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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Chris Jericho Injury

    I wish that was the case man. I would love to see Jericho to drag Tomko to a decent match at the PPV. But after seeing the match they had last night, it isn't gonna happen. I hope I'm wrong though.
  2. Dark Age

    Chris Jericho Injury

    Huh? You mean Tomko right? If so, then yeah I agree. If not Huh?
  3. Dark Age

    nwatna.com to offer free Match Of The Week

    And that's only a sample of what London can do. The Lynn/AJ/Ki match where Low-Ki wins the belt is SO much better than the Ladder Match. Best ever TNA match IMO. Kazarian vs AJ? That was very lethargic if I remember correctly. Why not put the original Sabin/Kazarian match which was from around that time?
  4. Dark Age

    Great American Bash card

    Well they will definitely job him. No way would Rey beat Jindrak or Kenzo. They're both the future of the company. Rey is small. Who do YOU think will win?
  5. I think I was right as well with my solution to save SmackDown! The money's gonna be rolling in.
  6. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    Well they should. PRIORITIES!
  7. Dark Age

    Mordecai Vs ?

    Hey I didn't write the promo. They don't have to be directly related, or even true. They're just two words I thought I heard. America is kind of a given, considering he's going to be playing an angry foreigner, and Mysterio is just something that may or probably won't be true.
  8. Dark Age

    Great American Bash card

    And how sad is it that SmackDown! PPVs are now featuring squash matches (or will be) involving Mordecai, Mark Jindrak and Mark Jindrak? Squashes on pay per view suck anyway, but you couldn't have picked three worse guys.
  9. Dark Age

    Great American Bash card

    People pay for this?
  10. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    Another thing, before Benoit's match with Kane, he said Kane taken the belt from him would be like someone taking the FA Cup from Manchester United - it ain't gonna happen. Oh, big mistake. I don't know if WWE realises this but not everyone in Manchester supports Manchester United. Furthermore, not everyone in the M.E.N Arena were from Manchester. Benoit got quite alot of heat for that.
  11. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    Hey, I'm English. And I'm very fanatical about our "football" (better than yours). But wrestling is kinda taboo over here. It just gets laughed at, even more than in the US I'm sure. So if you see a guy with a Triple H tattoo walking down the street, then he gets laughed at. Of course, only another wrestling fan would be laughing because they would be the only ones who know what the tattoo is, so then THEY would be laughed at as well. Erm, yeah.
  12. My solution? Eddie drops the belt to Bradshaw at GAB. Bradshaw goes into a feud with Taker, leading into a thrilling SummerSlam main event of Bradshaw vs Taker. Taker goes over and feuds with Mordecai. Mordecai and Taker exchange the WWE Title for the rest of the year. Eddie reunites with Chavo for a feud with the Basham Brothers. WWE IS SAVED!
  13. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    Sadly, Test was not at the show. I was looking forward to seeing him in action. Isn't there something about Edge's teeth, though? Like, they're really big or really, really white or something. I'm not an expert on Edge's dental care, so I'm sure someone (CC) can help me out.
  14. No, the belts don't have to be defended each week. They do, however, need to be defended AT LEAST once a month. Every 28 days (that's the ruling, right?). But they never enforce it (except when the storyline calls for it). Triple H didn't defend the belt between RR and WM. Surely they could have found an opponent for a Raw between the 2 ppvs? Eddie didn't defend his belt between the Booker match and the JBL match. Once a month is all you need, but they don't even do that anymore.
  15. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    They still would have cheered him. The reactions to everyone was just nuts. Blows everything in the US away from the last couple of years. Oh and Morrissey you so should have went. There was only one real good match (Shawn/Trips) but it was still great fun from top to bottom. I was shocked that Shawn and Trips both bled on a house show, mind you. Oh, btw, after going to this show (first since Insurrextion in 2001), I have to say: WRESTLING FANS ARE FREAKS! Seriously, you get some weird cats at those shows. I know the mentality is that it is us smarks that are nerds, but have you seen some of the marks that go to these shows? INSANE. Some guy had a Triple H tattoo on his arm. Seriously, who the hell does that?
  16. Using that mentality means that no matches on B-Shows can be good. It contained Val Venis, which is why it was on the B-Show. They wanted it to go 15 minutes. There is no way (at this time) that they would want to put Val Venis in a 15 minute match with a guy they are supposed to be pushing on Raw. Having it on Heat allows them to have a good match, not upset the 'rankings' (or at least, no one will know) and still put both guys over. There have been some good Heat matches this year that wouldn't have got as much time on Raw. Putting them on Heat gives them the time and let's them have a good match.
  17. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    Still really funny though. IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE IT'S TRUE!
  18. Dark Age

    Jasmin St. Claire

    Sickest blade job (if you wanna call it that) I have ever seen. Beats Eddie's and Muta's. And, if I'm not mistaken, Transit wasn't a wrestler AT ALL, was he? I thought he just convinced Paul E that he was. ECW crowd were horrible for that as well.
  19. His match with Val on Heat was pretty good.
  20. (Seeing as HHH has to go film another movie now i'd say the best thing to do is to have a confrontation between the two where Orton turns his back on him and beats the living shit out of HHH "hospitalising" him. HHH goes off to make his movie, Orton gets heat and lets just say Orton does win the belt he has a ready made fued where HHH can come to challenge the cocky, arrogant, traitor Orton.) Of course, that would mean Triple H turning face. Which does not work. Orton getting the belt does not work. I wouldn't mind having Orton face Benoit on Raw, but in the mauin event of a ppv? Give me Jericho or Christian vs Benoit before Orton vs Benoit. Infact, I would rather see Batista main event against Benoit than Orton. Not due to any preference between the two, I just think he would be a better opponent. Oh, BTW Orton's IC Title Matches Orton vs Mick Foley was a NC Orton beat Booker T Orton beat RVD Orton beat Booker T and RVD in a Triple Threat Match Orton beat Mick Foley Orton beat Val Venis Orton beat Edge I think that's all of them.
  21. Dark Age

    Chris Jericho Injury

    One thing I also noticed about him last night was how thin he is. I don't want big roided up monsters or anything, but the guy seemed to be really lacking in muscle from a distance. That isn't good when you're being built up as the next big hoss.
  22. Dark Age

    Mordecai Vs ?

    On that subject, who was going to join Raven's 7 Deadly Sins thing before he was released? I think Sean O'Haire was one and I assume Jeff Hardy and Hurricane, considering they had a little thing going on on HEAT but who else? Stevie? Jazz?
  23. Dark Age

    Chris Jericho Injury

    Well, Tomko DID botch missing a clothesline last night. How the hell someone does that I don't know, but he sure as hell managed to do it. I once again hope that Christian is back by BB so that we are not punished with the Tomko/Jericho match.
  24. Dark Age

    Raw House Show Results From Manchester, England

    It is a good sign. I just wish they wouldn't run the EXACT same show as they did on Wednesday. H/Shawn was alot fo fun, Edge/Flair and Shelton/Orton were both really solid, the opening 2 matches were fun, and the Eugene stuff was great. (Noticed I haven't metioned that). I'm sure you will be pleased to know CC, that Edge was great. You could tell he loved ripping into the crowd, he had all the great heel mannerisms down to perfection, and he was the most over heel on the show.