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Quit Calling My Mama

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Posts posted by Quit Calling My Mama

  1. I need Ralph Nader to run again in 08.

    No we don't


    I never said "WE" I said "I"..although I'll take that back and say I need a good 3rd party candidate to come out and run. Because I don't see myself voting for Hillary/Obama or whoever the Republicans pick. And to elaborate..I absolutely do not like Hillary Clinton and I do not think Obama has enough experience to be running for President. And Im pretty sure that there isn't a republican that Id vote for..


    Yet Ralph Nader DOES?


    Obama isn't the most qualified candidate but he smokes Nader for experience relevant to being President.

  2. Weird thing on WWE.com


    After verbally attacking Tazz at One Night Stand, JBL announced that he is the new color commentator of ECW.


    then you click to read the story and get:


    JBL verbally attacked Tazz at ECW One Night Stand, claiming that he's lucky he quit because WWE would have had to fire him. The self-proclaimed Wrestling God then went on to say that he is the new color commentator of SmackDown, taking the place of Tazz at the announce table.

  3. Chavo could have something up his sleeve, then once he follows through with it he can say "HE LIEEEEEEEEEED" about quitting.

    That would be a major mark out moment for me.


    I was worried they were going to pull a "All Eddie's fault!" angle, but thankfully they didn't go that way. Really, I don't know where they are going with this. Maybe Chavo will come back as a ref.


    His profile has been removed from WWE.com

  4. No one has ever broken the Masterlock.


    Masters has released it, and also, on occassion, never fully applied it. No one, including Shawn Michaels, has ever broken it. The announcers have even make a point to stress this during each of Masters matches this month.


    Tonight on Raw, there's a "Masterlock Challenge" with the Big Show.


    Which means Masters will probably work him over with a chair.


    Booker T broke it during the dark match battle royal at Mania 21. I guess that isn't counted though.

  5. Not exactly new, but Jindrack was wrestling on the DSW show last night so it's likely they're resigning him.



    If you're asking why this means they may be signing him:


    Deep South Wrestling is the new WWE developmental territory.


    If you're asking why they would want to sign him?


