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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    "Big Name" throws offer at WWE....

    He is indeed. I have to give him mad props for making that AWESOME JBL/Big Show main event for No Way Out! HOLLA HOLLA HOLLA~!
  2. Dark Age

    Raw SPOILERS from Japan

    That looks pretty cool. I'm looking forward to the tag title change more than anything, surprisingly. It should have lasted a bit longer, though. Is there a chance that this Edge/Triple H respect thing was done only for the live crowd, and won't air on TV? Benoit/Jericho going just nine minutes is disappointing - it'll be even worse if, as expected, they stick a commercial in the middle of it. Still, looks like a pretty good edition of Raw. I shall watch.
  3. Dark Age

    Wrestlemania Card

    These cards are so depressing.
  4. Dark Age

    Interview with HHH

    My God you are an idiot. Please just shut up because you don't have a clu eabout ANYTHING. You prved that when you said Rock and Eddie Guerrero don't have good chemistry, when yuo said Triple H vs Shawn Michaels was a ***** match and the best WWE match this decade, and when you said Undertaker was a better team player than the Rock. SERIOUSLY, just SHUT UP. You are a fool. "Stephanie's dog was as over as Booker T in 2002" NO! Seriously, be quiet. You're embarrassing yourself. This is a BULLSHIT coment served only to get attention - then, when you GET the attention (from me), you'll call foul play and start whining and making even MORE of your shitty little comments. I guess I've just imagined Booker's entire career. Quite possibly the STUPIDEST comment I've ever heard you make, which is damn sure saying something. For a start, by the time the Helmsley feud came around, Booker's heat was less than it was a couple of months earlier. His peak was the fall of 2002. And the space between his break up with Goldust (which didn't even last) and his feud with Triple H was about 3 weeks, you moron. If Goldust was more over than Booker, why was I watching SS02 the other day and hearing chants of "We Want Booker" while Goldust was being beaten on? Why wasn't it "Lets Go Goldust"? Booker T was the most over face on Raw (RVD, at times, the exception) for close to a year, up until his World Title rematch with Triple H. THE FEUD WITH TRIPLE H KILLED HIS HEAT! He didn't gain ANYTHING from it, so for you to claim otherwise is absurd. I don't know whether you're a troll, a gimmick or just a complete fucking putz, but you are, without a doubt, the WORST poster I've ever seen on these forums. WHAT did Triple H do to put him over? Please... tell me. Job in a meaningless little tag match? Beat him completely clean at WRESTLEMANIA? Make Booker seem below him? Triple H did SHIT for Booker's career. He helped NOTHING. The feud achieved NOTHING. It did NOTHING for NO ONE. It served NO purpose. How on EARTH would it have destroyed the credibility of the title? Oh wait - IT WOULDN'T, that's just you being a shithead yet again. But, maybe you're right. Who'd want Booker Vs. Jericho for the title when you can have Nash Vs. Triple H? Your last comment is completely false, yet again. Oh, of course, the latest for RVD was SummerSlam. A month before Triple H faced him. That way, we can rid any blame of Hunter.
  5. Dark Age

    Interview with HHH

  6. Dark Age

    Interview with HHH

    A few points here. Firstly, Mick Foley is FAR better wrestler than Triple H will ever be. Hunter may babble on about Mick "not knowing holds" or whatever crap, but that's not important. Wrestling is an art form. It's about telling a story. Mick Foley knows more of psychology and stoytelling than Triple H ever will. Does he have the finest 'technical' bouts? No. But, nor does Triple H. Good wrestling doesn't have to be technical wrestling. Good wrestling tells a story - good wrestlers are good storytellers. In that department, Mick Foley SMOKES Triple H. Secondly, his usual "RVD and Booker missing that special something" speech. I wouldn't usual bother with this, seen as though he makes a point to mention it every single month. However, THIS comment is insane: "Stone Cold was hugely popular before the office ever got behind him. “Rock” made himself what he is and then the office pushed him. It’s the same thing with me and the same thing with a lot of guys". No Trips, you fool. You were pushed to the moon and you STILL wasn't over until Mick Foley made you a star. You beat Austin, you beat Rock, you beat Show, you beat McMahon, you were made THE TOP GUY. You were given Stephanie McMahon as a valet, and yet you STILL weren't as over as RVD in 2001, and Booker T in 2002. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. And YOU had already been in the company 4 years. They'd been there for less than ONE year. Triple H, you got over because they decided they were going to MAKE you a star, even if killed them. RVD and Booker were on the CUSP of stardom, without the office ever giving them fuck. You went and ruined it.
  7. Dark Age

    Smackdown NOT to be Cancelled

    Isn't it, like, UPN's highest rated show? And this won't be the end of the roster split - they'll just find another network.
  8. Dark Age


    TSM Raw Review Thoughts?
  9. Dark Age


    REMOVED! Good luck at 411 Nik!
  10. Dark Age

    RAW World Title changes at houseshows

    Shut up, apologist.
  11. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    Where would you rate it in regards to Chavo? Best?
  12. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    Yes, but Armageddon was almost 3 hours of complete crap. The worst stuff was as bad as GAB's, and the "good" stufff isn't anywhere near as good as GAB's. GAB > Armageddon And also, Eddie/JBL and Rey/Chavo are both WWE MOTYCs. I'd have them both in my top ten.
  13. Dark Age

    Dave Meltzer's Top 100 Workers

    Yes, but the one *I* quoted was not from the same source. It was the READER'S list, not Dave Meltzer's. That still doesn't prove how Flair is better than Bret. Sabu came second one year - doesn't mean he was the second best in the world. The WM 3 way is often called one of the best matches of all time. That doesn't make it so.
  14. Dark Age

    Dave Meltzer's Top 100 Workers

    Kurt Angle was the best WWE wrestler in 2002. Benoit and Eddie came back halfway through the year, and most/all of their best matches were against Kurt. There are no other real contenders.
  15. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    Agreed, to an extent. Eddie/JBL and Rey/Chavo are two of the better WWE matches from this year. However, I disagree in regards to the other PPVs, mainly No Mercy. I felt London/Kidman was a very good match, third best WWE cruiser match of the year. It wasn't a good show though. GAB gets a bad reputation due to the fact that everything OTHER than those two matches is absolutely horrible. Like "worst ever" stuff. Oh, and Armageddon was EASILY worst of the year. As worse an undercard as GAB, and two best matches (WWE Title and WWE Tag Title) are not even close to the two GAB matches.
  16. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    I agree the match hurt Eddie. It WOULDN'T have if they would have booked the feud properly, but whatever. Still, regardless of how they handled the aftermatch of the match, it, to me, doesn't change how good the match was. The match is a hot topic for debate. I've heard a lot who love it, and a lot who don't think highly of it at all. I pretty much flat out disliked it at the time, due to how short it was, the fed bump, Angle kicking out of the frogsplash, etc. Then I read a post on this forum by, I believe, either LOTC or RRR, which did a great job of analysing the match. It basically summed it up as proving that Kurt was the smarter wrestler; at WM, Eddie outsmarted Kurt, but at SS, Kurt proved to be the smarter wrestler. I rewatched the match and it all made sense; I loved it the second time.
  17. Dark Age


    He still calls himself "Starmaker" Bolin? That's awesome. They should SO get Bolin on Raw or something. I'm sure his 20 year, no 25, maybe even THIRTY year friendship with Cornette (his old bosom buddy, don't you know?) could help him out. WE WANT KENNY!
  18. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    Guerrero had better matches than Benoit (this coming from a HUGE Benoit fan, just so you know I'm not biased or anything). I'd say Eddie carrying JBL cancels out Benoit carrying Kane, but then, JBL at least held his own in the matches with Eddie (as did Kane with Benoit, though)> Benoit wasn't shunted to the midcard? Are you kidding me? Benoit was always in a main event environment due to the fact that Raw is the bigger show. When Eddie was feuding with Luther, Benoit was facing Batista. Benoit/Batista may SEEM a lot bigger and more important than Eddie/Luther, but that's because Batista is a lot more established than Luther. Eddie/Luther was SD's Benoit/Batista - they were both (Eddie and Benoit) in the same position, just that Raw's midcard seems "better" then SmackDown's. Besides all this, what does being a midcarder have to do with who is the best wrestler? If Rey Mysterio has **** matches with all the cruiserweights every week, is he DQed due to the fact that he's a midcarder? I said Eddie > Benoit in regards to who was the better WRESTLER for the year, nothing else. Not "who is more important" or "who was treated better". Just who is the better wrestler. Anyway, Eddie's body of work for 2004 is stronger than Benoit's. How many, LEGIT, ***+ matches did Benoit have in 2004? The Mania 3-Way, BB with Kane, his two matches with Orton. They are the only DEFINITE matches that I can think of. You could perhaps argue for either of his TV matches with Shawn, his Raw match with Kane, or the million tag matches he's been in, but none are really that memorable. How many of those matches hit ****? The WM 3-Way IF you're generous. Eddie was part of AT LEAST the two best (WWE) matches of 2004 - Vs. Brock at NWO and Vs. Angle at SS. The Brock match was outstanding, the best WWE match, IMO, since Austin/Rock at WM17. I'd put it at about ****1/4 MAYBE even ****1/2. It was that good. The Angle match is really underrated as well, and probably about **** - both are better than any Benoit match this year. Other than that. Eddie had a lot of definite ***1/2ish matches - JD with JBL, his first SD match with Rey, GAB with JBL, 2/3 Falls with Kurt, WM with Kurt. All of those matches are about ***1/2, maybe even a little higher in some cases. Benoit's matches with Orton are probably worse than all of those, BB with Kane is MAYBE equal to a couple. The Mania three way is the only one that could beat any of those matches - and that's debatable. If you want to bring Benoit's tag matches into the picture, let me note that Eddie/Booker Vs. Rey/RVD is as good as any tag match on Raw this year. Eddie's year fizzled out towards the end - he didn't have the quality to work with that Benoit did. It's a testament TO Eddie that, despite this, he was still the best WWE wrestler this year.
  19. Dark Age

    Wrestling Observer Newsletter 2004 Year-End Result

    How the Hell did Angle even qualify this year? And Guerrero > Benoit for 2004. By quite a distance.
  20. Dark Age

    Against All Odds card

    That doesn't really make a difference you know? Once you've paid, you've paid. End of story.
  21. Dark Age

    Non-Spoiler SmackDown!/Velocity Matches

    I'm pretty sure Paul London and Funaki Vs. Nunzio and Shannon Moore will also be on Velocity.
  22. Dark Age

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Why on Earth would an Akio/Paul London ladder match be booked? YOU'RE JUST MAKING IT UP! Oh, and this is a terrible, terrible show from a terrible, terrible company. London and the rest match better make it to Velocity. I'd expect it will.
  23. Dark Age

    6 man tag last night on RAW

    Hot? Maybe. But Rock/Hogan? C'mon.
  24. Dark Age

    Good wrestlers......

    His WWE stuff hasn't been near his WCW stuff, I'll be the first to admit. HOWEVER, up until the Triple H feud, Book was still one of the best on the roster. His series with Angle was great - some of the best stuff of an already stacked 2001. They had at least 3 really good matches. Watch the Angle title win from SD again, or get hold of it. Really, really good match, which is great considering Book was only just getting used to WWE style. It's a great reflection of his dedication, and how good he is. Similar to the Angle matches, watch the 2 or 3 matches he had in 2001 with Chris Jericho. Some darn good matches there. I always felt the Rock SS01 match was really underrated. Very good stuff, with both guys very crisp and snug. His match with Taker at NM is shockingly decent, all thanks to the Book man. His match with Austin at the start of 02, as someone already mentioned, is really, really good. Following that, he turned face. His face stuff isn't as good, but he DID carry (emphasis on carry; H was blown up at Mania) Triple H to his two best matches between Jan02 and Dec03. The tag matches with Jericho and Christian were fun, the Raw match that ended the feud was great, a forgotten gem from 02.