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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    Ha. Edited: I withdraw my comments
  2. Dark Age

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/26 Observer

    I think they'll go JBL - Taker - Angle - Eddie
  3. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    I've only known you 10 minutes and I think you suck. That's nice. You haven't gone nuts on me yet for stealing your pics. I await your wrath.
  4. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Yeah, how unbelievable is THAT?
  5. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    That's funny, considering no one here even KNOWS me. I've been here like, 3 months.
  6. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    GIMMICK, people. It's a gimmick.
  7. Dark Age

    Excuse Me

    It's obviously a gimmick account. If not.... Hi Becca!
  8. Wait, that was Glennsoe? AGAIN? You'd thing he'd learn not to start threads.
  9. Since when was Rico EVER funny?
  10. You can't fault the effort of the sole invader.
  11. Dark Age

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    First hour. Coach said on Heat it would start the show.
  12. http://plondon.proboards3.com/index.cgi?board=social Someone has invaded the Paul London board
  13. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    But he won't be ready by Mania. He still needs a couple of years.
  14. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    That's exactly what I've been saying. Cena last year was good. Cena this year sucks.
  15. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    I've just told you why Goldberg was a bad idea. They had to destory eveyone around him to get him over. That's why he couldn't get over in WWE. They were not willing to destroy everyone else JUST to get Goldberg over. They won't do it with Cena, and they shouldn't do it with Cena. It has short term gains. People will pay to see an unstoppable guy destory other main eventers in 5 minutes. In the long term, you hurt the whole roster around him. It doesn't work. How about the fact that SmackDown! is at the worst point it's EVER been in? Maybe that contributed to low buyrates? Putting Cena in Eddie's position wouldn't change a thing. It still wouldn't draw. Cena doesn't compare -at all- to Rocky in early 98. Rock will always have alt more charisma than Cena, and always has done. Tell me the last good Cena promo? Or does he simply get by on catchphrases, sucking up to the city, and making toilet jokes? He has shown ZERO improvement in his in-ring work this year. He's had one really good match (at best) in his career, with Kurt Angle. Your comparing a guy who has been in the company for 2 years to a guy who had been around (half of it injured) the company for one year. If we are using the Cena-Rock comparisons, Cena should be at Rock Jan 99 levels. He isn't anywhere near that. Keep in mind Cena is, what, 28 or 29? Rock was alot younger. Rock also went pretty much straight into WWE from the start of his career. Cena has been in OVW and UPW. He should be better than he is at this point. And Rock was better than decent - good. People are into him. Yeah, they should be. When he comes out wearing the local sports team's jersey, sucking up the crowd, ripping into his opponent then squashing him in minutes, he SHOULD be over. How is he good on the mic? I would have agreed with you last year, but this year he hasn't cut one good promo. He hasn't cut one decent promo. All he has going for him is that he's over. This year, he's been terrible in the ring, terrible on the mic, had a terrible character, and has just been flat out terrible. It's a complete contrast to last year. I was one of his biggest fans then. If Benoit's lack of charisma hurts him, doesn't Cena's lack of in-ring skills hurt him? You can't something about one guy, but use different rules for another. Benoit's in-ring skills are enough to carry him by, regardless of his lack of (debatable) charisma. Cena's mic skills can NOT carry him by. I agree with you, Cena WILL be a star. But you say put him in there with Eddie, Angle, etc to get him better. Fine. I agree, completely. But do it BEFORE you give him the title. Don't put the title on a guy who still has to improve alot. Let him get these matches under his belt, then see if he HAS improved, and if he has, then consider making him your top guy. Don't just assume putting him in there with great workers will make him a good worker. Check it out first. I find it funny that you say 'if they did this, or that with Eddie' then you yourself do the same with Cena. WHY can't they use the same scenario for Eddie? Of course they can. You're just looking at it that why because Eddie is older than Cena. He still has a BIG shot of being "the man" if they let him. Give Eddie the ball, he will run with it. I don't think that's the case with Cena.
  16. She's still awaiting authorization.
  17. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    It's not the 1980s. Wrestling is different. Would King Kong Bundy get over as a buyable challenger today, or would the fans accept him? No. It's different. You can't make Cena champion, then feed him a big fat heel every month, like with Hogan. It's different. If Benoit and Guerrero were career mid carders, why are they main eventers now? Why was it that the fans DEMANDED Eddie be pushed. it's not like he was lingering in the mid card, and the WWE forced his push upon his. He NEEDED to be pushed. I'd be interest in how much Eddie gained when Cena got that many. Also, I doubt No Way Out would have broken 200,000 buys if Cena was challenging instead of Eddie. Same with JD. Cena couldn;t make the feud with JBL work, Eddie could. They are just assumptions on my part, though. Hogan was a very under-rated worker. Being the right man, in the right place, at the right time didn't hurt either. Like I said, 80s wrestling is an entirely different world to today. Put a character like Hulk Hogan at the top and it just won't work. Cena doesn't compare to Hogan. You talk about Hogan being protected so much, but they can't do that in this day and age. WCW got Goldberg over by tearing the entire company down for him. Once the streak was over, the mid carders were dead. What do you want them to do with Cena, squash EVERY SINGLE wrestler? Austin and Rock are ten times the worker Cena will over be. They are ALOT more charasmatic than Cena. They had MUCH better mic skills. They were MUCH more over. They had MUCH better characters. Cena will nevr touch either guy. You're once again talking about disguising Cena's weaknesses, which is fine. However, when yuo biggest weakness is that you suck in the ring, it's kinda hard to hide. Trust me, there is only so long they can protect and disguise Cena. Put Cena through Taker, Eddie, Angle and JBL? Do that with ANYONE and they'll be over. Do it with Eddie, and he'll be more over. Why is that so hard to understand? Cena has been used well, Eddie hasn't. Use Eddie as well as Cena, and Eddie will (he already is) be more over than Cena.
  18. Dark Age

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    Seriously guys, FanCam is the key. You'll bring in money from recording it. You will NOT get caught. If you do, say that you're blind, and you're recording it so that you can watch it when you get home. That'll work.
  19. "Why not e-mail a few special people that helped "bring down the site of wrestler that the majority of people DON'T like" by thinking they were fucking with me" HAHAHAHA. Sorry for 'fucking with you' Becca. I'm sure everyone is worried about what your gonna get your visitors to do. And she got the quote wrong. People LIKE Paul London.
  20. Would it have been that hard for her to just say "Can you please tell the people on your message board to stop using images" or whatever. I'm sure everyone wouldn't have a problem with that. Calling people 'thieves' or whatever for using an image is just sad. There were only a few people who used them anyway. They probably didn't even think about it. BTW, who is Craig Staunton? She's put your phone number on the site, encouraging her visitors to call you. And there's alot of email addresses on there as well.
  21. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    I don't know the breakdown for all segments in terms of ratings, but I THINK Cena is drawing somewhere between 'jack' and 'shit' at the moment, just like everyone else. Tell me, where are these big ratings or buyrates that Cena has brought in? Guerrero's body is NOT breaking down. He has a hamstring injury. It's not the end of the world. Give him a month off after SummerSlam, and when he returns he'll be more over than over. It's not rocket science. Workrate IS the #1 thing in making a superstar. Granted, you don't have to be a super worker like Eddie or Benoit. And there are instances where guys who aren't good in the ring can be champ (Big Show, JBL, and that's about it. Note that both of Big Show's reigns were terrible, and I'll wait until JBL's reign is over to pass judgment) but it's rare. Big Show has the monster look, the personality, etc that made him the Champ. He sucked as champ, but he was champ none the less. Almost everyone else in recent years has been better in the ring than Cena, and those who aren't (Hogan and Show) had really quick reigns. At the end of the day, if you can't back it up in the ring, you should NOT under any circumstances be champion. You do NOT make someone the champ if he needs to be carried. Cena needs to be carried. The only guys who I think can get a good match out of him on SD are Eddie, Kurt or Taker. That's GOOD matches, not great. It would take something special from Eddie to get a great match out of Cena. My point about Cena protected is that it affects his overness. If Eddie was half as protected as Cena, he'd be even MORE ove. I think Eddie's more over than Cena anyway, and that's despite being nowhere near as protected. You say Cena has far more upside, but you don't say why. Why does he have far more upside? If you think it's because of popularity, you're wrong. Regardless of who's more over, you must admit that there is only a small gap (in terms of overness) between Eddie and Cena. Not enough to make a difference. Age? Eddie has years left in him. Injuries? Eddie's got a hamstring injury, and that's about all he's had since returning more than 2 years ago. So, what's Cena's upside? You're supposed to protect guys if hey are getting pushed? Fair enough. Then why don;t they protect Eddie? Why did Eddie job to D-VON DUDLEY? Maybe because Eddie doesn't NEED protecting, and would stay over anyway? Whereas Cena would lose steam if he jobbed to a Dudley, or Bradshaw 4 times, Eddie stays over. If Cena needs to be carried, he shouldn't be champion. It's that simple. It's only so long that you can protect him in matches with Eddie and Kurt. Sooner or later, he's gotta face JBL, Taker, RVD, Dupree, etc. THne he will be exposed BIG TIME. He's passable in the ring? Then why the hell make him the champion? You don't make passable wrestlers your world champion. Connecting well with the audience doesn't equal buyrates. Are they gonna sell Cena's title defenses him talking about poop? Or saying someone is constipated? Wow, brilliant mic skills there. None of Cena's promos can TOUCH Eddie's from his mini feud with Brock. None of them could sell a ppv like those promos (granted NWO didn't exactly sell). If he has potential, why not wait until he fulfills it? Don't put the title on potential. Like I said in the Orton thread, save Cena for in a few years time when you need him. Now, use Eddie, Angle, Booker, Taker, RVD and Show for all they are worth. In a few years time, some of thos eguys will be gone. Cena will still be here, still be over, will have and will have gotten better.
  22. Dark Age

    The OAO Raw Thread - 7/26/04 - 60 Minute Iron Man

    BHK or Redbaron, record the match and Ebay it. Wow, smark bashing, what a breath of fresh air. I'll reserve judgment until I've seen the match.
  23. Dark Age

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/26 Observer

    Yes, go Mark. Go now! I won't miss you. How original. Good at what, exactly? Doing nothing? Walking to the ring? Speaking English?
  24. Dark Age

    Next guy to win the title...

    No, he isn't. Cena's fine for the crowd to cheer in his 3 minutes squashes on SmackDown!. Watch the pay per views, the shows that matter. Eddie got bigger pops in his 2 matches against JBL than Cena did in his matches with Dupree and Co. What's more, Eddie sustains the crowd support throughout the match. Put Cena in a 15 minute match with JBL, and you will get NOWHERE NEAR the amount of heat that was in both JBL/Eddie matches, particularly the JD match. If we are going from Rumble, when both guys seemed to really got pushed: Eddie got a bigger pop in the SD Rumble show, his promos against Brock got MUCH bgger responses than any Cena promo has in forever, at No Way Out, Eddie's reaction SMOKED Cena's. Next show, Eddie's reaction blew Cena's away again (the celebration). Since Mania, Eddie's pops have gone down, but that's due to how he's been booked. He's been feuding with a midcarder. He jobbed to D-Von Dudley. He's had to carry the show on his back. Of course he's going to lose some overness. Like I said, intro pops mean nothing in regard to the reaction you get during the match. The reasion I believe Benoit is the most over guy on Raw is because of how he can bring the crowd into a match, regardless of his intro pop. Benoit doesn't always get a big pop for his entrance. Eddie has both the huge pop for his entrance, and sustained crowd heat throughout his match. When Cena can really get the crowd into his comeback, really bring them into a match as much as Eddie can, then talk about him being more over. Also, keep in mind that Cena has been HEAVILY protected all year. He NEVER jobs, wrestles squashes most of the time, sucks up to the crowd, etc. Eddie DOES job, has to wrestle 20 minute matches with JBL, doesn't suck up to the crowd, etc. Age isn't everything. I don't know for sure, but what's Eddie? 35? 36? That's not too old. I would be more concerned about his past drug problems catching up on him, not his age. How you can bring age into the question when Eddie has been having as many great matches as ever this year (Brock, Angle, Rey, and getting something good out of JBL) is weird to me. Eddie's not that old. He has years left. Moreso, popularity isn't everything. It's a very important thing, but not everything. hat must be taken into account is how good they are in the ring (Eddie's better than Cena by FAR), whether they can make their opponents look good (Cena can't, Eddie can), if they draw (granted, no one really draws these days, but Eddie's a big draw in the hispanic market, I don't know about Cena), and other things. Other than popularity and age, why would you see Cena as a better guy to build the show around?
  25. No, but I'm expecting one sometime soon.