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Dark Age

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Everything posted by Dark Age

  1. Punk/Basham sounds cool. How good were the matches?
  2. Dark Age

    Matches Forum

    We should have one, like at DVDVR. I'm not too sure of the laws around it, but it should be possible.
  3. Dark Age

    Chris Benoit vs. Rey Mysterio Jr:

    Well, I think the match they had on SD in 02 might be the WWE MOTY, so I have no doubt they would rule together. I doubt it would be as good now as it was three years ago, but still. Eddie/Rey from SD this year is probably better than the 02 match, though.
  4. Dark Age

    Velocity/SmackDown! Spoilers

    Orton's been pretty good this year.
  5. Dark Age

    DVDVR and Velocity comp!

    I will record this match just for you WP!
  6. Dark Age

    Some Smackdown thoughts

    Serious people, mind you. Doesn't mean they're right, but when they speak, PEOPLE LISTEN!
  7. Dark Age

    Some Smackdown thoughts

    Some people at another board think that Birchall may be the worst on the roster. I disagree, but I was wondering what you other people thought of this.
  8. Dark Age

    Some Smackdown thoughts

    Let's not go nuts.
  9. Dark Age

    What is your WWE match of the 3/4 year?

    The Eddie/Rey SD match. Not sure of the date. Shortly after Judgment Day.
  10. Dark Age

    Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe Vs. AJ Styles

    Is it safe to say it was the TNA MOTY?
  11. Dark Age

    Christopher Daniels Vs. Samoa Joe Vs. AJ Styles

    But you didn't actually say WHY it was MOTY. You just gave us some PBP and that was it. What makes this the MOTY? Genuine question - I haven't seen it.
  12. Dark Age

    Meltzer WCW PPV...

    I saw the thread on Meltzer's ECW ratings and was wondering if anyone knows where (or has) to find Meltzer's * ratings for WCW? Anything really, PPV, COTC, Nitros, etc. Thanks in advance.
  13. Dark Age

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    They fought themselves? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Spanky isn't generic, man.
  14. You think Angle, Michaels and Triple H are three of the best wrestlers of all time. You are wrong. No debate.
  15. Erase the recent Hogan feud from history and the resurgence of promo GOD Shawn, and I wouldn't have made this thread. Seriously, Angle and Michales are the only ones even comparable to Flair in terms of the total pacakage. Stinko Steve Austin..is not. IMO <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sure thing!
  16. Yeah, I thought you had done this EXACT SAME THREAD before... http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...topic=70676&hl= So it's Shawn now, not Angle?
  17. Yes, you're right! Well done JustJoe, you win! Congrats.
  18. But they just AREN'T, so stop saying they are. It's not opinion you fool. Could I get away with saying Viscera is better than Chris Benoit because it's my opinion? No, so stop hiding behind your silly little opinion.
  19. Well, in WWE... 93 - Bret Vs. Hennig - KOTR 94 - Bret Vs. Owen - WM 95 - Diesel Vs. Bret - SurSer 96 - Bret Vs. Austin - SurSer 97 - Bret Vs. Austin - WM 04 - Eddie Vs. JBL - JD and Eddie Vs. Brock - NWO 05 - Eddie Vs. Rey - SD!
  20. You implied. The stuff about having to be in the "biz" to have an opinion is bullshit, too, but hey, if you want to use that card, then I'm in the "biz". And, thus, my opinion is worth more than yours. Besides, you're acting as if I've been shitting on Shawn. I simply said that Austin was better than him. Which is true.
  21. Just because a wrestler said it doesn't make it true.
  22. Austin's had better matches than Shawn. That's it, really.