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Australian Pride

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Everything posted by Australian Pride

  1. Australian Pride

    Triple H

    Do i want to see the World Title around his waist? No. Do i want to see him cut a 10-20 minute promo every week? No. Do i hope he becomes a success in the movie biz and starts appearing as frequently as the Rock? Yes. In all seriousness, the guy has been busting his ass in the ring this year, and has been (sort of) elevating other wrestlers. There's just too much of him, too often, for me to care about anything involving him.
  2. Australian Pride

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/12 Observer

    I think we've all missed the most earth shattering thing mentioned - A-Train will be out for 3 months!!! on the subject of hair - it was mentioned above that Christian got a push because he cut his hair - but he actually cut his hair AFTER winning the IC title and was likely some sort of a trade-off between him and management. The whole grunge look was in the nineties, so why is Edge still clinging to it? He wants to keep it because of the ladies? Correct me if i'm wrong but the majority of fans are male, so you would think he would want to appeal to the them so he could get a lasting main event push. Having said that, the prospect of a Hair vs Hair match between him and HHH is intriguing.
  3. Australian Pride

    Best comedy segment ever?

    Of those listed i had to go with the DX/Nation segment, but the backstage stuff involving Austin/Angle/Vince in 01 was probably my favourite ever. I also liked when Chris Jericho did his 'chest comparison" of Stephanie McMahon after the boob job.
  4. Australian Pride

    Most Disappointing and Suprising Draws

    For disappointment I have to add Curt "Mr Perfect" Hennig. He had runs with Hogan, Warrior and Flair but never managed to break through to the top level. People just didn't accept him as a WWF headliner. Some blame would have go to the booking as well - they never capitalised on the popularity he had after winning the 'loser leaves WWF' match with Flair. I'd say a surprising draw would be Mick Foley - he was basically used as Undertakers whipping boy for ages (despite a couple of PPV wins), but then managed to get himself over to legitimate main event status.
  5. Australian Pride

    Mark Henry

    Used in a tag team with a smaller guy is just about the only use for Henry. He is good (well, bearable) in short bursts, but if you leave him in the ring too long it will get very boring, very quickly. I always thought he and Rodney Mack would get a run as tag champs prior to Macks injury, and that may still happen when both return, possibly with Coach as there mouthpiece. I dont want to see another Henry singles run, but i'm sure Benoit could do something decent with him if they were paired together.
  6. Australian Pride

    Best North American Match Tournament

  7. Australian Pride

    The last great world title match

    Okay, so it looks like Benoit and HHH will face off in a one-on-one match with no gimmicks included. Some outside interference is probably a certainty, but i dont regard that as a gimmick. It's likely to be a great wrestling match, at about 40 minutes in length. So when was the last great one-on-one WWF/E title match to include no gimmicks? And what is the best non-gimmick WWF/E title match of the PPV era? Eddie/Brock was probably the best World title match in recent memory, but overall i'd have to go with either the Hogan/Savage WM5 classic or Bret Hart/Davey Boy Smith from IYH December 95. (For the record i consider special refs and three way matches to be gimmicks, but you all may disagree)
  8. Australian Pride

    Best Bret Hart World title defense

    So what is the Hitmans best PPV title defense? I would have to say his cage match with Owen, followed by his 95 defense against Davey Boy and the 92 Survivor Series match with Shawn.
  9. Australian Pride

    WWF/E in July

    This year is the 10th time WWF/E has had a pay per view in July, and there has been some cracking main events. Personally I'm going with Rock/UT/Angle from 2002, but only just ahead of the 1997 USA/Hart Foundation match.
  10. Australian Pride

    New Mattitude Commentary-- Be positive, guys.

    Well, I guess i cant blame him for being biased towards Lita, but i think he's talking out of his rear end. And yet another WWE star bashing the internet! It's getting very old.
  11. Australian Pride

    Edge interview

    She's been on TV more recently than both Shane and Stephanie, during the meetings to re-instate Stone Cold.
  12. Australian Pride

    Edge interview

    I notice Linda McMahon is absent from the list. She must be a bit narky about her age. And Spike is actually the oldest of the brothers Dudley.
  13. Australian Pride

    WWF/E in July

    The false 'Benoit wins' finish ruined that match for me. It was still good though. Kind of gets lost in the shuffle too because people tend to remember HHH/Jericho more than the world title match.
  14. Australian Pride

    When the Undertaker retires...

    You're right, it should be. But do you really see it happening? A UT match against either HHH/Foley/Kane, which is billed as his last match, would draw some bucks. In the end that's all Vince and family care about.
  15. Australian Pride

    When the Undertaker retires...

    In terms of people the Undertaker buried then the top choice would be DDP (and Kanyon). Since DDP's retired it's not going to happen. How about Undertaker vs Mick Foley, Hell in a Cell part 2, only this time we have Foley going over. Other than that you Kane (who deserves a PPV win), or HHH may pull out the card for his WM17 job and ask for the favour to be returned.
  16. Australian Pride

    Who's the Worst WWE Champion Ever?

    Why has Vince gotten the second most votes (15)? His was a run that lasted about a week, and helped set up the WWF storylines for the remainder of that year. Without his title win, there probably wouldn't have been an on screen union of Steph/HHH, which in turn helped get HHH over with masses and scored some big revenue based on his feud with the Rock. Vince's win, while ego based and undeserving for someone of his 'talent', wasnt a bad thing for the WWF, and in retrospect probably helped business at a time when his top star (stone cold) was on the bench with knee problems and would soon be out for over a year with neck problems.
  17. Australian Pride

    The last great world title match

    No, it wasn't. It was a great finish capping off a great story. Are you saying that the first time you saw the match you weren't the slightest bit let down by that finish? In hindsight it was the right way to go, but on first viewing there's no way you could say that.
  18. Australian Pride

    Best Bret Hart World title defense

    Not a PPV match but no worries. I've never seen it but heard it's a phenomonal match. Same with Bret/Taker from ONO.
  19. Australian Pride

    Rhyno chasing La Rez...

    If Test was healthy i'd say put him and Val together. They could call themselves the Testicle Pornstars or something.
  20. Australian Pride

    Australian Tour Ad Gives Away Plans?

    Yeah, i remember Jericho doing that at the Global Warning event in 2002. It worked too, we gave him a massive 'you're a wanker' chant.
  21. Australian Pride

    Australian Tour Ad Gives Away Plans?

    What would be JBL's cheap heat tactic be in Australia (like his nazi signs/goosestepping in Germany)?
  22. Australian Pride

    When / If Angle Returns to the ring

    Knowing WWE they'll probably steal Jonny Fairplay from TNA and put him in the role. My preference would be Shane McMahon as long as he is impartial.
  23. Australian Pride

    Australian Tour Ad Gives Away Plans?

    I live in Brisbane and we are getting different adds for their show here on August 28. They are advertising a JBL vs Eddie in a No DQ one fall to a finish match for the title, and the Undertaker getting revenge on Booker T. Then it says GM Kurt Angle presents 3 title matches, so someone is missing out on defending (either US, Tag or CW).
  24. Australian Pride

    The WWE Title Divisions

    Because Angle as a heel in that feud makes sense Well, it's not much different to Steve Austin injuring Brian Pillman, and then Pillman being the heel when he returned. And when Chris Benoit went down with his neck injury it was attributed to a Stone Cold stunner at KOTR, but then when Benoit returned he was a heel as well.
  25. Australian Pride

    The WWE Title Divisions

    If Big Show can drop a few pounds before coming back then that could be a good fued. If all he does is eat while he's away then i dont want to see it!