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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. The Slam and SmackDown matches between Orton and Taker were good, too. So you're wrong.
  2. I shall state again, Orton's been fun this year. I have no desire to see him as champ, but he's been good.
  3. Dark Age

    Tweeners runnin' wild on RAW

    No, you said, what i said, was exactly your point. Explain how.
  4. Dark Age

    Tweeners runnin' wild on RAW

    I see. This has nothing to do with what I said.
  5. Dark Age

    Tweeners runnin' wild on RAW

    Oh he so is.
  6. Dark Age

    Tweeners runnin' wild on RAW

    Angle is Angle. Cena is Cena. Cena is not Shelton. Angle is not Benoit. Benoit is better than Angle. Cena is better than Tomko. Big Show is better than Tomko. Cena is not better than Big Show. Angle and Benoit had great matches. Benoit and Cena had good matches. Cena is better than no one else. Cena is Cena. Angle is not Cena. I don't know where I'm going with this, but, let's be honest, you don't know where you're going with your thing either.
  7. Can cabbageboy not grasp that it was NOTHING TO DO WITH ORTON THAT THEY BOOKED A DQ ON THE TRIBUTE SHOW. Bitch about how he sucks, how he's not over, bland, whatever the hell you want, but the DQ WAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ORTON NOT WANTING TO JOB.
  8. Dark Age

    My WWE

  9. Dark Age

    The OAO RAW Thread - Nov/28th/05

    Hmm. I was pretty sure the previews listed it as a title match, but I guess not.
  10. Dark Age

    I'm Not Feeling Survivor Series

    Are you serious? The roids stuff has nothing to do with this. What people are bitching about is how they get behind a guy, like Lashley, have a chance to get him over and what do they do? Job him out. Great. I don't particularly like Lashley, and I fully support the whole ability over physique stuff, but what you're saying is just silly.
  11. Dark Age

    The OAO RAW Thread - Nov/28th/05

    So, wait, is Triple H NOT the IC champ?
  12. Dark Age

    Armageddon main event revealed!

    It would be stupid to have a "holy shit" bump in this match. At this time especially. And Exsclade, stop being an idiot. "Hey you guys, don't complain about Taker/Orton being the main. What would you prefer? Snitsky Vs. Heidenreich? Stop being such smarks".
  13. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    Rey's been positioned ABOVE the US title for a while now. He faced JBL at NM, in the 3rd biggest match. He faced Eddie at SS(when the US title wasn't on the card), GAB(second biggest match after the WHC), JD(same as GAB) and WM(US title not on the card). He won all of those (Eddie) matches. He beat JBL, and has had him beat two other times before blatant DQs. Same with Orton recently. The real bottom line is that Rey as WHC would do no worse business than what they're doing right now. It wouldn't hurt anyone, the crowd wouldn't turn on it, other guys wouldn't lose cred. It would work.
  14. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    I thought we all agreed it was stupid to say you can't put the belt on Rey Mysterio.
  15. Dark Age

    Smackdown Spoilers from England...

    You're missing the point, UseTheSledehammerUh. It's not about ratings, it's about house show business, and their European tours.
  16. Dark Age

    The OAO Raw thread for 21st Nov 2005

    Dips, you didn't deserve to make this thread.
  17. Dark Age

    Batista out indefinitely

    Shut up. Seriously. You don't seem to even grasp human emotions. Just 'cos you don't know someone personally doesn't mean you can't have an emotional attachment to that person.
  18. Dark Age

    OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

    The main event angle was nuts, and the best thing they have done in ages. Masters' attack, JBL leading the SD guys after Raw, Big Show marching through the crowd, the SD crew getting killed by Kane and Show. Just really fun stuff. Benoit/JBL was damn good, too, better than their June match. I LOVED the struggle for the German leading to Benoit hitting a freakin' belly-to-belly! The struggle for the sharpshooters, too. Loads of great little things, with JBL giving Benoit the diving shots to the back, then Benoit getting payback with the dropkick (leading to the sharpshooter). Nice match.
  19. Dark Age

    SD spoilers

    Wow, are you serious? Eddie/Kennedy as the main event of Mania for the friggin' world title? This Kennedy stuff is getting out of hand. I've no problem with people loving the guy; I have no problem with him. But all this "let's make him a main eventer within 6 months" talk is just nuts. I've heard people say he should get Brock's push, or Angle's push. No. Brock was way better than Kennedy will ever be, Angle, even more limited then than he is now, was better than Kennedy and way better on the mic. I like Kennedy, but he should be in the US title division AT BEST come Mania. Taker's streak shouldn't be ended by Batista, but he shouldn't get another title run either. And Orton/Tista would be better, even if it still wouldn't be good. And another stupid thing would be to NOT end Taker's streak. It's been stated numerous times, but ending Taker's streak is probably one of the only real rubs they have left. They would be fools not to end it and try to make another star. This means no Orton win, or Tista win, or Shawn, or whoever. Doesn't mean it should be Kennedy, either, but it should be ended, regardless. Why not? So everyone can go "hey, Taker went unbeaten at 15 WrestleManias! Now he's sure to be remembered"? NewJake, you're worse than the old one. Seriously. "Benoit.... 2nd rate Bret Hart". Do you even THINK before you type? Tell me why Benoit is a second rate Bret Hart. For one, Benoit was probably better than Bret Hart (though I'm not the one to argue that as I love them both), but, in terms of their character, they're not very similar, if that's the comparison you're trying to make. But hey, they're Canadian, and they're "technical wrestlers" so let's just lump 'em together.
  20. Dark Age

    SD non-spoiler match listings!

    Wouldn't some combination of Book/Hardy/Holly make a lot more sense then OJ/Lashley?
  21. Dark Age

    WO Newsletter news and Notes

    Someone mentioned recently that plans had changed, and they were keeping Eddie and Batista together. Any news on this would be appreciated.
  22. Dark Age

    The Real Smackdown Spoilers

    Yes they are.
  23. Dark Age

    Eugene Breaks Character

    It could have been great.
  24. Dark Age


    I'll bet Kamehameha writes to Theodore Long asking for a shot at being a SmackDown! superstar.