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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    So if you don't like something, you can't show how you feel? I'm sorry, but if I feel something sucks at a WWE event, I'm gonna tell them it sucks.
  2. I don't know, maybe it's just me.....but Christy strikes me as unbelievably obnoxious and a straight up corn ball Fine qualities for a non-wrestling Diva, if you ask me. Her ice cream skit last week showed more personality than anything else any of those girls have done. It made ME want to punch her face in. World Title: Orton Vs. Eugene Vs. Triple H I-C Title: Jericho Vs. Benoit NO.
  3. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    Yes. Yes he did.
  4. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    I just don't get it. Are we supposed to cheer all faces and boo all heels just because? I hate Eugene, am I not allowed to boo him? I like Angle, can I not cheer him?
  5. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    Eugene has been more of a focus than Benoit. Therefore, Eugene be ahead of Benoit in the pecking order. Raw: Eugene main events against Triple H, Benoit comes out, gets beaten down Raw: Eugene is all over the show Raw: Eugene main events, and the focus is on him Vengeance: Last show of Eugene and Trips Raw: Eugene gets beaten down (Benoit is nowhere to be see) Raw: Eugene isn't there Raw: Eugene costs H the title, Benoit is an after thought Raw: No Eugene Raw: Eugene beats up Evolution, Benoit is layed out I'd say he's more important than Benoit. Also missing when he faced Kane, and when he teamed with Benoit against Coach and Cade. The fact is, Eugene has been positioned as the number one face on Raw.
  6. Dark Age

    Scott Steiner officially fired from WWE

    Orton's already beat him.
  7. 411 says she no showed because she had other things to do. She's been a problem the whole competition, according to them. She could be gone.
  8. Dark Age

    HHH Appreciation Thread

    Huh? Benoit/Angle was better than both. As was the Rock/Jericho series. And the No Mercy tag. And Eddie/Brock. And probably others I can't think of.
  9. Then Benoit and Jericho will make the save. Edge will not. When quizzed on this, Edge will be upset with Jericho and Benoit for siding with an enemy. Edge will then side with Evo due to the fact his friends betrayed him. Edge will not WANT to be a part of Evolution, but feels it's the only way to get back at Jericho and Benoit, and, eventually, Orton.
  10. Dark Age

    Does RVD deserve a chance....

    I think the only reason this is being asked is because honsestly RVD got the biggest reaction of any of the faces last night and he wasn't even on the show. In my opinion, both RVD and Booker T will retire before holding a WWE World Title. the only remote way I see this happening is if Booker retires soon and they give them the token "You're leaving so I guess we can" run. They had BETTER give Booker the belt before he goes. Because if they don't........ Fury. I'll just say that RVD's match last night was his (and Dupree's) best match in a long time. Probably the best singles match both guys have had this year. Val Venis for RAW champ! Rey Mysterio for SD! champ! I like both these men. They deserve recognition.
  11. I believe Eugene should win the title tonight. Then we can have Eugene vs Triple H, Round 2. FOR THE WORLD TITLE! Money.
  12. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    No. The focus of the shows is on Eugene. Eugene = Number 1 face. Don't kid yourself.
  13. So, what happens to Benoit? Send him to SD and have him kill JBL. Benoit vs Eddie and Benoit vs Angle await. Hooray.
  14. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    I heard no Benoit Sucks chants. And Jericho was MUCH more over than Orton or H. And Angle, and even Eddie. But even that, you cant blame the crowd for pissing on JBL as champion. And for that matter the SD title itself, with the way the WWE has went out of their way to position the RAW title as superior, its little wonder why the fans dont care about that title anymore. Oh no, not at all. I was just saying I could see WHY people would be pissed off with the reaction to JBL/Taker. I wasn't personally. Oh, and one observation. The crowd only seemed about 60/40 against Eugene on second viewing. He got pops for the Stunner, Rock Bottom and Legdrop. Only? 60/40 against is pretty terrible for your NUMBER ONE face (yes he is). Those Eugene Sucks chants were loud as hell. I'd say Eugene could be screwed.
  15. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    Well, if it worked for DDP, then why don't more people do it? Old-school mentality or not, if it produces a higher quality match, then what's the problem with doing it? Kudos to DDP doing what it takes to produce high quality everytime. And by your statements on Undertaker, you obviously have not seen any of his matches since the beginning of 2003. He's pulled good matches out of Big Show, A-Train, and Orlando Jordan, had great matches with Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar, and worked many miracles with John Cena. Given Cena's recent work, it's obvious now who carried who in those UT/Cena matches. The only times I've seen UT put on a less-than-good match since Jan. 2003 were gimmick matches (Vince, Dudleys, Biker Chain vs. Lesnar, etc.) and WMXX vs. Kane. Other wise, UT has been an absolutely solid worker since January 2003. And he's kept the political bullshit down to a minimum too, so more kudos to him. His match with Jordan was good? And how much of the last 18 months have seen Taker out injured? Or taking time off?
  16. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    Funniest thing last night was when Tazz got pissed off in the middle of the title match. Good stuff.
  17. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    The only thing I think would even be remotely annoying would be the WWE Title match. I see nothing wrong with the crowd booing Edge or Eugene.
  18. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    I enjoyed it, but I thought most matches were too short.
  19. Dark Age

    HHH Appreciation Thread

    Hence, TRIPLE H.
  20. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    Ok. Eddie should have MORE power.
  21. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    And Konnan and Classic are doing what now?
  22. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    Ugh. Please don't have Eddie vs Luther. Kurt beats Taker at Series to win the belt, then they start the feud with Eddie again. Simple. I think Eddie should be given power backstage.
  23. Dark Age

    I hate Toronto

    I think Kane/Hardy could have been pretty good. They should have had Hardy kill Kane with everything for about 10 minutes with Kane getting in no offense. Have Lita keep distracting the ref and Hardy uses something different each time. A chair, the bell, low blow, the steps. Every time, Kane kicks out. TOF, Kane kicks out. Anyway, the whole point would be that Hardy is simply delaying the inevitable. Everyone knows he's losing. Himself, Kane, Lita, the announcers, the fans. Yet he still keeps going. Kane comes out of it like the unbeatable monster he should be. Finally, Kane gets in one bit of offense and Hardy is done. Everyone knows it. Chokeslam but Hardy kicks out. Top rope chokeslam and it's over, which would probably get a huge pop due to Kane being put over as unbeatable. Still, I think that would have been pretty cool. Was there any boos for Cena, or cheers for Booker? It sounded like the crowd popped for the spinaroonie.
  24. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    It's better than Heidenreich. I still say Taker wins the belt next month, drops to Angle at Series, who drops to Eddie at Mania. Good times.
  25. Dark Age

    Undertaker & Edge upset at fan reactions

    Except no one said he was. I'd say you're trying to start an argument.