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Quit Calling My Mama

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Posts posted by Quit Calling My Mama

  1. 4) Juvi won a cruiserweight battle royal. The competitors included Tajiri, Shane Helms, Paul London, Kid Kash, Brian Kendrick, Scotty 2 Hotty, Nunzio, Funaki, Psicosis, Super Crazy and Juvi. It came down to London and Juvi. London was on Juvi's shoulders, and then both went over the top rope. London hit the floor first, and Juvi managed to keep himself on the ring apron.


    (5) Chris Benoit defeated Triple H in about 13 minutes. Benoit finished things off with the top rope headbutt, locked in the crossface, and then managed to leverage Hunter into a pinning combination from the crossface to get the victory. After the match, they hugged and shook hands. Dean Malenko came out, and while he did not say anything, he celebrated with Benoit and held his arm up in victory.


    Afterward, Benoit said, "Eddie was a man who walked through every possible valley you can imagine. Eddie was a true inspiration to every life he touched. We'll always love you and miss you." The crowd didn't leave until Benoit's speech was over, as they were very interested in what he was saying.

  2. 5 matches and 5 face wins.


    I guess they want the fans to think their votes meant something. HHH/Flair is going to be a title match now. HHH as IC champ would be too weird and i can't see Flair going over. I guess that means some sort of non finish will happen but how would they do that in a cage?
