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Epic Reine

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Everything posted by Epic Reine

  1. Epic Reine

    Over-rated Bullshit Movies

    Yea, I'm not a Star Wars fan either. I have friends who are obsessed with it and I just don't get it.
  2. Epic Reine

    Movies you like...

    I got another one, Swimfan. Yea, it's basically Fatal Attraction with teenagers and I don't know why I watch it whenever it's on but it sucks me in every time for some reason.
  3. Epic Reine

    Over-rated Bullshit Movies

    On the Batmobile in Batman Begins... That's only supposed to be a prototype. As the movies goes by, it'll evolve to the familiar batmobile that you're used to seeing. It makes perfect sense to the storyline since he's supposed to be starting out.
  4. I just saw "The Last Boy Scout" with Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans for the first time yesterday. It was a pretty cool movie but why exactly does it have such a following? Quentin Tarantino even said it was one of his favorites.
  5. Epic Reine

    Over-rated Bullshit Movies

    Crash. Thought it was ok but the film is miscasted and the message is forced. I didn't think MillionDollar Baby was that great either.
  6. Epic Reine

    The Undertaker tears his bicep.

    I like Kennedy but to me that screams of the night that Bischoff handed HHH the world title.
  7. Epic Reine

    Movies you like...

    Panic Room - I swear nobody else on this planet likes this movie but me. I thought it was awesome. Great suspense and original plot. The Butterfly Effect - No one can seem to get past the fact that Ashton Kutcher is in it but I thought this movie was great. The ONLY good thing Kutcher has ever been associated with. A Night At The Roxbury - Absolutley hilarious. A forgotten comedy that showed Will Farrell as he was just starting out and Chris Kattan didn't annoy me like he usually does. Suicide Kings - Awesome. And Denis Leary is badass. I'll also add the first three Karate Kid movies (fuck Hilary Swank for ruining the series) and of course the best movie of all time, THE LAST DRAGON.
  8. Epic Reine

    My WWE Theme Collection

    Do you have Jeff Jarrett's theme from when he returned in 1997? I quite liked that tune.
  9. Yea, Crow: Wicked Prayer was ungodly terrible which surprises me since the cast was pretty decent. The special effects and CGI were awful.
  10. Epic Reine

    The Dark Knight

    Looking good so far. I know Nolan won't screw this up.
  11. Epic Reine

    Box Office Report...

    Producers are now considering breaking up Grindhouse into two separate films considering on how poor it's doing in theaters. Disturbia #1 again? Yikes.
  12. Epic Reine

    Albums that are unlike any other album in a band's discography

    Load/Reload by Metallica - Obvious reasons
  13. Epic Reine

    and the new Incredible Hulk is....

    Excellent choice.
  14. Epic Reine

    Box Office report 4/13-4/15

    Grindhouse sure took a nose dive.
  15. Epic Reine

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A kid in one of my classes at school turn to me this week and randomly asked "Why do so many white people like the Wu-Tang Clan?" He went on to add that he's seen Wu three times and every time, the majority of the crowd was white. Very interesting point.
  16. Epic Reine

    All covers albums are generally mistakes.

    Eh, I liked The Misfits cover on that album, everything else is pretty much meh...
  17. Epic Reine

    All covers albums are generally mistakes.

    Renegades and Garage Inc. say "No".
  18. Epic Reine

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Could someone please link me to the actual thread where all the chapters are? Thanks
  19. I just saw the commercial for "Fracture" and wow, if that isn't the biggest Silence of the Lamb rip-off out there then I honestly don't know what is (Hopkins stars too).
  20. Epic Reine


    Saw it last night and loved it. Planet Terror was everything you expeted it to be and while Tarantino's movie was a little too dialouge heavy, when it picked up, it REALLY picked up. Satisfied overall. Btw, the Thanksgiving trailer was awesome as well as the trailer for "Don't".
  21. Epic Reine

    The Office, Season 3

    Did Daryl just spout out "mothefucker"?
  22. Epic Reine

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi -- 4/3/2007

    Liked the main event, nice little brawl and I'm glad the originals got in a lot of offense, made them look strong
  23. Epic Reine

    Sevendust "Alpha"

    Here's another band I wish people would forget: Darwin's Waiting Room.
  24. Epic Reine

    Sevendust "Alpha"

    I really didn't think anyone would remember Reveille. I was into them once upon a time back in high school (sigh). Shitty, super produced nu-metal. One of the worst ones of the bunch.