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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. I'm not really big either way with Orton. I don't really like him, but I don't dislike him. However, could you PLEASE tell me how Edge carried him? Really, show me how Edge carried that match because I don't see it. Shawn vs Orton at Unforgiven sucked, and Randy more than held his own against Mick Foley. I would say you're doing some unfounded Orton bashing. Say you don't like him, he doesn't desrve it, fine. I know alot of people feel that way, and I myself don't want him anywhere near the World Title. Don't just make up criticisms because you want to bash him.
  2. Dark Age

    Predictions on Badd Blood card

    I hope they don't go with Jericho/Tomko. The match they had at the Manchester House Show I attended was horrible. Tomko blew at least 3 notable spots in the match, sold nothing, had no offense other than punching and kicking (seriously he didn't use 1 move) and it was just a terrible match. I hate knocking on a guy who has only just been brought up but Tomko is really, really bad. As in, Nathan Jones bad. Even worse. Hopefully, if Christian is okay, they will go with Jericho, Matt and Lita vs Christian, Tomko and Trish which could at least be decent. Oh, and Evo could win the belts back. Edge could then recruit Tajiri as a partner with Benoit busy. Or they could just screw Jericho/Tomko, put Jericho with Edge, have Tajiri/Eugene/Regal vs Cade/La Resistance and Matt/Christian. Much better.
  3. Dark Age

    Mordecai Vs ?

    You know, I am also sure I've heard Kenzo say Mysterio, as well as America. Because that's what we all wanted right? Rey jobbing to Suzuki on pay per view. Outstanding! Besides, Kenzo will be released by the end of the year. Why push him? Better yet, why even sign the guy?
  4. Dark Age

    Mordecai Vs ?

    ^ Funny Stuff It'll be Taker. Cena is tied up with Booker, Eddie still going with Bradshaw, the only guys even slightly plausible are Taker, RVD and Rey. RVD and Rey have got the tag thing going, so it has to be Taker.
  5. Wow, he got a bigger reaction on ONE house show. ~OMG BENOT NOT OVER!!!!11! Seriously, people should stop harping on about Benoit not being over. Because he is. End of story.
  6. They could have Benoit/H on Raw with Shawn costing H the match. Means both guys have actually cost each other a title match, gives a kick ass 25 minute match on Raw, and sets up the big blowoff between Benoit/Trips nicely. I'm not sure if they are gonna do this, or the card from the previous night at the Manchester show tonight (which I'm going to) or a different card all together. Either way Benoit/H or Benoit/Kane and the 6man tag or Shawn/H is goodness in my book. Plus some Eugene antics will keep me entertained. No Christian, Tajiri, Val, Stevie or Palumbo makes me sad, but the cards seem good enough.
  7. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers- 26/5/04

    And did he respond?
  8. I thought it was usually the other way around? Anyway, I'm going to the show tomorrow night, and I'm sure the card will be an almost exact replica of this one. Which is fine because I'm looking forward to H/Shawn, Kane/Benoit, Edge/Flair and Orton/Shelton. It could have been even better if Christian was okay to go with Jericho, but alas, I guess I'll have to settle for Tomko Is Tajiri still selling the injury from Batista the other week? You would think he'd at least be back on house shows by now. Still, the show tomorrow should be pretty decent. I'll post what goes down on here.
  9. Dark Age

    Kane impregnates Lita...

    And yet, Shane would STILL win.
  10. Dark Age

    Who is sick of Babyface Victoria?

    It would be neat though. Here's hoping they have her go nuts when she drops the belt. Absolutely. It's one reason why it worked when Rocky and Austin turned. They played pretty much the same character only on the other side of the fence. Cena turns face and sudenyl he's a really good guy, loves the crowd, etc. Same with Victoria. It's a problem. WWE realises people like these characters, so they turn them face and let the crowd get behind them. Once they've turned face, WWE feels the need to change the character to become more fan friendly, forcing the character to lose the edge that the fans began cheering them for to begin with. I don't know why this is so hard for them to understand.
  11. Dark Age

    HALLOWEEN HAVOC returns!

    Yeah, except that Raw has actually been good the past couple of months.
  12. Dark Age

    HALLOWEEN HAVOC returns!

    Which is, naturally, the reason they won't bring it back. It's one thing to bring back a small, IYH type ppv like Halloween Havoc, but bringing back Starcade would be just like seeing WCW WrestleMania. It just doesn't feel right.
  13. Dark Age

    HALLOWEEN HAVOC returns!

    Then can electrocute Hardcore Holly. No one will care.
  14. Dark Age

    John Cena becoming very stale

    Every single SmackDown, and every single PPV, and every single house show? I don't like Cena as a face either, but he is as over, if not more, than he has ever been. He still is one of the most over guys on SmackDown. The only guys who get as big/bigger pops than Cena are Taker and Eddie. Taker wasn't around from SS to Mania so it's natural he would be getting a bigger pop. Plus ~ITS TEH DEDMAN! It's then a toss up between Eddie and Cena who will get the bigger pop. He is as over as ever. The feud with Dupree has halted his progress, but it hasn't damaged him. Like I said, he is as over as ever, is still US Champ and will come out of the feud as the winner (I presume). I would have Cena turn heel. Let the crowd pop for him as much as they want, but keep him as a heel. He will bet even more over from being a heel because the crowd will pop more because they know that they shouldn't. Eventuually, turn him face/tweener again but let him keep his edge. And Cena needs a feud with a good worker so that he doesn't get exposed. Charlie Haas seems a good option. Even elevate Jamie Noble.
  15. Dark Age

    Who is sick of Babyface Victoria?

    Hey! Its generic WWE Mark #452. How are you doing buddy? I couldn't quite make out what you were trying to say but I'll try. Who told you that Victoria just decided to start dancing for no reason what so ever? Was it one of your 'sources'? Why did you say 'people are reading too much into this'? You say that as if everyone is passing around conspiracy theories or something. Everyone just said they were bored of her. God. Anyway, to stay on topic, yeah Victoria is boring as hell as a babyface. What I would like to see is her remain this way till a feud with Trish starts. Trish does something like a massive beatdown with Christian or something, and it makes Victoria go nuts again. The crazy Victoria and Stevie get back together (as faces), she gets the theme back and everyone is happy.
  16. Dark Age

    HALLOWEEN HAVOC returns!

    Wasn't this rumoured a while ago? And EugeneMark, they haven't actually announced that it will be Raw Roulette, you know? You're acting as if that has already been announced.
  17. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers- 26/5/04

    Sounds at least a little better than it has been lately. Let me guess. Eddie/JBL is Last Man Standing. They keep playing up Eddie passing out or whatever. So Last Man Standing would be ideal to Bradshaw. Booker/Cena at GAB? I don't care. Booker should be going after Eddie and Cena shouldn't be dropping the belt, whcih I think he will if he faces Booker. Booker gets screwed again I suspect. I'm sure he gets some sort of crappy tv win over Taker next week. Dudleyz vs Undertaker Handicap Match? God is this show horrible. Chavo vs Classic? Who, really, thinks this is a good idea?
  18. Dark Age

    Bad Ratings News For WWE

    Shut up you troll. Every single thread that you 'contribute' in, all you do is bash Benoit. I'm not saying that everyone should like him, or whatever. If you don't like him, fine. But all you do is bash him (even when there is no reason for it) to try and piss off everyone else. Like me. Seriously, can the mods do something about this guy? Go back and read all his posts, all he does is bash Benoit. I'm sure you will come back with how you are merely expressing your opinion or some crap like that. Whatever.
  19. Dark Age

    New School Question Thread

    Actually, didn't Victoria and Stevie come together during the Test/Stevie feud? Stevie was pissed off that Test hit him with the cane the week prior so he came out when Stacy was in the ring with the t-shirt gun. Stacy hit Stevie with a t-shirt, which led Victoria to attack her (they had a match later on). They remained a team after this.
  20. Dark Age

    Raw from JHawk's Beak

    Triple H never won the match. Both guys shoulders were down, meaning it was a draw. However, when it's a draw, the Champion keeps the belt. Bischoff screwed it up when announcing it.
  21. Who would you call a great worker? (not meant to be malice or anything, I'm just curious)
  22. Dark Age

    Shopzone Report #2

  23. Jericho was pulling the exact same stuff with Goldberg last year. You say pyschology is used to show what the wrestler is thinking. They must be pretty big idiots if they're working over someone's arm for ten minutes then forgetting about it and trying to get a pin off a moonsault. That is more inexcusible than just not building to something.
  24. Dark Age

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    And yet Nash still wouldn't job in that environment.
  25. I'm pretty sure Benoit doesn't build to the Crossface every match. Take the tag match last week for example. He was suplexing the crap out of Orton for a while, chopping him, then he locked on the Crossface after no build. This is okay, but Kurt doing it isn't? I know in an ideal world, they should build to submissions. However, can it not be presumed that these guys can just lock on a hold just like that and get a submission? That's why they are submission wrestlers. Sometimes they destroy the body part until it eventually gives in, some times they can just lock in a submission out of nothing. Not too hard to believe.