Dark Age
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No, you're thinking of unmotivated, under-used, "they won't push me so why should I try?", back's a mess, just doesn't care any more Booker T. And even HE is better than a good majority of guys, and HE is still a little under-rated in some parts. If you think Booker is nothing special, watch 1998, "God, I'm so awesome, watch me have a good match with anyone. And no, I wasn't carried by Benoit" Booker T. He ruled. Heck, watch 99-01 "Damn, I still kick so much ass it's not even funny, even if I'm a bit below my 98 best" Booker T. HELL, even watch WWEized Booker T up until WrestleMania 19 before you know what happened. You can even watch Booker T's single matches in 96-98, they're good too. In closing, don't use the current version of Booker T to determine if he's good or not. Watch some of his older stuff.
No. It does not get done during anything to do with Benoit or Jericho. Orton or Triple H is okay.
It will be amusing. New Jack sucks and he's a piece of shit.... but it'll be really really funny. Put him on SD and I just might watch.
Isn't it a bit unfair to have a rumble qualifying match between a regular tag team and two guys who have NEVER teamed up, and have only just returned to SD/Velocity? My God WWE, use logic you fool. And why are Jindrak and Reigns in the match? They'll serve NO purpose at all. At least, as someone mentioned, with Nunzio you can do the hiding outside the ring thing. You could even do a follow up to it, with Nunzio hiding UNDER the ring this year. And Scotty attempting the Worm, then getting thrown out while doing the stupid jumpy thing would have been amusing. Yes. That'll do. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say, that London went over, but it's all good. Now do something with him. I care not about Dupree. Hey, remember a year ago when Eddie was facing the Bashams all the time, and we were complaining that he should be pushed? Thank God they decided to make him a star, I don't think I could put up with more of Eddie being absolutely wasted in the midcard with no direction, no purpose and jobbing to the Bashams. Thanks a lot for pushing him, WWE. You sure are star makers. Oh, and they suck if they turn Eddie (not that they don't suck anyway). I am, however, kinda interested in the Rey/Eddie issue (which is more than I can say about anything else in the company). Of course, i'd be shocked if they took it anywhere good.
Are you insane or just stupid? WHEN on EARTH have Rock and Eddie had the chance to work with each other? I recall a really fun TV match in 2002 but THAT IS IT. Any other matches they may have happened would have been 3 minute TV specials. Please don't show such stupidity again. Oh, and BTW, the Rock/Eddie segment to set up the match was great. Eddie was playing a different character to the one he's playing now, which is why he was made fun of. Eddie would hold his own if he cut similar promos to the ones he cut on Brock last year. I really do believe that Eddie is one of the few guys who could be cheered over Rock. We wouldn't know until it happened, of course, but I believe that would be the case. Have Rock as a face, and the crowd will favour Eddie. Hell Rock may be cheered over Eddie, though. What purpose would Rock vs JBL serve? What would Rock going over JBL do for anyone?
No problems man, just a peeve of mine.
Why do you say 'you smarks' in every single post you make? Does it make you feel like you're above everyone or something?
We may as well stop all discussion on this board.
Really? I disagree. First - Edge completes his heel turn by spearing Shawn. Then, Edge beats Shawn and Benoit in a 3-Way. Then, Edge costs Shawn the World Title. Shawn returned the favour by costing EDGE the World Title. Shawn hasn't really gotten the better of Edge. Also, the Jericho/Shawn feud started with Shawn delivering SCM to Jericho after his killer interview (night after Armageddon?). If you want to go even further back, Shawn pinned Jericho at Survivor Series. He also got the last laugh on Jericho at both RR and NWO.
I said they are? Flair and Batista don't team anymore, but that didn't stop me putting them in. I don't really want E and C to get back together (yet), but I don't think there'd be any harm in doing it for a one off thing like this. Benoit and Jericho enter as a team so both E and C enter out of a need to beat both guys. They both want gold, as well. They realise their best bet at winning is to team with each other. Simple. Oh and NYR left the door open for a reunion. I can only guess that you didn't watch, Loss?
It was the whole Eddie/Shawn debate. Like I said, I wasn't sure if it was aimed at me. I've no real beef with Shawn Michaels. He's not my favourite wrestler, but I don't dislike him. But, in my honest opinion, I don't see much good coming from a Shawn/Edge Mania match. It won't do anything for Shawn, for Edge, and I don't think it will produce a special match. Could it be good? Yes. But not 'Mania' level good. There are much better opponents out there for both guys.
I really hope that wasn't directed towards me. You annoyed me in the other thread when you blasted me for even DARING to criticise Shawn (of which I did no such thing). Please don't do it again. If it WASN'T directed towards me, then my apologies to you. See, that's the problem. This is WRESTLING FUCKING MANIA! There shouldn't be 'decent' matches, especially with guys as high-profile and as good as Shawn and Edge. There are better matches for both guys, so why put them in the weakest match possible? A choice between Benoit Vs. Jericho and Shawn Vs. Edge, and Benoit Vs. Edge and Shawn Vs. Jericho isn't hard to make. I'd choose the latter. Benoit/Jericho COULD be a very good match, but I don't think Shawn/Edge will be. Pairing Benoit and Jericho up with Edge and Shawn, respectively, could lead to TWO very good matches. I don't believe Shawn/Edge would be no. 6 or 7 on the Mania card. It would be positioned about number 4, IMO, and, frankly, I don't think Shawn Michaels Vs. Edge should be one of the top matches at WrestleMania. A win for Shawn would do nothing for no one, and I don't think they'd put Edge over. If they did, I don't think they'd capitalize on it. Edge MUST be in the World Title match. Whether it be beating Jericho, beating Benoit or jobbing to Benoit, it really doesn't matter. I just think he should be in the Mania World Title match, so that they can properly blow-off the whole world title story with him, and have a chance at making him a star. A match with Edge wouldn't benefit Shawn at all (not that it needs to). A loss is no big deal. Shawn would bounce back. A win would do nothing. BUT, it could backfire on them (the match) as it won't be very good, which could affect both guys. A loss to Jericho could REALLY help Chris a lot, as he'd be able to gain some momentum AFTER the match, carrying himself with his mic. work. Plus, it'd be a better match, meaning no one (Shawn) would lose anything.
They should so some crazy tag team league that would rock the house. Two groups of four (on Raw): Group 1 Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho Edge and Christian Rob Conway and Sylvain Grenier Muhammed Hassan and Khosrow Daivari Group 2 Ric Flair and Batista Tajiri and Rhyno William Regal and Eugene Hurricane and Rosey Top two in each group go through, then the winners meet, etc. Winners get some huge ass trophy (that DOESN'T get smashed) and automatically defend it in next year's competition. They also get a Tag Title shot at the next PPV (which is billed as second from top, to the World Title match), gets twenty+ mins and then there is a big presentation and stuff. Doing a group format like this allows them to put more guys over than they ever could. For example, Hurricane and Rosey could beat Flair and Batista, who still go through because they win their other two matches. That way, Hurricane/Rosey gain something (beat Flair/Batista) while Flair and Batista lose nothing. They should also make a big thing out of the tournament, have guys like Triple H going nuts because he can't be a part of it (doesn't have a partner), and just little things like that. Better yet, have a tournament for BOTH shows, with the semi finals taking place (Raw vs SD) at a PPV, as well as the final. Then the winners get money, a trophy, a tag title shot, and maybe a chance to switch brands. As well as this, they should also have a 6-man tag team tournament. Imagine a final like Benoit/Jericho/Shelton vs Eddie/RVD/Rey.
Edge/Shawn just doesn't strike me as a WrestleMania level match. I'd prefer to see this blown off before then (with Edge going over), then have Edge go into the World Title match at Mania and let Shawn do his thing with Kurt or Rock, or maybe even give Jericho his win back. Besides that, I also think that Shawn/Edge would be a pretty weak match. Neither guy is great at carrying the offensive portion of the match, and both have pretty weak movesets to go with it. There are better matches for both guys.
Edge and Christian?
I don't think it was MOTY, but it was definitley close. VERY underrated, very good match. All three JBL/Eddie matches delivered, though I think this was the best one. I will, like Loss said, pop it in and have another of watch of it to give a more detailed opinion on it, but, from what I remember, it was very good. Funny you say that about Eddie/Brock when naming Benoit/Triple H/Shawn as your MOTY (a match that is could also be filed as overrated, due to the fact that Benoit won).
He should be saying that to Eddie.
This is a silly topic. What if Steve Austin was never born?
Why was a show built around Joy?
Which just pisses off the people who bought New Year's Revolution. PPVs are so pointless. Why pay when the important (ha) stuff happens on TV? The only time I've heard Triple H get a face reaction, recently, was last night. The crowd still favoured Batista over him. In what alternate universe do those matches qualify as "good"? Hey, how bout that Randy Orton? He sure is over, huh? I'm surprised that no one's mentioned how Triple H managed to, AGAIN, make himself look like a huge babyface. Three German suplexes? Check. A diving headbutt from the top of the chamber? Check. Surviving in the Walls Of Jericho/Crossface combo for 45 FUCKING seconds? Check. God, I hate that man. POSITIVES OF NEW YEAR'S REVOLUTION! Christian's entrance gear, and his entrance music. William Regal's rocking new jacket. Eugene-A-Mania! Daivari praising Allah for Hassan's kickout. Hassan's music. Maven's mic work. Trish's outfit. Rosey in the pool, in FULL RING GEAR! Me laughing at Orton's lack of popularity. That is all.
I'm sorry, but Eddie is in another league to Shawn. Shawn vs Nash and Shawn vs Sid really weren't ****+ matches. They were better than they should have been sonsidering who's involved, but ****? No. Both matches played to Shawn's strengths - bumping around for someone bigger than him. ANY cruiserweight can do that, and get as good a match as Shawn did out of those two. Would it have the same heat? No, because you're talking about guys not as established as Shawn. Still, you could put someone, anyone, less than 220lbs in Shawn's position and get the same match.To answer your first question, no Eddie could not carry Sid or Nash to **** matches. But neither could Shawn. Eddie COULD, however, carry both guys as well as Shawn did, if not better. Eddie's WWE work doesn't compare to his work elsewhere, which I'm sure you're aware of. HOWEVER, Eddie vs Brock was, IMO, better than BOTH Angle vs Austin and Angle vs Benoit (which I consider to be the two best matches of Kurt's career). You talk about Rock's nip-up as if *I* was the one saying he was a better seller than Shawn or Kurt. Regardless, all three guys are guilty of no selling in the past, so it's best to ignore that in regards to all three.
Yeah, I'd see no reason why it wouldn't be (Regular).