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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    Replace Cena with Eddie, and have Eddie beat JBL at NWO or something. No way should Cena be walking out of Mania the champ.
  2. Dark Age

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    I still wanna know when this 45 MINUTE MARATHON between Undertaker and JBL took place.
  3. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    What, in real WWE? He and Jamie Noble lost to F.B.I on Velocity this week, and he beat Funaki the week before. They should give Chavo the belt back at the end of the year and do a REAL "Chavo Vs. The World" angle.
  4. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    Yeah, I know. Akio can easily be recalled, and you could just put Funaki (or Dragon if he's back) in Sakoda's place. It's not like they are really important to that little piece of booking. Just put 2 random cruisers in there and you'll get a good match.
  5. Dark Age

    This is IT

    Wow, you're cool!
  6. Dark Age

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

  7. Dark Age

    This is IT

    Ya know...technically, Mankind was a retard: A retard who could be violent and kick ass, just like Eugene. No, Mankind was insane, not a retard.
  8. Dark Age

    New SummerSlam Match

    Well, Sakoda is gone, but even if he wasn't, why on Earth would he be in there?
  9. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    He can just turn up and job at Unforgiven (I'll just pretend it's an a SD event). Have him appear on the SD after SummerSlam, then take off and cut a bunch of promos on Angle, pre-taped. And, if he's doing the Marine, how does the series with Booker work?
  10. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    No. Angle beats Taker at Survivor Series. Eddie wins the Rumble, beats Angle at Mania. No way JBL lasts that long. I THINK it'll be Cena/Angle or Cena/Eddie, sadly.
  11. Dark Age

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    Some call these men the greatest entertainers on Earth Flying without wings, Defying physical limitation Yes, this is entertainment, But the hazards are great So no matter where you are, Whatever you do, Please, don't try this at home I dunno what's lamer. The fact I just typed that out, or the fact that I know the words. Seriously, though, you're right. It's also why I hate 'Who should be fired' threads.
  12. Dark Age

    Smackdown post-Summerslam

    Taker/JBL rematch. Taker gets the belt to set up a SS match with Angle. Angle would then get the belt, to set up the blowoff with Eddie at Mania. I would have Angle "break Eddie's ankle" at SummerSlam to give Eddie a month off to heal his injuries, get himself together and come back more over than ever. I'd end the Booker/Cena series on a SD, so that Cena could have his match with Angle (non comedy) to play off that feud. To do this, at SS: JBL beats Taker Angle beats Eddie Booker beats Cena Rey/Kidman/London beat Duz Unforgiven JBL vs Taker - No DQ Kurt Angle vs John Cena Booker T vs RVD Big Show vs Charlie Haas Spike Dudley vs Rey Mysterio Paul London and Billy Kidman vs Bubba and D-Von Dudley - Tables Match Chavo Guerrero vs Nunzio JBL/Taker would be taken to another PPV to give JBL another win. He looks like a chump if he just jobs to Taker. Giving him a win over the Deadman could POSSIBLY establish him as a main eventer. A No DQ match would let them stiff the hell out of each other, plus JBL had a couple of good matches with Eddie in similar situations. Granted, JBL is no Eddie, but he should be good to brawl. Taker goes over, though you COULD have JBL win again and stretch to a third. This would really make JBL a permanent main eventer. Downside is that no one wants JBL vs Taker headlining three consecutive shows, and what claim to a shot would Taker have if he already blew 2 matches with JBL? Angle/Cena because Angle got a really good match out of Cena last year. This can NOT be like the feud they had last year. It has to be serious. It will not BRING TEH FUNNY! It's mainly a placeholder untill Eddie returns the SD after this. They can have a really good match, with Angle going over to blow off the feud that's been on-off for a while now. Angle makes Cena tap again. Booker/RVD is obvious. I'm sure they'll do Booker/Cena again but I see no reason for it to continue that long. Just have Booker win 3-1 and let Cena go to Angle. This could either be pretty good or really bad. If both are motivated it would turn out okay. Booker goes over. Show/Haas is an interesting one. Have Show return and HELP Angle. They could say that Show was going to get fired, but Angle signed him to a new contract, pending he was Angle's backup, or whatever bullshit. It could lead to a Luther face turn, not that I wanna see that. This match happens because Angle has issues with Haas, so he sends Show after him. Storyline could be that Angle is trying to show Haas that he doesn't belong with Rico and Jackie, but in the new Team Angle. He's having his guys beat Haas up to show how far he's fallen. This match helps elevate Haas, as he shows he can hang with Show. It works for Show because he needs a win on ppv, plus Haas could get a decent match out of him. Show goes over. Rey/Spike blows off that little feud. I don't like Spike as champ, so you can get the belt off him here. Rey is just the 'go to guy' for the cruiser title now, and he can transition the belt to someone else before going up to the US Division. This should still be good, regardless of my annoyance with Spike as champ. Rey goes over. Dudz/Shooting Stars will be the match that FINALLY elevates London/Kidman. They go over the Dudz in their own match. I can imagine London and Kidman doing alot of wacky, crazy things with the table. Just make this like the Hardyz/Dudz match from RR00 and you can get the tag champs over big time. London and Kidman go over. Chavo/Nunzio is on the card because it would be good. No other reason. There doesn't need to be. Just open up each SD with a 6-man or a tag match similar to the one a few weeks back and have these 2 exchange wins. They then decide to see who is better in a singles match. Simple, basic storyline. FBI get a push, Chavo gets a win to set up next month, and you have a really good 12 minute match. Chavo goes over. Throw in another match if need be. Just do another cruiser match for some fun. Anyway, this all sets up No Mercy (which is now an SD event I believe?). Eddie returns just after Unforgiven and is just trying to KILL Kurt Angle. All the main heels on SD kinda come together and watch each other's back, though not as a stable. Anyway, this is mainly Kurt just trying to stop Eddie getting near him. He puts up wrestler after wrestler to face Eddie, constantly avoiding facing him himself. This isn't Kurt being his usual stupid cowardly heel. He's a bad ass now. He'll face anyone. He runs through all the faces, beting them clean with the anklelock. But he WON'T face Eddie, because he KNOWS he's dead meat when does. So, the Eddie/Chavo feud starts up again, as Kurt puts the first block in Eddie's way. No Mercy Undertaker vs JBL - Some gimmick Eddie Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Kurt Angle vs Charlie Haas John Cena vs Big Show Booker T vs Rey Mysterio RVD vs Jamie Noble Paul London and Billy Kidman vs Akio and Sakoda Bubba and D-Von Dudley vs Nunzio and Johnny Stamboli Taker/JBL is the rubber match. They are 1-1. Or JBL could be 2-0, it doesn't matter. Taker goes over anyway to end it. Eddie/Chavo get the 25 minute match they should have had at the Rumble. Eddie goes over clean. Angle/Haas is because of the 'Angle trying to recruit Haas' storyline. Angle snaps on Haas on a SD, giving up on trying to persuade him. Here, he reconsiders, as Haas takes him to the limit. Angle goes over. Cena/Show is to give Show another ppv win, continue their feud, and the Angle/Cena feud. Cena needs to job a few times on ppv to show the crowd he is vulnerable. RVD/Noble allows Jamie to carry RVD to a good match, gives RVD a much needed win, and get Noble some exposure. Tag Title match can just be all out action. Obviously Sakoda is gone, so turn Funaki or something. SS go over. Booker/Rey is something I really wanna see. I have no idea how the match would be, but I wanna see it. US Champ vs Cruiser Champ. Rey begins his march towards the US Belt, and Booker racks up another one. I've long wanted a Dudley/FBI feud. I'd prefer Chuckie P back for this, but no mater. Just have the FBI go all mafia on the Dudleyz asses and IT'S ALL GOOD! And that's my little piece of fantasy booking.
  13. Dark Age

    Bad Blood and Vengeance 2004

    So, what is everyone's opinion on Orton/Edge? MOTYC or just plain boring?
  14. Dark Age

    RAW House Show 8/7 REPORT

    You should have given her an RKO. She would be all over you then.
  15. Dark Age

    It appears to be official

    Russo vs Rhodes for the World Title, in which Jarrett SWERVES everyone and sides with Russo. The next show, Russo SWERVES Jarrett and says he and Dusty were together all along. End of the night, Dusty SWERVES Russo and says he and Jeff have been in cahoots. Next week, Russo beats Dusty and Jeff in a DUNGEON OF DOOM MATCH. After the match, all three SWERVE everyone and announce the nWo is invading. The next week, Russo is fired.
  16. Dark Age

    RAW House Show 8/7 REPORT

    It is Nova. It's a rib on Dean Malenko or something. The name that is.
  17. Wait, Triple H is gonna job Sunday?
  18. Dark Age

    Bad Blood and Vengeance 2004

    Benoit/Kane was better than both, IMO. But yeah, Bad Blood is pretty decent. The three big matches are enjoyable (though you may not like HIAC) Jericho/Tomko is shockingly decent, Eugene/Coach was fun (the last time I liked Eugene), tag title was okay and so was the womens match. No real bad points, and a pretty enjoyable show. Vengeance wasn't something I could get in to, mainly due to the time I watched it. Watching Orton/Edge at 3am made it about 10 times more boring than it could have been. Seen as though I didn't tape the show, I'm now left with no real opinion on the show, as I was half asleep through most it. From what I could gather, Jericho/Batista was pretty okay (but Meltzer shit all over it), Kane/Hardy was watchable, the tag match was fun, though repetitive for the second half of the match, I haven't seen the opening tag because of a crappy channel named Setanta Sports, the womens match was really decent, and I was just kinda lost for the big two. Orton/Edge ranges from 'completely boring' to 'brilliant MOTYC' so I dunno. Triple H/Benoit seemed good.
  19. Dark Age

    RAW House Show 8/7 REPORT

    Wasn't it the only womens match at the show? People with wrestling tattoos are why I dislike wrestling fans.
  20. Dark Age

    The Sunday Night Heat Thread For Today

    He got squashed by AmDragon at Road To The Title. He looked okay, but the match was like 3 mins long. He also got trained by Shawn Michaels, or was at his school anyway.
  21. Dark Age

    Fantastic Kurt Angle article

    Man, that's impressive. I can do TWICE that amount!
  22. Dark Age

    The Sunday Night Heat Thread For Today

    Biohazard was in ROH at one time.
  23. Dark Age

    New SummerSlam Match

    That should be on the show.