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Quit Calling My Mama

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Everything posted by Quit Calling My Mama

  1. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    FUUUUUUUUUCK. I have to change my name now. Damn WWE trademarks.
  2. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    The champ has retained in the last 2 EC's (yea, yeah, techincally HHH was stripped oif the title in between) so having Cena retain (as they obvously would) in an Elimination Chamber would even further ruin the POWER OF THE ELIMINATION CHAMBERRRRRRRRRRRRR!.
  3. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO RAW thread - 10/10/05

    I'm guessing they didn't call her Alexis Laree because they had a diva search contestant called Alexis. WWE logic for you.
  4. Quit Calling My Mama

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    http://shopzone.wwe.com/Product_detail.asp...ductId=02-00452 ^^ this works great.
  5. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Homecoming Thread

    So i guess Bischoff isn't getting fired. Boo.
  6. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Thread for 09.19.05

    I'd like that except for the fact i kinda think Vince showing up every few months (only when something MAJOR needs announcing or something big is happening) is good. People bitch about him showing up only to announce Hardy returning but it made sense at the time. Having Bischoff make the announcement would have made it 'just another Raw storyline'...which it eventually seemed to turn into.
  7. Quit Calling My Mama

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    So how is the cage match going?
  8. Quit Calling My Mama

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    4 out of 4 faces have won so far if you incluide Flair as a face.
  9. Quit Calling My Mama

    The One And Only Unforgiven Thread

    Someone actually tapped to the figure four?
  10. Quit Calling My Mama

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    According to a friend in attendance Burchill cut a good promo before his match.
  11. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    The tag match is non title? Ugh.
  12. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    This Kerwin bloke looks like a double for Chavo Guerrero.
  13. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

  14. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    Well, they're big stip matches. Meaning they may go on long. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> JBL Vs Batista? I sure fucking hope it doesn't go more than 15 minutes MAX.
  15. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    I thought it alluded to be Boss Man at the time? Weird. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bossman drove the hummer!!!!!!!!!???? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, it's been confirmed as Lillian now. KEEP UP WITH THE NEWZ!
  16. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    Yeah because you'd really turn down Christy Hemme if she was knocking on your door.
  17. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO RAW Thread

    I thought it alluded to be Boss Man at the time? Weird.
  18. Quit Calling My Mama

    Hurricane Katrina

    A post made by a member on another forum. I don't necessarily agree with it all but it raises some interesting points.
  19. Quit Calling My Mama

    OAO Smackdown! Thread

    He's Brian Black, he's down in OVW right now.
  20. Quit Calling My Mama

    Well, here's a breast.

    http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...riendID=2798612 Hmm.
  21. Quit Calling My Mama

    I bet XxMariaSantosxX has a sweet little pussy.

    I'm sitting here and thinking she breasts must nice.
  22. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    Looks like they might actually be going for HHH/Flair at Unforgiven or building it to Survivor Series.
  23. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    I sense a Dupree run in to align this new Dupree/Tomko tag team they've been running on house shows.
  24. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    You Suck chants by the crowd and the promo is over. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How audible was it? Maaan, at Unforgiven they're going to turn on Cena something nasty.
  25. Quit Calling My Mama

    The OAO Raw Thread for 8/29/05

    That sounds painful.