Dark Age
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Eh, the matches have been very good IMO. The feud sucks, yeah. They've had better matches than pretty much everything else on SD this year (a few exceptions, of course).
The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of
Dark Age replied to Lil' Bitch's topic in The WWE Folder
As much as aI like Book, he truly is very overrated and I could count in one hand all the *** or plus matches he had in his single carrer(They were all with Benoit). His matches will bores the crap out of me. RVD would make a better choice for a champion because number 1: He is still over as a face with the fans w/o having any type of push whatsoever and number 2: he could have better matches with Angle, Eddie and Taker compare to a Booker T or a Bradshaw. You obviously haven't seen very many Booker T matches. And how can you say you like him, then say he is overrated, worse than RVD, lump him in the same boat as Bradshaw and say he's had only a handful of even remotely good matches in his career, all in the post? You may not want to admit it but Booker T SMOKES RVD in the ring. Booker T would have FAR better matches with Angle or Taker than RVD. Eddie can carry RVD to his level, so I won't comment on that scenario, but the point is: Booker T is better than Van Dam. If they really wanna make this Bradshaw/Booker T feud mean something, they should bring Goldust back. Have JBL say Booker's a joke, etc, etc, he's a choker. Booker is backstage, doubting his ability. Enter Goldust. Goldie tells Booker how he rescued his (Goldust's)career. It would be a contrast to the segment 2 years ago where Booker convinced Goldust that he had it, and that they should remain partners. In the main event, Booker and Goldie beat JBL and OJ, Booker pinning JBL. Have Goldust wrestle a handicap match before Booker comes out, gets the hot tag and just beats the crap out of JBL. After the match, Goldie tries to put the belt around Booker, but Booker won't let him. He gives the belt to Bradshaw, stares him down, and I'm all like 'woah, Booker's gonna win the title. Hell yeah!'. And then he does. Good times. -
Let's not go nuts. Train's a lot better than he's given credit for, and he's one of the better big men they have. But top 5% on the roster? No way. Not even close.
Another good 'un I got to add. Rey vs Noble on Velocity. Really good match. Not as good as Noble/London, but still fun. TILT-A-WHIRL ARMBAR!
You expected Rico to act like Chris Benoit? Give me a fucking break. Oh yeah and they only had like 3 minutes to work with each other anyway. He meant, I'm sure, how Rico beat Heidenreich 2 or 3 times in a row made the big idiot look stupid, and killed any credibility he may have had in the future (not that anyone remembers it). It was no knock on Rico's ability.
What?!? Have you even SEEN the match in question? It went, if I recall, 12-15 minutes. That's more than enough time. And in that time, they did more than most guys do in 30. I actually think it's pretty underrated. Despite the butchering of the Ankle Lock (what's new?), I think it's a really strong match. But yeah, you're right, the 2/3 Falls is really good as well. As was their SS match. I'd say it was the best Rumble. What's better? 92? MOTY so far. Cut out the Goldberg bit (but it doesn't lose much with it, IMO) and you're left with one of the best WWE matches of the past few years. Agreed. But Brock/Eddie was better. It was always going to. This isn't 97 anymore, and nothing these two do together will top their HH match. But this was still very good. Great story told, did alot to make Shelton a star. They just never followed up on it. Good match. It's an okay brawl. Not as good as it seemed, but it's pretty fun. But Triple H/Cactus it is not. I preferred Mania. I can't even remember this match. I do remember one little thing that irked me, though, and that being when both guys go for their top rope moves. Shawn hits a bodyslam to set up the elbow, but then hits another so that he's sure Benoit will stay down. He does. Benoit hits three German suplexes, then adds another to keep Shawn down. But misses the headbutt. That just seemed kinda bad to me. I just got to add, for some REAL good WWE matches this year: Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero (2/3 Falls and SummerSlam) Chris Benoit vs Randy Orton (Raw and SS) Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio (SD) Paul London vs Billy Kidman (NM) Paul London vs Nunzio (Velocity earlier this year) Any opinions on these matches?
Nope, Test beat him. Lance lost.
No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.
Dark Age replied to natey2k4's topic in The WWE Folder
It sure didn't sound like that on tv. Kidman was getting a lot of heel heat. And the 'Let's Go London' chants got pretty loud at points. -
When you live in the UK, THEN you can complain about constant, forced shilling. Every second match on Raw or Smackdown, you get this horrible, HORRIBLE recording of JR, sounding like he's reading off a card and translating from German as he goes it sounds so stilted and unnatural and emotionless, giving us the following: "Fans in the UK. Get ready to see WWE Raw and WWE Smackdown in a way you have never seen them before. They are coming at you live from the Manchester Evening News Arena in Manchester, England (OF COURSE THE MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS ARENA IS IN MANCHESTER!) on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th October. These shows are now sold out (SO WHY BOTHER TELLING US? ARE THE PEOPLE WITH TICKETS TO DUMB TO REMEMBER THE DATES?). And don't forget the Smackdown Down 'n' Dirty Tour that is also taking place in October from The Oddysey Arena in Belfast, Northern Ireland, the Nottingham Arena in Nottingham, England (OF COURSE THE NOTTINGHAM ARENA IS IN NOTTINGHAM, AND OF COURSE NOTTINGHAM IS IN ENGLAND YOU SENILE PIECE OF SHIT, IT'S OUR FUCKING COUNTRY AFTER ALL!) and [another place I can't remember]. We hope you will join us there, live." This takes up half the Hurricane match. And half the Christian match. And half the Jericho match (assuming they're separate). And this has been going on since JUNE. And once they've gone, we'll have a two week break before he starts shilling, in the exact same voice that makes me want to reach through my TV and strangle him, Uprising in the Manchester Evening News Arena in Manchester, England... in March. THAT is constant, incredibly forced shilling. The worst is when he babbles on about the Nottingham Arena show. "Only the date has changed. If you have purchased tickets for the 9th, you will be admitted for the 11th. Once again, only the date has changed, not the event. If have tickets for the 9th...... And he seriously says that over and over again for about a minute.
I watched WM19 a week or two ago, so it's still fresh in my memory. Rey vs Matt - *3/4, decent, but way quick. Really rushed, and they tried to do too much in the time given. Diva Match - **, solid match, good effort by all three. Taker vs Train/Show - *3/4, not as bad as it should have been. Not 'good' by any means, but not bad either. Tag Title 3 Way - **, seemed like the first 6 minutes of a 25 minute match, then the last 2 added for the ending. Way rushed. Jericho vs Shawn - ****, agreed. Really, really good match, outside of Shawn's spotty selling. Triple H vs Booker - ***1/2, gets no credit, but it's really good. Booker's selling is outstanding, and there's just tons of little things that really add to it (like Booker hitting a spinning back elbow, rather than a sidekick because his knee has been destroyed). Ending's terrible. Hogan vs McMahon - **3/4, fun match. Not good, but fun. Austin vs Rock - ****, it seems like an epic. You really get the feeling that 'this is it' and that Rock has finally beaten Austin. I can't explain it. A fitting ending. Angle vs Lesnar - ***1/2, don't get the hate (for all the Angle/Lesnar matches, to be honest). Really good match.
The hell?!? Rey/Matt was a rushed 5 minute match, and the handicap match (though not nearly as horrible as most say) at ***1/2? Rey/Matt as good as Booker/Trips? I always thought you were a harsh rater LOTC.
No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.
Dark Age replied to natey2k4's topic in The WWE Folder
A returning superstar nearly always come back as a face. Look at Angle (who was a heel before injury) and HHH (who was a heel before injury). Nope. Rock last year returned as a heel. Benoit in 2002 returned as a heel. Eddie in 2002 returned as a heel. And just because they always come back as a face, it doesn't make it right. -
No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.
Dark Age replied to natey2k4's topic in The WWE Folder
No, he means they should have found a better way to get rid of Show when he went down injured. If they REALLY wanted face Show vs heel Angle when Show returned (but I doubt they'd even thought this far ahead back then) they should have had Angle force Show to put his job on the line. At least then Show would have a reason to be angry at Angle, rather than making himself look like a complete idiot by 1.) Putting his job on the line at will 2.) Then taking it out on Torrie 3.) Then trying to kill Angle, who was trying to save Torrie Bringing Show back as a face was stupid, considering how he left. To being him back as a face AGAINST Angle was just pathetic. Yes, he did try to kill Angle. Heck, he was going to do it to Torrie. Angle came, tried to save Torrie, and got thrown off the balcony by Show. Show didn't seem to regret his decision afterwards, or show remorse. He was a heel. He should have returned as a heel. Well, I enjoyed the last match they had. Prior to that, it sucked. Yeah, I can't wait for Show vs JBL. Hold me back. -
1.) SummerSlam 2002 2.) Vengeance 2003 3.) WrestleMania 2003
No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.
Dark Age replied to natey2k4's topic in The WWE Folder
Jesus man, do you try to justify EVERYTHING? No matter what they (WWE) do, it's good to you. You just go against the grain, and I'm willing to bet you do it on purpose. -
I don't think anyone ever said he was a great wrestler. He wasn't/isn't. That doesn't mean he isn't any good. He is. His match with Val was a lot of fun, and I'd lump his match with Jarrett from the following year in the same boat. Other than that, a bunch of solid matches, nothing really remarkable. But I'm a huge D-Lo mark regardless, so huzza(h?). In TNA, I always felt the D-Lo/AJ vs Siaki/Young match was really good, and it never seemed to get any credit. The AJ series was fun, especially the No. 1 Contenders match with the insane frogsplash.
So why do you need to feud him with Flair? Isn't there about ten guys doing absolutely nothing right now who could be used in that slot? Flair's only purpose now is to give someone the rub (of which he has none left) so if you're not using him for that, then why are you using him? Why not use Val Venis, Chuck Palumbo, Tajiri, Rhyno, Steven Richards or Maven? The feud isn't designed to give Shelton a rub, so it doesn't matter that those guys have none to give. At least then you'd get a more interesting, fresher (better) match than you would with Flair, plus you'd be giving someone new a chance. They seem to be going with La Resistance vs Benoit/Regal which leaves Batista free for Shelton. I think t'd work big time, in a Sting/Vader sort of way. Obviously, both guys need a win right now, but there comes a time when you have to put someone over rather than beating around the bush. Batista could still get over in losing to Shelton.
Yeah, "outstanding". But Christian would be welcomed (by me) into the main event. He can be carried as much as Orton can, and that's good enough for me (with the current state of Raw, anyway). Oh, and Val Venis vs Chuck Palumbo on Heat the other week was better than Orton vs Triple H. That is all.
Taboo Tuesday.
Why do a Shelton/Flair feud when it's, ya know, already happened? Doing it again won't make it any better, nor will it give Shelton any sort of 'rub'. The best idea would have been to continue the Shelton/Orton feud upon his return, but they had to go and ruin it by making Orton a main eventer. I'd say Batista would be the next logical stop for Shelton, considering that seemed to be the plan when he went down injured. Batista's the only Evo/former Evo member he hasn't beat. And they will probabky have to do a PPV match with Triple H sooner or later, to play up the 'Triple H has never beat Shelton' storyline. Of course that would also work better if Triple H didn't have the title, but then that would mean no Orton/Triple H monster feud, and Lord knows we can't live without that. After Batista, I'm not really sure if there is anything left for Shelton on Raw (well if the booking continues as it is; they COULD do something interesting, but it's unlikely). Christian/Shelton doesn't appeal to me, and nor does Shelton/Kane. Any other feuds would require a turn. Best bet would be to send him back to SD and either reunite WGTT as face (upper mid carders who have the belts forever, and face important teams, main eventer, etc) or just bring him back as a single. Shelton/Eddie, Shelton/Angle, Shelton/Charlie, Shelton/Booker and Shelton/Cena are all way more interesting than anything they've got on SD right now.
Yes it is. Check amazon.
There was a rumour that he was killed in a car crash, but that was put to bed straight away.
Ah, One Night Only, how I love thee. Yeah, Bret/Taker is just a bit under 30mins, and it rules all. The crowd heat is insane. And a bird starts flying around the ring. Either that or a giant moth. Another piece of AWESOMENESS from ONO is the WACKY nature of the show. Bret's a face, Owen's a face, Bulldog's a face, Taker's a heel, Vader's a heel, Patriot's a heel. BUY IT.
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