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Quit Calling My Mama

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Posts posted by Quit Calling My Mama

  1. I'm not hugely pro steriods or anything like that, but why are they wasting their energy on this, when they could be arresting heroin and cocaine dealers?


    So they shouldn't waste energy on this because there are more serious drugs?


    It's not as if the government DOESN'T spend a lot of time arresting heroin and drug dealers.



    'Hey, let's not bother solving burglaries anymore because rape is more serious'.

  2. Sad thing is, this does happen all the time to a lot of undercard guys, but it isn't made a big deal as such.


    Big Bossman, Bam Bam Bigelow, Mike Awesome? They were taken way too young and could still have made successful comebacks later in their career. But there wasn't much hooplah other than a few sad fans and a graphic to remember them by. Crash Holly barely even got a mention when he died.


    They weren't on the WWE roster when they died.


    Pillman, Owen, Eddie, Benoit all were and all got tribute shows.
