lose the IC belt because of it. Then, have Charlie say that the tag titles are more important. THEN, have Charlie win the IC title himself. HEEL TURN! And then, finally, bring Kurt into the equation and do a big Team Angle storyline. Luther Reigns - with Kurt. Stick him in the IC division. Billy Kidman - They have enough cruisers IF THEY USE THEM, and Kidman seems bigger than the rest of them now, so move him to Raw. Put him in the IC title division, and maybe we could get some good matches with Hardy, Shelton, etc. Rene Dupree - See Conway. Rene should have stayed on Raw. Put him back with Grenier. Maybe have to win Grenier over to prove that he's loyal to LR or something, I dunno. Hardcore Holly - Jobber to the IC guys. He's not THAT bad, so you could get some decent matches. Ready made match with Haas. Heidenreich - As mentioned, team him with Snitsky. Sure, it'd be horrible, but it could be funny. WGTT Vs. Snitsky/Heidi seems like one of those matches that I just have to see. Scotty - He's pretty useless. Doesn't git with the cruisers at all, so send him here. I'd team Rosey and Simon Dean (Simon System for Rosey!) so maybe get Scotty involved and try to convince Rosey that Dean is no good for him. Simon Vs. Scotty could be watchable, and you have the chance of striking lucky and getting a new version of Too Cool with Scotty/Rosey. One more guy to Raw to make it eleven both way. I'm not sure who. Perhaps Kenzo. So there you go. Create more tag teams too. Put MNM on SD, Shane twins on Raw, this Vengeance/Blueprint team on Raw. Sign Diamond and get him and Swinger on Raw. Call up a few of the OVW cruisers to SD, like Jeter, Cage, Cappotelli (though you could put him on Raw), etc. Actually use the guys who are in limbo. Richards, Nunzio, etc. I'd consider signing more name guys for the midcard. They shouldn't have released Train, Palumbo, Stamboli, Mack, Rico, etc who could be filling those places now. With the changes I mentioned, the rosters would look something like this: Raw - World Title Division Faces - Chris Benoit, Batista, Undertaker, Big Show Heels - Kurt Angle, Triple H, Edge, Randy Orton (reveal him as the guy driving the limo, reunite with Triple H, or at least in a new Evolution) IC Title Division Faces - Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas (heel turn after a while), Matt Hardy, Hardcore Holly, Steven Richards Heels - Billy Kidman, Muhammed Hassan, Luther Reigns, Maven, Kenzo Suzuki Tag Division Eugene and William Regal Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas (part-time) Snitsky and Heidenreich Simon Dean and Rosey Mike and Todd Shane (that's their names, right?) Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger Maven and Chris Nowinski/Al Snow (if Chris comes back, why not? Get Al wrestling again and you've got another tag team. Make a stable with these guys and Coach. Throw Mark Henry in as well.) Blueprint/Vengeance You've also got all the part-time teams like Hassan/Daivari, etc. There's also a few other people on Raw that I don't care about, like Masters. Just do whatever with him. On SmackDown!: WWE Title Division: Faces - Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Booker T, Kane Heels - Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, JBL, Christian US Title Division: Faces - Rey Mysterio, RVD, Rhyno, Mark Jindrak (he's been turned face, so whatever) (RVD and Rey should be pushed beyond the US Title, eventually) Heels - Val Venis, Rob Conway, Orlando Jordan, Carlito Carribean Cool, Garrison Cade Cruiserweight Division Faces - Paul London, Tajiri, Hurricane, Funaki, Heels - Chavo Guerrero, Nunzio, Akio, Ultimo Dragon, Shannon Moore, Spike Dudley (Plus you've got the rumoured signings of Super Crazy, Psicosis, and all the development guys I mentioned). Tag Division: Rhyno and Tajiri (for a while) Bubba and D-Von Dudley Doug and Danny Basham Johnny Nitro and Joey Matthews Haven't a clue who else you'd have. Make new tag teams. If needed, put the Shanes or one of the other new teams on SD. This is where they need the FBI and the other guys they released. So there - that's how the rosters should be after Mania. Pretty cool, in my opinion.
They still had a chance to do this a couple of weeks ago, but it wouldn't work now: Triple H Vs. Batista JBL Vs. John Cena Shawn Michaels Vs. Edge - Street Fight Undertaker Vs. Kurt Angle Chris Benoit Vs. Chris Jericho - 2/3 Falls Eddie Guerrero Vs. Booker T Shelton Benjamin Vs. Charlie Haas - IC Champion Vs. US Champion Randy Orton and Mick Foley Vs. Christian and Ric Flair Doug and Danny Basham Vs. Rey Mysterio and Big Show Kane Vs. Matt Hardy Vs. Gene Snitsky Billy Kidman Vs. Paul London Vs. Chavo Guerrero Maybe throw in another filler match if you have time.
I must have imagined him putting Benoit over at Backlash last year or the Raw job to Jericho in 7/03 (which was laid out in essentially the *exact* way that Brock/Eddie went down) or the relatively clean job to Edge at this year's Rumble.... Sometimes the follow up sucks (like Jericho's following Michaels' tapping to him which should have totally been played up). I don't agree with the booking last night, but to label Edge "midcarder for life" is really stretching things. -Paul Jacobi- He didn't really put them over because he was still above them afterwards. He jobbed - yes. Put them over? No, not really.