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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    TSM Poster Tournament III WINNAR~!

    Ok, I get it. You're called Kotz, but your name is Moist Party Gurl for whatever reason. That good enough? Have I got it yet?
  2. Dark Age

    TSM Poster Tournament III WINNAR~!

    The mystery is solved. Let me guess.... you used to be called Kotz, right?
  3. Dark Age

    TSM Poster Tournament III WINNAR~!

    Bah. But I don't know who THAT is either.
  4. Dark Age

    TSM Poster Tournament III WINNAR~!

    Good for you, MPG. Why does everyone call you Kotz?
  5. I am a "lower half" poster. I do not consider myself to be a troll. I hope none of you do either.
  6. I'm dissapointed with the love of Angle/Benoit over Rock/Austin. It sickens me.
  7. Dark Age

    WWE News from the 6/28 Observer

    Val has had some kick ass matches on Heat this year with Orton, Dudleys, Stevie and Rhyno. Heck, he even got something watchable out of Garrison Cade. They should send him to SD and have him feud with Cena or something. He'd be able to carry John to some good matches.
  8. Dark Age

    Better than Kevin:

    I told him to rant and rave about it. He accused me of starting the thread and of being Agent, so I ran.
  9. Dark Age

    Better than Kevin:

    I have been speaking to Kevin on AOL. He seems upset over the use of his name in these threads.
  10. Dark Age

    WWE News from the 6/28 Observer

    That's because he is. Plus, I don't see Val Venis being the type of guy with an attitude problem. I know this is just a presumption on my part but he just doesn't strike me that way.
  11. Dark Age

    WWE News from the 6/28 Observer

    Not at all. Val has some of the best punches in WWE. Note the little shake of the wrist he does afterwards.
  12. Dark Age

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Not yet you say? Then when? WHEN?!? What will this job involve?
  13. Dark Age

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    I can't wait. <---- Wants an answer to his request.
  14. Dark Age

    WWE News from the 6/28 Observer

    What? Val's been great on Heat lately.
  15. Dark Age

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    I liked them before you! Well? You didn't answer my question. Is it possible for me to get some sort of stooging job for your great company? Heck, I'll be your personal bitch (what?). I need to be noticed!
  16. Dark Age

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    Indeed. This RudoCurry Industry is an exciting prospect. Very exciting. If it be a stooge, or a helper, or anything I can do to just be involved, I'm the man. The newsletter intrigues me. Where can I obtain this?
  17. Indeed, tips are welcome. This is something that intrigues me. Maybe even excites me. May I ask, how would one succeed in the art of gnoming? Do you need a special talent, that you clearly have, or can the skills be obtained by sheer hard work? Gnoming is fun! * Rushes off to buy gnomes *
  18. Dark Age

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    That's great. Keep up the good work guys. Now that you've gotten praise from ME, you know you're something special.
  19. Awesome. You should SO bring the gnomes back to attack someone else. In fact, I could use gnomes to get revenge on enemies. Then again, it's probably better not attempting to recreate greatness.
  20. That's awesome. Did your neighbours ever find out it was you?
  21. Whatever happened to the Gnomes that someone here used (CWM?)
  22. Who was that ABOBO character? He amused me greatly.
  23. What's with that Rawmvp thread I have been reading? Was that guy normal before he started spouting that shit or was he just a gimmick? Did he ever post a reply to all that? Did anyone believe it?
  24. Dark Age

    Euro 2004

    Well one advantage (yeah right) of going out is that we (Liverpool) can now sort out this whole Ste Gerrard saga. I'm telling you this; if Steven joins Chelsea he won't even be able to show his face around here. And if he does join them he's a fucking sell out. Sadly, it looks like he's already made his mind up.
  25. Dark Age

    PPVs to be PPV in UK from 2005

    Because we have to stay up until 4am to watch the shows and the amount of buyers over here would be very small. Very few people would pay for a monthly show.