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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Mordecai's Opponent REVEALED......

    Yeah, because that will get him over. Running away from Rikishi. Isn't that the sign of all great heels?
  2. Dark Age

    RAW Battle Royal Bios

    So you make him appear to be a threat because, what, you just want to? Im all for making Christian seem more credible, but when hes just lost to Jericho clean on Raw, I'm thinking Jericho is a much bigger threat. Don't try to make him seem like something he's not. Would you rank, in kayfabe, Christian as the third biggest name in that match? Edge, Jericho, Batista and Orton are all ahead of him.
  3. Dark Age

    RAW Battle Royal Bios

    There doesnt seem to be anything for Edge at the moment, save for a pointless bout with Batista ot Flair, or having Benoit pull double duty and have them defend the belts. That being said, I dont see him winning the battle royal. Jericho has to be the winner, based on recent events. Fresh off a main event victory on Raw, blowing off (for now) his feud with Christian, it's the only thing they could have him do. If they were gonna stick him in a meaningless midcard match with Flair or something, wouldn't they have just saved Christian vs Jericho for the ppv? Plus, Jericho and Christian have both made challenges for the belt in recent weeks, so it makes sense that the winner of the blow off between those two would be next in line. Jericho wins it by eliminating Christian last. I'm calling it. Also, why no Tajiri? Are they going with any injury angle for Raw, or has he just been left out? And no Eugene either? And A-Train and Palumbo STILL haven't shown up on Raw. Why did they move them again? And whats up with Christian being made a focal point? Garrison's says he will have to get past big stars like H, Kane and Christian. Seriously, they are putting Christian on the same level of Trips and Kane?
  4. Dark Age

    The Rock's weight.

    You can still be in the heavyweight division if youre over the cruiserweight limit, ya know? Just because Shawn is under 220 doesnt mean he cant wrestle for the World Title. And there is no way they would ever have Rock or Shawn wrestle in the cruiser division.
  5. These two reports both seemed to give a very different outlook on the event, though. Either way, this PPV is dead. And if the main event was No DQ, why did they waste time going through the whole FIP process? Surely RVD could have just got in the ring and the ref could do nothing to stop him. One of the reasons why I hate No DQ Tag matches. When Dudleyz vs RVD and Rey is the only promising match on a pay per view, you know its gonna suck. Come to think of it, the pre-ppv match may be the best of the lot. They have to have some combination of Noble/London/Kidman/Akio in there, right? Maybe the Bashams vs London and Kidman. Or they could just have Jindrak vs Jordan, which would be just as good as any of them, right? The sooner JD is out of the way, the better. At least next week on SD allows them to start over AGAIN. And how does this show actually contain spoilers? I wasnt spoiled on anything in here. Oh, Funaki might be Mordecai's opponent. HUGE NEWS there.
  6. Dark Age

    The Rock's weight.

    Or that time Christian had to make 220 on Heat.
  7. Dark Age

    Do we know what's on the Benoit DVD yet?

    House show stuff is good. But unlikely. Hopefully they dont pile this up with PPV match after PPV match. I would much rather get a bunch of Raw and SD! matches (for the WWE part, of course). If possible, I would like to see them un-edited as well. Anyone remember any of the better Benoit tv matches of 2000?
  8. Dark Age

    Do we know what's on the Benoit DVD yet?

    So what is this DVD exactly? Are we looking at something like they Rey DVD, with a confidential cover story and some matches as extras, or a much more 'smark friendly dvd' with tons of matches spread across a couple of discs? And its out in July? Wow. I really didnt know that. Better get ready to empty my pockets.
  9. Dark Age

    The Rock's weight.

    Didn't they change it when Matt Hardy went for the cruiserweight title? At one point, I think when they had the LHW title, it was as high as 230, but when Matt went for the cruiser belt last year he had to make 220. Oh and Coffey, I really dont think Rock is 250. He was pulling in at no more than 260ish when wrestling full-time, and he has lost a considerable amount since then. I know I read somewhere that he had slimmed down to 220-230 for Mania.
  10. Dark Age

    The Rock's weight.

    Rocky vs Jackie = MONEY!
  11. Dark Age

    The Rock's weight.

    He was down to 220-230 for Mania.
  12. Dark Age

    OAO Heat Thread

    It also recapped the Lita/Kane/Hardy stuff. Benoit/HBK recap was spread across 2 segments as well. Jazz/Nidia was suprisingly ok, Rhyno/Val was watchable and the main event was a glorified squash. Not a good show really, worst Heat in a while.
  13. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Having Jacqueline hold the belt PERIOD tarnishes the belt, or whatever prestige it has left. Putting on a Trish or a Lita who are, you know, over is one thing, but putting it on Jacqueline who hasnt been seen in forever, isnt over, and will add nothing to the product is just stupid. What good comes out of this? I dont care if she cheated or not, what does it say about Rey, Nunzio, Noble and everyone else who's jobbed to Chavo when JACQUELINE beats him. Furthermore, what does it say about the confidence the company has in some of those guys when they are getting passed up for Jacqueline? Wasnt she on Raw anyway? Unfortunaley, Ive a feeling the rematch will be at Judgment Day. Show looks like the same crap as usual, though the main event could be ok.
  14. Dark Age

    Who's REALLY excited...

    I wouldnt mind Benjamin getting another win over H to set up a PPV program between the two later this year where H goes over to finally blow off the feud. It would give Shelton ALOT of momentum for a match with Orton at BB, plus H would be getting his win back later, on a bigger stage, and would get to go over Shawn at BB. Everyone wins.
  15. Dark Age


    But the problem is that every time Val seems to be geting over, he has his legs cut off and then straddled back with the porn star gimmick. How can he prove he has 'it' if they wont let him? He was going along just fine with the Chief Morley gimmick, then suddenly hes back to being Val Venis, jobbing on Heat. Val has proven that if there is any midcarder who should be given another chance to get over, then its him. Hes had 2 good matches with Orton on the B-Show this year and, as already mentioned, he took TEST to a good match. Youre right, at this moment in time he isnt over. But why should he be? What reason do I have to care about Val Venis? Hes not a good guy, or a bad guy, or has a character, or a personality. Hes just some dude who turns up and jobs on Heat every week. Why should I care about him? Now if the WWE gave me a reason to care, then I might. Val's got the look, the mic skills, the in-ring ability, charisma, and he's WWE made. So why isnt he given a chance? Surely if Bradshaw and Bob Holly are given a chance on the upper end of the card, Val should be given one too.
  16. Dark Age

    Upcoming Heel Turns

    Or better yet, we can have Benoit vs Shawn vs Triple H AGAIN! WOW! Everyone loves that! We can even say that Benoit is just a 2-hit wonder and he cant do it for a third time. Then Benoit will win and everyone will be happy. And then Shawn can have another shot, and blow it again. Yeah. BRILLIANCE!
  17. Dark Age

    Upcoming Heel Turns

    I had this idea for a double turn with RVD and Booker in the summer. RVD would have been trying to get Booker 'to see the light' for a while but Booker wont budge, and remains a heel. Booker, still saying SD sucks, wins the belt from Eddie on like the third attempt around GAB time. Eddie asks Booker why he wants the belt so much of its the belt of the minor leagues. Booker doesnt seem to know. Booker gets a few clean victories, and acts more like a face (defending the belt week in, week out, not acting cowardly). He beats RVD in the run up to SummerSlam, as Van Dam finally accpets he isnt going to turn Booker. Eddie beats Booker for the belt at SSlam, with Booker turning face after the match and showing respect to Eddie. Booker realises through Eddie's determination to win the belt back, seeing how much it means to everyone, that Eddie is the better man, and that SD is not the minor leagues. Booker goes back to his Raw persona and is a face again. RVD teams with Booker, glad to have him back, but then turns on him. Reason? RVD is pissed that after months of being friends, tag champs, and then trying to convince Booker, that he still couldnt get Book to turn face. Eddie, a guy Booker hated, beat Booker and suddenly theyre friends. RVD thinks it means that Booker doesnt give a crap about him. You have then get RVD vs Eddie and RVD vs Booker as two big feuds to end the year, given a much needed edge to RVD's stalecharacter, and added alot of development to Booker's. ANYWAY, Shawn should turn heel and have Jericho vs Shawn and Edge vs Shawn in the summer, I wouldnt mind Taker going heel, having him plow through everyone before Eddie beats him, then sending him off to Raw. F.B.I could do with a turn on SD. Turn Kidman heel while youre at it. And Rikishi. Thats all I got.
  18. Dark Age

    WWF Former wrestlers

    Screw them. If people are being brought back for no real reason, then theres only one choice: BIG VIS! The people demand it!
  19. Dark Age


    I liked the match, but I prefered Rey/Noble. I also liked the match Val and Orton had at the start of the year. Its true Val is really under rated. I think he would be best being sent off over to SmackDown! and repackaged entirely. Or they could give him the ~EVIL PORNSTAR GIMMICK. Or not. I actually thought DeMott and Josh did a really good job selling the match. They did seem to over-exaggerate how good it was (***** from Josh) but then they are wrestling announcers, what do you expect? Bill really put over Noble's mat based attacks and how Rey changed his game plan to take Noble off guard. I just thought it was a really good match with some stuff you dont ever see in WWE cruiser matches. ***1/4 (making it automatically better than SD) But Orton/Val was still good.
  20. Dark Age

    WWF Former wrestlers

    Chalk another one to Raven if used correctly. Ron Killings is a guy I would like to see come back, but this time no crappy 'Rowdy' tag teams or whatever. D-Lo Brown seen as though I have long been a D-Lo mark. Just so long as he isnt used as a jobber. Elix Skipper, Lash LeRoux, Kaz Hayashi and TAKA but three of those guys never even appeared on TV so it wouldnt really be a return. Theres tons of cruisers I would like to see return but I wouldnt trust WWE to use them right. Jerry Lynn, Essa Rios, Dean Malenko (wrestling) and EZ Money (though I dont think he qualifies as a CW any more) Theres actually not many guys that, if uses in the right way, I truelly find offensive. All have thier place. I could stand Mideon if he was brought back as a jobber. I wouldnt mind Road Dogg because hes over and it would stop any random Billy Gunn singles pushes. Oh, and Brock, Kanyon and Spanky, but they only left recently.