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Quit Calling My Mama

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Posts posted by Quit Calling My Mama

  1. The announcement should be if Taboo Tuesday does a buyrate better than Wrestlemania, the McMahon family will never be seen on television again.

    That includes in-law members.


    I'd like that except for the fact i kinda think Vince showing up every few months (only when something MAJOR needs announcing or something big is happening) is good.


    People bitch about him showing up only to announce Hardy returning but it made sense at the time. Having Bischoff make the announcement would have made it 'just another Raw storyline'...which it eventually seemed to turn into.

  2. According to a friend in attendance Burchill cut a good promo before his match.


    He had his first one on one today, Regal as manager, in the suit and all. Burchill fucked Scotty up bad. He tossed him into the turnbuckle pole arm first like 4 times then shoulderbreaker, then the armbar. He's not using the C4, but he seems to have submission/chain wrestling down.


    He also actually sold scotty's offense, which as much as I hate scotty, at least Burchill sells. And he seems to have picked up the mic quite well talking about how much he enjoys hurting people but now with William Regal he gets to hurt people and get paid for it.

  3. A post made by a member on another forum. I don't necessarily agree with it all but it raises some interesting points.


    in an affluent, comfortable, capitalist society like america, no one gives a fuck about these poor people. behind all they simply don't matter. the rich folk get out of there when something bad happens. this includes the checks and balances, the police, etc. most of us are isolated from this. it's all NFL FOOTBALL REACH FOR THE SKIES BE ALL YOU CAN BE get the new xbox 360! shit.


    they're in a worse situation than third world or socialist countries. they have no money, no education, they're neglected, and they have their faces rubbed in how rich and awesome american society is, and everything they don't have and never will 24/7.


    I'm no socialist but since you talk about socialism, in an ideal socialist state, the govt would evacuate everyone themselves. america's establishment genuinely doesn't seem to give a fuck.


    the security blanket goes, and the infrastructire goes, and they're left to sit and stew like pieces of crap on the shoe of rich people


    we get the aid efforts treating the people on the ground like dogs. dropping the aid for whoever is the fittest and first there, and buggering off in helicopters. leaving the people who need it - old people, ill people, elderly, young mothers, pregnant women - with nothing.


    bush talking about BUHGAWD FAITH BASED GROUPS WE'LL REBUILD IT! IT'LL BE ONE HELL OFF A GULF COAST!" He tells us that trent lot's mansion is going to be rebuilt! (he genuinely has no shame whatsoever) some other woman talking about education(wtf?)... meanwhile these people are dying in the street, left to drown because there is no evacuation plan because these very same people cut the funding. and having soldiers and police pointing guns at them for trying to survive by stealing a bottle of water. they are supposed to cheer and feel happy that these symbols of the people who put them in this situation are here?


    they tell them to meet at a convention centre - and then there's nothing there for them. no medication, nthing. so it became a concentration/refugee camp, in essence.


    no wonder they're fucking pissed. no wonder they're shooting shit. i'm surprised there hasn't been a full scale riot yet.


    and here's what they should have done. get the military and rescue workers in there, and get the fit young men on their side. then you make sure they are fed and watered - but you make them work their balls off for it. they are the ones who do the foraging/looting, and they do it where they are told to and when they are told to. what they bring back gets given to those who need it - there's enough in that city i am certain.


    it's utterly shambolic that 'THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH, which meddles in everyone else's affairs, tells everyone else what to do, and generally acts like a spoilt, whiny brat, has reacted to this in such a chaotic manner. you weren't ready for it.


    the memory of an armed police man pointing a gun at someone for trying to get food, while TWO BLOCKS AWAY, masses of people were left dying in the streets, will live with me forever.


    if this treatment of america's poor isn't the end of the republican movement for many many years, then i give up being human. because it shows that, ultimately, we're all fucked.
