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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Kane vs Benoit

    He's for real. Venture into the gamefaq forums and you'll get much bigger Taker/Kane marks than him. BTW, was it ***** Evil Dude?
  2. Dark Age

    Kane vs Benoit

    Fight the power Evil Blood! You still haven't told me, was Taker/Kane ***** or a little less? I LOVED that match.
  3. Dark Age

    Kane vs Benoit

    Why? He's fun.
  4. Dark Age

    What becomes of the cruiserweight belt now?

    Eh, the cruiserweight division is dead. An ideal world would see a tourney, but ya know, Brother Love and stuff.
  5. Dark Age

    Kane vs Benoit

    Right. I couldn't agree more. Would you give Taker/Kane from Mania14 ****3/4 or go the whole way with *****? I think I would peg the rest at around ****. I think the match they had XX ruled, dood. Easy ****1/2 I am intrigued on your thoughts on this topic. Please continue.
  6. Dark Age

    Kane vs Benoit

    Yeah dude, it was a classic. We all agree with you. Now I'm off to watch those classic Taker vs Kane matches. They were classics as well, right?
  7. Dark Age

    Who likes Randy Orton now?

    Don't tell me who I can and can't enjoy you tool.
  8. Dark Age

    Who likes Randy Orton now?

    Agreed. I've been digging DAVE lately.
  9. Dark Age

    Who likes Randy Orton now?

    Been liking him since Mania. He still has along way to go before I would accept him main eventing a ppv, but I like him. I see that Orton troll is lurking.
  10. Well, at least he's okay. Here's hoping for a tourney now.
  11. Dark Age

    Benoit Must Be Stopped

    ^ Couldn't agree more. The WWE folder on this forum is a joke.
  12. Dark Age

    Hell In A Cell

    I guess most people miss the point that HIAC is not SUPPOSED to have any big bumps. The actual purpose of the match is that two guys can't escape from the Cell and finally settle their feud. The bumps were just an added bonus.
  13. Dark Age

    Mordecai Injured!!

    It should be.
  14. Dark Age

    SmackDown from JHawk's Beak

    No there wasn't. Please show me this 'great wrestling' that took place on SmackDown!
  15. Dark Age

    Least appearances on PPV

    Nathan Jones only wrestled once, at Survivor Series . But he did make an appearance at WM19 so I don't know if you would include him. Bill DeMott's only WWE PPV apearance came at InVasion. That's all I got for now.
  16. Dark Age

    What are you feelin' lately?

    Actually, I believe the blowoff was supposed to be WM14 with Austin beating Bret to end the feud. I could be wrong?
  17. Dark Age

    Suprising moves that a wrestler has used.

    Didn't Jerry Lynn used to do it? At the start of TNA.
  18. Dark Age

    What are you feelin' lately?

    The Rhyno/Stevie matches from Heat have been pretty enjoyable, as was the Rhyno/Val match. The Booker vs Matt Hardy match from Heat earlier this year was really good. The Evolution vs Team Benoit matches have kicked all kinds of ass.
  19. Dark Age

    Best North American Match Tournament

    1)Austin vs Rock-WM 17 17)Flair vs Steamboat-Chi-Town Rumble 8)HBK vs Foley-Mind Games 9)Angle vs Benoit-Rumble '03 4)Bret vs Austin-WM 13 13)HBK vs Undertaker-Bad Blood '97 5)Bret vs Owen-WM 10 12)Savage vs Warrior WM 7 3)Rey vs Eddie-Halloween Havoc '97 15)Bret vs Owen-Summerslam '94 7)Savage vs Steamboat-WM 3 11)HHH vs Rock-Judgement Day '00 22)10 Man Tag-Canadian Stampede 6)HHH vs HBK vs Benoit-WM 20 51)Rey/Edge vs Angle/Benoit-No Mercy '02 2)Bret vs Austin-Survivor Series '96
  20. Dark Age

    WWE June PPV Poll

    We get BB for free, so I will watch that. I would be willing to pay for it if need be as well. GAB I will probably get because it is not like I'm paying for two. I won't make the effort to watch it live though, just check it out sometime during the week, when I can be bothered to sit through it.
  21. Dark Age

    Moves which went out of fashion

    To hell with you, you, you nit-picker you. Ok, Batista USED to go straight into a pin when he first started using the move. And I was sure Batista used the full crab, but I must have been mistaken. To hell with you, anyway.
  22. Dark Age

    Moves which went out of fashion

    Well then, shouldn't German Suplexes be banned? There is a high potential for neck injury with a German.
  23. Godfather vs Mideon at NM 99' Mideon vs William Regal at NM 00' (Put some pants on, Mideon) The Goldust/Undertaker matches. Or Goldust vs Warrior. Just horrible.
  24. Dark Age

    A.J. Styles vs Amazing Red Freeview

    I enjoyed them both. Didn't AJ's push to the main event start the night he lost to Red?
  25. Dark Age

    Moves which went out of fashion

    Kurt uses the Russian Leg Sweep alot. Christian started using the Cloverleaf before he got injured, but not as a finisher. Paul London uses the 450 as his 'finisher'(ha). Dawn Marie used the Pefect Neck Snap at Judgment Day against Torrie. Or it might have been the other way around. Tajiri used a safer version of the Michinoku Driver for a while. I think he only used it is his matches against Rey, though. Ren's just seems more like a shitty sit-out powerslam. Didn't Gail Kim used the Death Lock on Raw this week (haven't seen the show yet)? Triple H used it during his feud with Booker last year. He didn't get one victory with the hold. Eugene has been using the atomic drop alot, and so does Shawn. Eugene also used the Claw in his training segment a few weeks ago, and he uses the Airplane Spin. Rhyno used it for a while as well. The Bashams used a double slingshot suplex a while ago (SurvivorSeries?) H and Shawn used the Ab Stretch alot. Orton has been using the Camel Clutch a bit. Brock used the delayed fisherman's suplex before leaving. Batista usually goes straight into the pin with the sitout powerbomb, doesn't he? Edge used it against Orton a couple of weeks ago. Bubba sometimes uses the senton splash (and misses). Everyone still uses the spinebuster. Kurt uses the gutwrench suplex sometimes. Batista uses the boston crab. That's all I got. Oh, I haven't seen anyone bust out a Dragon Suplex in WWE for a while. Maybe they banned it? Or a Tiger Suplex.