Dark Age
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Everything posted by Dark Age
You know this how?
Erm, no. If he's no longer over, what was the point of the turn in the first place? The fans liked to cheer Matt's heel character. Let them.
No one's metioned it because it sucks. Because Bradshaw and Orton do?
Yeah but the fans werent expecting that kind of match. They were expecting the usual spear/jackhammer/pin minute long match. The fans barely react to the match, they only popped at the usual. I don't think Regal deserved to get fired over this (but im not sure this was the main reason for his departure anyway) but he shouldnt have bothered trying what he did. Problem is you can't have Goldberg squash every jobber/midcarder in town and then suddenly one random midcarder is getting the better of him for a good few minutes. It makes Goldberg look bad with the fans wondering "why can't he beat THIS guy, but he can beat everyone else in seconds?" That was always the problem with the Goldberg push. Then the match could have easily led to a big Regal push. "Hey, this guy hung with Goldberg" and thus he gets over big time.
I remember someone (Wade Keller?) gave his match with Chris Harris ****.
No. It's Canadia, the Canadians will cheer the fellow canuck to victory!
And why on earth are QPR (or Reading) in the commercial?
Exactly. I don't think the crowd will turn on him, but he will eventually lose steam. Look at Matt Hardy. Got over big from Mattitude. Still over as a face, but the pops died down, because he no longer had the dynamic that made people care about him in the first place. Cena won't be AS bad, because he's beyond that point (Hardy's reaction died almost immediatley, Cena's still hasn't) but he will need to freshen up his character soon.
"Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, .... dats the REAL Undertaker"
El Matador Paul London? Well, London WAS El Gran Luchadore once... What are you talking about? EGL is the Mexican champion. He and Paul London are COMPLETELY different people. He wears a mask. Paul London doesn't. God, some people are so stupid.
96/97 Taker was all kinds of awesome. He was even decent for the first half of 98. After that he sucked for a while, then became cool again once he went 'Heel Taker' in 2001. Then he continued to be pretty fun as MMA Taker. Now he sucks. JBL isn't a good champ. He is now kinda entertaining, but isn't a good champ. No he isn't. Taker, when motivated, is MUCH better than JBL.
Oh ok. It sounded like you went.
Is Toronto smarkish? Is there any hope for Eugene getting booed out of the building, or the crowd shitting on Orton's title win?
Or maybe it'll be a quarter off. Maybe 25%. I dislike you all for ignoring this/these posts.
Up and coming? Am I the only one thinking they're trying to change the whole "whoever gets the last laugh" thing? JBL will probably go over, yet he went over Taker on SD. Benoit got beaten down, but he's probably jobbing. Cena beat Booker, but could again Sunday. Unless everyone's wrong and Benoit actually wins.
Spiff, how long did the two cruiser matches last?
From RAJAH(!) *WWE Championship* JBL © vs. Undertaker JBL came out to a lot of heat. He shook the hands kissed the babies and talked for a little bit and tried to get the crowd started in a chant of “J-B-L” but after each time he chanted the letters, the crowd yelled “SUCKS” so it worked out well. Then the lights shut off. Then Undertaker came out to a HUGE pop. The blue lights shown as he walked to the ring. (He’s huge, by the way. I got goose bumps as he made the lights turn on. He’s the best) He stepped in the ring and did all of his stuff. Then they started wrestling and it was a pretty even match. The wrestling was good. No mess ups. ENDING: Orlando Jordan interfered (*as he jumped on the apron he almost slipped, it was funny) and tried to hit UT with the belt but was stopped by a big boot then JBL picked up the belt and hit UT with it and the ref called for the bell. Undertaker won by DQ. JBL then hit UT with the clothesline and OJ started beating on him. JB: then called for anybody to come out and beat up the UT saying “It’s free season on the UT, so come on out!” The Dudley’s came out as JBL grabbed a chair and…and…sat with OJ on the outside to watch the inevitable beating. The Dudley’s hit the 3-D version 2 and started taunting the crowd. But I wasn’t fooled. Taker sat up. *F’n HUGE pop*. Choke slammed both Dudley’s and walked off. The Dudley’s then walked off. I see NOTHING about 45 minutes. There is no way these guys would or could go 45 minutes, and they wouldn't LET them on a house show. I believe you may be lying. Also from this show: *House Note* As the Dudley’s were to the curtain some 12 yr. old kid spit on Bubba Ray causing Bubba to get pissed and before Bubba got to the kid who did security threw the kid down and hauled his ass outta there. (Yes!) Wow, they beat on 12 year olds now?
Like who? SD has no one left to be buried. It's a dead roster. Putting Triple H on SD won't hurt it at all. lol
Even the most negative on these forums will have a hard time debating that. Kurt Angle is a hero. If you disagree, I'm interested in what your definition of a hero is exactly. Being a wrestler isn't heroic. Running into a burning building to save a baby is heroic. Diving on a grenade to save your platoon is heroic. Tackling a giant guy who has a big knife and is trying to rape a woman is heroic. A cop serving an arrest warrant on a crazy guy hiding in a dark house is heroic. Taking bumps in a wrestling ring to get paid isn't heroic. So unless I missed the time Angle took a bullet trying to stop a bank robbery, he's not a hero. Hard working wrestler? Yes. Hero? No. The word "hero" has been disgustingly watered down. I watch ESPN and hear crap like "his last-second heroics saved the game!" after a basketball player makes a buzzer beater to win a game. It's ridiculous. The Hurricane is a SUPER hero. You can't deny that.
They air a Heidenreich promo. He's coming and not alone. Paul Heyman will be there as well. WOW!
He's no workrate dream, that's for sure, but to say he's shit is pushing it. His selling and ability to get a crowd behind him are both great, and he delivers his spots crisply. He's better than Hogan ever was, and not far off Rock, and they both made fine champions. You're serious with Rock? You honestly think Cena is anywhere near Rocky in terms of in-ring ability? Wow. Cena has had one match I would rank above 'good' in WWE, against Angle at MN last year. Other than that, he's had a couple of pretty good tv matches with Benoit, a solid bout with Eddie last year, a fun brawl with Eddie, a pretty good match with Taker at Vengeance, and that's about it. This year (from which I'm rating his abilities), he's been horrible. He had a solid match with Taker, and that's it really. Last year, I thought he did show alot of potential, and looked good in the ring. When he turned face, his timing and his selling where almost spot on. He timed his comebacks well, knew when to hit his hope spots. This year, Cena has shown ZERO IMPROVEMENT and has actually gotten worse. I don't know how you can even put him in the same breath as Rocky. No he hasn't. Cena always looks extremely comfortable on the mic, and although he hasn't quite managed to deliver what I'd call a 'money promo' yet, he nearly always has the crowd eating out of his hand. His material regularly sucks, but his mic technique is better than 90% of the roster. He has the crowd "eating out of his hand" because he is the king of the cheap pops. Last year, I was one of Cena's biggest fans. Heck, even when he first turned face he was still enjoyable on the mic. This year it's all 'deez nutz' and 'the poo poo' and really forced humour. Like you said, there hasn't been any money promos, but there doesn't need to be YET. Still, he has yet to deliver a promo that puts over ANYTHING, never mind sells a ppv. What does Cena on the mic acomplish? Does it sell pay per views? No. Put over his opponents? No. Is it really funny? No. Is it really intense and cool? No. So what does it do? It's just an excuse for Cena to suck up to the crowd, then start making poop jokes, which aren't funny. Or gay jokes. I'll agree he does look comfortable on the mic, as if he "belongs". No he hasn't. He's got a well-defined character who a lot of the audience can relate to. In a world of over-the-top characters, Cena's is relatively realistic and translates well to the wrestling world. Most importantly, he's got a character period, which is more than a large proportion of the roster have. Ok, answer me this: What IS Cena's character? His gimmick is that he's a rapper. But what's the character behind the gimmick? He comes out, makes poop jokes, squashes someone in 2 mins. This year, how has his character developed? Perhaps it is if you suffer from ADD. The gimmick has caught on to such a degree that to change it right now would be lunatic. It needs tweaking. He needs "his edge" back. Heel Cena = Good. He can still be a heel and get face pops. Well, he's a lot better if that's what you mean. Yup. If that's his only positive, how did he get so popular in the first place? Heel Cena. Heel Cena is cool. They turn him face, he loses what made him cool in the first place. It's quite possible for both to be pushed at the same time, you know. And if they meet at Mania, Cena would gain a whole lot more from a win than Eddie. Why would he? Cena can be pushed for years to come. Eddie can't. Use Eddie while you still can. Cena will still be here, and over, when Eddie's gone.
Because Cena sucks balls, that's why. How about: He's become shit in the ring He's become shit on the mic He's got a shit character His gimmick is stale as hell Yeah, he's over. But so is Eddie, who is 100x the wrestler Cena is. Cena's ONLY positive is his popularity. It would be fine if his overness smokes Eddie's, but it doesn't. When he's only slightly more over (debatable) than Eddie, who is way better in everything else, he shouldn't be pushed over him.
OMG, Change ure sig doode!
Hooray! You won't be missed, Rena.