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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    UK Festival Line-Ups '06

    I'm going Leeds. I was originally planning to go to Reading instead, but ended up changing last minute. You will be happy to know, G Money, that a new batch of tickets will, apparently, be going on sale this Tuesday, due to the capacity being increased. I dunno if you got on the waiting list, but if you did you can ring up before then. I like the lineup. I was pretty disappointed to start with, but I'm satisfied. Weren't the Flaming Lips and Tool rumoured, though? What happened there?
  2. Dark Age

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    So he has poor wrestling skills, but portrays a monster well. I hope you meant technical wrestling skills. But then why would Mark Henry need to be a good technical wrestler? Maybe you meant he just looks like a monster and nothing else. But you said plays. Hmm.
  3. Dark Age

    ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

    That would be the worst thing they could do. Just change Raw over to ECW.
  4. Dark Age

    Raw spolers for 4/24/06

    How does one confuse Matt Striker and Shelton Benjamin? They're nowhere NEAR the same size.
  5. Dark Age

    SD Spoilers

    Wait a minute, I forgot JBL was US champ. Why is he challenging for the world title? I mean, that's cool in theory, everyone wanting the belt, but why use the US champion in a world title match when he could be used to pad out the card a bit? Why not just leave the belt on Benoit? Why not put it back on another heel, like Booker, who has NOTHING to do right now? I don't get this. Maybe JBL will cost Angle the match next week and face Rey sometime on tv, where Angle can get revenge. They could then do JBL/Angle at JD.
  6. Dark Age

    SD Spoilers

    Angle Vs. Benoit seems the logical final. I could see Lashley/Book, too, but I can't see them jobbing Angle to Booker. That lets them have Lashley/Finlay's blowoff at Judgment Day, too, along with Rey vs. JBL for the title. I dunno what they do with Booker, maybe Hardy.
  7. Dark Age

    WWE match of the year so far?

    No, you got it wrong. That shot was aimed at Just Joe. My point was that he's your favourite wrestler BECAUSE he is the best, so of course you're gonna like his matches more, and that's ok. Unless you already knew that. I can't tell.
  8. Dark Age

    Orten to TNA?

    There would be nothing wrong with Orton in TNA. He wouldn't be the greatest thing ever or anything, but sure, he would help. I dunno who he would be a good match with though.
  9. Dark Age

    WWE match of the year so far?

    I like it when someone uses the old "you only like that match because he's your favourite wrestler". I guess it's completely out of the ordinary that your favourite wrestler happens to be one of the best, hence thinking they have the best match, like WP. Whattafool.
  10. Dark Age

    WWE match of the year so far?

    Ignore him WP, he's just trying to cause trouble. He's been proven as an imbecile plenty of times. Not that it's MOTY, but the Benoit and Lashley/JBL and Finlay tag match, and the following week's six man, were both damn good. Especially Benoit getting revenge for the hand injury. That rocked. Raw has been the worst this year. The only matches that I have at least kinda enjoyed are Trips/Show (WM tourno) and Cena/Show. Oh, and the Cena/Edge blowoff. They were all ok matches. I think there's another one but I've forgot. I did love Edge/Foley though. Taker/Angle is probably MOTY.
  11. Dark Age

    What was the biggest crowd pop EVER?

    Jericho's phantom title win was pretty nutty.
  12. Dark Age

    Early Raw Preview

    Yes, Desperate Housewife, you are better than us all.
  13. Dark Age

    Early Raw Preview

    Yes, Desperate Housewife, you are better than us all.
  14. Dark Age

    Early Raw Preview

    By that logic, we pretty much can't judge ANY Raw match, because they all follow that EXACT same shitty format.
  15. Dark Age

    Early Raw Preview

    Desperate Housewife, you should protest by taking leave. People will then realise how wrong they were to doubt you.
  16. Dark Age

    Appeasing Smarks & Marks

    MNM should be on SmackDown, Kennedy on Raw, maybe Holly too. The rest are fine.
  17. Dark Age

    Appeasing Smarks & Marks

    Because the Bashams, Booker T and JBL are bad wrestlers.
  18. Dark Age

    And the Smackdown ME for Mania is...

    Tista's not gonna be back for a while man.
  19. Dark Age

    Destiny is a nigger in disguise.

    Matt Young, I thought Melissa was your girlfriend.
  20. Triple H the future of Raw you say
  21. If they wanted Orton to main event, why didn't he just, ya know, win the Rumble?
  22. Dark Age

    Backstage news on CM Punk

    Because Benoit and Angle are the only guys who use the rolling germans.
  23. Dark Age

    Smackdown vs. Raw PPV Closer

    No, it was Backlash.
  24. Dark Age

    Smackdown vs. Raw PPV Closer

    He originally had 8-8 with Rock/Lesnar for Raw.
  25. Dark Age

    Smackdown vs. Raw PPV Closer

    I think SmackDown MIGHT get Mania...