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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Dark Age

    Smackdown vs. Raw PPV Closer

    Lesnar/Rock was a SmackDown! match.
  2. Dark Age

    *SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

    But the 2003 match was face vs. face. Taker kicking out of a couple of Angle slams would be no different than, say, every other Angle match where it gets countered and kicked out of time after time.
  3. Dark Age

    Edge's good matches

    Eh, I don't think the RVD/Eddie match holds up very well at all. I've got it on both their respective DVDs, though, so maybe a rewatch is in order. I think their KOTR qualifying match is a whole lot of good, mind you. As for the matches better than the 4-way, Benoit/Rey from SD is FANTASTIC, maybe the WWE MOTY, period (but don't quote me on that) and it's such a shame it's been forgotten as it's a highly superior match to the rest of SD6. I LOVE the BookDust/Vitamin C match at the end of the year. Such a great, effective, yet simple story, with Goldust as the weak link, then a great, feel good payoff to the entire storyline. I also prefer the 2/3 falls tag match and the first Benoit/Angle vs. Los Guerreros match.
  4. Dark Age

    Edge's good matches

    No it's not. It isn't even the best TV match that year. I can name at least 3 matches better than it. It's cool that Edge "sells the leg" and all, but as much as he may do the slow climb of the ropes and all that stuff, it's not lack the leg injury really stops him doing anything or makes him change his tactics much. Plus Benoit and Guerrero's involvement in the much is pretty much pointless, though to be fair, I haven't seen it in a while and I'm going from memory.
  5. Dark Age

    Edge's good matches

    The SS04 3-way is awful. I can't believe anyone would list that. Anyway, Edge's best work has been with Benoit, and their two TV matches in 2004 (pre SurSer and the Cage) are both really good, and two of the best of the year. The Raw match in 05 (the one after Mania) was REALLY good and maybe Edge's best ever (though I love Unforgiven with Eddie). I also enjoyed the 2004 non-title match, before SummerSlam, with Jericho, though I don't know if it holds up. His best Orton match, for me, was the Raw rematch from Vengeance. I don't really like Vengeance. And Slam with Eddie was good too.
  6. I was such a bastard at 5.
  7. I once made a girl cry by threatening her with aliens.
  8. Dark Age

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    It's like that one line on the Simpsons. The "Bart sells his soul" episode.
  9. Dark Age

    Shelton Benjamin

    How do you know this? How do you know he'd get over by just having matches and winning them? How do you know he'd steal the show in the Elimination Chamber? It's possiible he would (it's possible Carlito could, in that case), but certainly not a sure thing. Because he was over when he was beating Trips, and Orton, and Jericho. And he stole the show in the Mania ladder match. He would very likely do the same in the Chamber.
  10. Dark Age

    Proposed Main Page Relaunch

    I would do Velocity/Heat, if given the opportunity. I would be game for a few random match/show reviews here and there, too. From there, who knows!
  11. Dark Age

    Myspace suicide note.

  12. Dark Age

    WWE Year End/Best Stuff 2005

    Wrestler of the Year Eddie Guerrero Feud of the Year JBL Vs. John Cena (would be Eddie/Rey but it was really hit or miss) Match of the Year Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio (SD!; June) Best Brawler JBL Best High Flier Paul London Best Tag Team MNM Most Underrated Booker T (yeah I said it) Most Overrated Shawn Michaels Best Promos Eddie Guerrero or JBL Best PPV SummerSlam Worst PPV New Year's Revolution
  13. I'm not sure who Trips' best opponent is. Shawn for the 03 title match and, I think, their 96 Raw match is a possibility, but the rest of their work together sucked, and the 03 match, while good, is overrated. Benoit's best match with Trips', for me, is the No Mercy match and that was only a bit better than good. I didn't like their 04 matches, but I liked the two they had earlier this year. I enjoyed RR00 and NWO00 but I don't know if they're Trips' best matches.
  14. Angle-Plex, Rey/Hardy in San Diego(?), Benoit/Hardy in the US title tournament and Benoit/Hardy in June 00 are all really good matches, or really good for the time they're given, in the latter's case especially. Oh and Hardy/Booker from Heat04.
  15. Benjamin's tag stuff in the WGTT is better than most of Orton's stuff. The first tag switch against Los Guerreros, the number one contender's match with Edge and Benoit, and the series with Tajiri and Eddie are all as good/better than any of Orton's stuff, I think, with the exception of maybe the second Benoit match, which I think is Orton's best. Orton's had better singles matches, though, and he has a good catalogue with good matches against Foley, Benoit (twice), Edge (the Raw IC title rematch) and the series with Taker. Shelton hasn't really had that to work with, though. He had a better match with Trips than Orton had, a better match with Jericho, a better match with Shawn. The Christian matches were similar in quality. Only guy I've seen Orton have a better match with is Edge. I reckon Shelton would have better matches with Benoit, too, if given the chance. So Shelton > Orton.
  16. New Jack fixed his typo, ruining my FANTASTIC joke in which I made fun of said typo.
  17. Ok. You've came to the right place for nomral discussion, then.
  18. Dark Age

    Smackdown Special

    Book/Benoit match two is announced, too. Is this on in the UK? I doubt it, but still...
  19. You should check out that DVDR thread for some nutso Benjamin comments.
  20. Eh, Rock was very, very good. And I don't think Orton's had any more good matches than Hardy alone, to be fair.
  21. Benoit/Rey(if they REALLY put effort behind making it work) for the world title and Cena/Trips for the WWE would be a suitable double main event. Add in a bunch of Raw/SD matches (JBL/Shawn, Taker/someone, Edge/Hardy) and some decent supporting matches for both brands (Angle/Shelton, Tista/Orton) and you got yourself a nice looking Mania.