Dark Age
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Also, keep in mind Booker has said he's retiring next year now for the last 2 years or so. If he were to be pushed as a main eventer and was taken seriously, I'm sure he would change his mind.
Wait a minute. You think I'm that MikeSC guy because I have the Rock as my avatar don't you? Ha. But Rock vs Goldberg was the main event, not the 6 man tag. It doesn't matter if the champ was in it or not, it still wasn't the main event.
Are you sure? I always thought that Brock jumped to SD some time after Vengeance (he faced Hogan), then when he won the belt, he walked out on Raw to remain exclusive to SD!
I thought that they had forgot about Tajiri. Hopefully, they throw him back into the whole Benoit and friends vs Evolution feud as soon as he's back. I agree with whoever said feed Steiner to Eddie. I wouldn't mind a Benoit/Steiner match, either.
No. He didn't main event SummerSlam. He was in the Rumble for, like, 30 seconds. If you're counting that then Tommy Dreamer main evented a ppv. Raw's main event at Backlash was Rock/Golberg so you're wrong there. Judgment Day was Triple H/Nash, Shawn just brawled with Flair. Raw's main event at SurSer was H/Goldberg, and his Rumble match wasn't the main event. So he's main evented: SurS 02 Armageddon 02 SumS 03 WM 04 Backlash 04 BB 04 6 ppvs. 2 were triple threat matches, 2 were Elimination Chamber matches, adn 2 were singles matches. Huge number of main events there. BTW, all of these matches contained Triple H. Brock Lesnar has main evented more shows in that time. Actually, Brock had already jumped to SD!
And Bradshaw was doing what exactly before his push? All an RVD or a Booker T needs to be taken seriously again is wins. Have Booker beat Taker and Cena in consectuive SD!s, and bingo, he's no. 1 contender. No one will care that he's been damaged goods for so long, all they (marks) will remember is that just recently he beat 2 of the top 3 faces. If Booker is retiring next year, then why not milk him for all he's got? I'm not saying put the belt on him (but I would) just use him to job to Eddie at SummerSlam or something. Chavo is a cruiser, yeah, but he's not far off Eddie's size. Plus, it's an instant feud. A feud that would probably have more heat than any other feud SD! has to offer.
I probably came off like I despised the guy when talking about him, but you're right he's not horrible. He's bad, but not God awful bad. Still, you pretty much said it yourself. He's a little green, but can probably improve. So why are they wanting to rush him into a main event feud now? Why are they wanting to thrwo the guy in at the deep end? Here's an idea. Why not let him get settled into the character before using him as an upper carder. I mean, if Mordecai blows his feud with Eddie then it could seriously hurt him. Why do something that could kill his character before it ever get's started? I have to ask, what is it that made them think Mordecai NEEDED to be on the main roster now? He's really green so leave him in OVW until he get's better. If he doesn't improve, release him. It's not like he's doing anything mind blowing on SD, that couldn't be done by anyone else. SD! still has plenty of options. I know it has been said non stop now, but what is it preventing them from pushing Booker or RVD? What it really be so bad? You would get some good matches out of the thing, a feud the fans care about, and a chance of making a new main eventer, as opposed to a quick fix like JBL or Mordecai. RVD, Book, Cena, Taker, Haas, Rey and Chavo are all much better options than Mordecai, and could easily move into a feud with Eddie. And they would be believable challengers.
He did a snake eyes as soon as he picked Matt back up, so that's probably what he was going for. BTW, for you US fans, did the Raw main event go to a break 30 seconds in with Jericho and Orton on the mat? It seemed really out of place, with JR in mid sentence. Plus, I read the main lasted about 35 minutes, while we only got a 25 minute match (with commercials). I'm thinking Sky Tv edited the match for whatever bizarre reason. If they needed to edit, why not cut the womens match out, which served no real purpose?
Except, of course, all the matches he has wrestled in OVW. I didn't like hm there, I don't like him here. But that's not really the point. People are shitting on it because it's stupid pushing him straight to a title feud. I would gladly ignore his existance so long as he keeps squashing cruisers, but when he's feuding for the title, he's hard to ignore. Plus, it's not even just his ability. His gimmick just screams that of a cheap indy wrestler, he's shown no real ability in his promos (and most have been pre-taped), and (if I was judging from his WWE work) he didn't show any potential in his match with Scotty. Yes, I know, it's one match, and it was a squash. Still, Mordi did nothing in it. And he moved really slow. It's cool that you wanna give the guy a chance because you haven't (?) seen him before and you don't wanna jump to conclusions because he's a mini hoss. Heck, I'd be the same way if I was in your situation. But surely you must admit it's stupid to push a super green, not great worker (no matter how you look at it) and not really over guy straight into a title feud. It's crazy.
Yeah, because of Coey doesn't think a match is good, then it can't be.
Of course. He's going to be feuding with the Champion. That makes it seem, to me at least, that Mordecai will challenge for the belt. In fact if they do feud, I guarantee it will be for the title. What, are they just going to ignore that Eddie is the champ and have them have a bunch of non-title matches? Don't talk silly. YOU know the feud will be for the title. I know the feud will be for the title. Everyone does. And the reason for the feud is that Mordecai wants to destroy Eddie? The same as everyone else. You may think that he doesn't care about the belt, but he will cut the same promo every one else always does. Eddie is a disgrace, a sinner, etc. Then he will say that we need a champion like him to bring SmackDown! from it's sins, or some junk like that. Just you watch.
Exactly. Every opponent of Eddie'shas had the same motives. Eddie lies, cheats and steals. Eddie's a former drug addict. Eddie's Mexican. Would it be so hard for anyone to just come out say 'I wanna be Champion'? Or, can someone win a number 1 contenders match to show that they actually deserve a shot?
So, in WWE storyline world, what has Mordecai done to actually warrant a shot at the title? Does beating Scotty now make one the number one contender? It's stupid. Why did Eddie need to win a battle royal to get his shot, yet Mordecai can get one 'just because'? Oh right, Eddie's a face, Mordecai's a heel, gottcha. Seriously, couldn't they at least have him beat someone that matters before pushing him to a friggin' world title feud? And what is up with wanting to saddle Eddie with every hoss possible? Mordecai, JBL, Taker, Luther Raines and Mark Jindrak. Is there something that prevents them using Booker, or RVD, or Cena, or Rey? I don't like RVD, but surely the E realise that an RVD/Eddie feud would be pretty good. Name me one advantage for using any of the above menioned hosses (outside of Taker) over an RVD or Booker T?
I'd say that was clean. Though Taker did have a broken hand. And he said he would have beat Brock if he was younger. So, yeah. Other than that......... Austin? The guy didn't even job to Rocky clean.
I think it was a joke, wasn't it?
I think it was at least 4. He pinned both guys, he got a dq win and he got a countout win. I may be missing one.
The Mania 3-Way JUST edges out Eddie/Brock. I loved both matches.
1)Austin vs Rock-WM 17 8)HBK vs Foley-Mind Games 4)Bret vs Austin-WM 13 5)Bret vs Owen-WM 10 15)Bret vs Owen-Summerslam '94 42)Bret vs Bulldog-Summerslam '92 6)HHH vs HBK vs Benoit-WM 20 2)Bret vs Austin survivor series 96 Thats a whole lot of Bret.
So you're admitting you haven't seen the JD match, but then commenting on it? How do you know Taker didn't squash Booker, you haven't seen it. I don't think Taker squashed Book, but he certainly didn't help him. Taker didn't cement Brock as a top liner. Beating Rock, Hogan and Flair helped do that. He was already a main eventer before the Taker feud. Keep in mind Taker came out the very next SD and said he would have beat Brock if he was younger. Plus, Brock was already getting face pops before the feud with Taker. And, after the Taker feud, Brock wasn't a heel. The feud with Taker turned him face. He put over Austin at SummerSlam? What 6 years ago? Against the biggest star in the company? Gee, what a company man. So he should job the biggest star around. Jeff Hardy was wrestling for the European Title at Vengance, a month or so after his World Title Match with Taker. How it elevated or helped him I can't fathom. After jobbing to Taker, he moved on to Regal. Real elevation there. But wait, Taker tapped him on the ribs. RESPECT. I'm shocked Jeff Hardy never went on to become a main event player after that. How did his feud with Cena elevate Cena? At Vengeance Taker MURDERED Cena for 7 minutes with Cena getting in ZERO offense. He had Cena BEAT but picked him up at 2. Then he got broken ribs. He was spitting up blood. And yet, he kicked out of Cen'as finisher. He kicked out of a chain shot to the ribs. Then got the clean win. What a guy. 2 weeks later on SmackDown!, he had Cena pinned when the ref was bumped. Cena needed A-Train's interference to help him get the win. But that's not what matters. What matters is that Undertaker had a match at SummerSlam. John Cena didn't. Where is the elevation? From all that you would think I hate Taker. I actually don't. I think (unless Angle comes back, Cena turns heel or they push Booker) that having Taker turn heel to feud with Eddie would be a good idea. Just so long as Eddie beats Taker on his own, gets elevated, and they don't bury Eddie in the process. No Taker getting the belt for a few months, no exchanging wins on ppv. Just have Taker seem unbeatable up until Survivor Series. Have the Eddie feud begin around SummerSlam. After a long feud, Eddie beats Taker at SurSer. Taker turns face again the next week, Eddie's still champ, everybody wins.
So, was there a time when WWE folder was good? When everyone liked the mods, not as much pointless crap and alot of decent discussion? Or has it always been like this?
May I ask WHY the WWE folder is so hated in these parts? There are alot of idiots (Evil Blood, Glennsoe, etc) who fill the folder with pointless thread after pointless thread, but surely there is more to why you guys despise the place so much.
Yeah, that's right. Rock/Jericho was SO feud of the year.
I thought this was the first ever Hardcore Holly vs Mark Jindrak match? I know it will be great, but it isn't a rematch.