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Everything posted by CubbyBr

  1. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Looks like they're starting to get some momentum with real good numbers for house shows as well. Hopefully they could get close to a sellout for Lockdown.
  2. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Tenay: "To the back with JB!"
  3. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    That and the fact that they insist on trying to explain angles fifty different ways instead of letting the action speak for itself.
  4. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Is it just me or do Tenay and West just kill any logical angles TNA does with their over-the-topness?
  5. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I was watching the sit-down interview segment with Rhino and Christian and the one thing that stuck out to me is friggin Tenay. Before the interview starts, Tenay sternly warns Christian that if this is some kind of setup to emberass Rhino then it will be the last time Christian is allowed on his interview set. Jeez since when do interviews threaten wrestlers?
  6. CubbyBr

    TNA PPV Results

    Not if they play it off the right way. During the first match they have Sting close to winning the match when Joe squeeks out a victory out of nowhere. Sting goes on to say that he doesn't think Joe really has "it" and that the victory was a fluke. THey have the second match and Joe beats Sting decisively with a Sting initiated handshake after.
  7. CubbyBr

    TNA PPV Results

    They should have Sting come in and put Joe over strong, maybe two PPV's in a row. They could do a deal where Sting has the belt won at the first PPV but Joe pulls it out with a roll-up or something. Sting can go on to question whether Joe is the real deal, etc. Have them fight a month later with Joe going over decisively with a handshake at the end. Maybe feed him Booker T after that.
  8. A fish-market street fight? Brilliant!
  9. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I never said it made sense.
  10. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    I guess the idea is that the kid keeps getting picked on cuz he's gay so he's trying to learn to defend himself.
  11. CubbyBr

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 3/6/08

    How about a fishing pole on a pole match? First person to retrieve the the pole and "hook" their opponents with it is declared the winner.
  12. CubbyBr

    TNA Impact Spoilers for 3/6/08

    So let's see...we have a streetfight, a firstblood match, a sixteen man battle royal, and a six sides of steel rematch of the last PPV with no build up. Sounds about right.
  13. CubbyBr

    Do all the TNA fans here read Impact spoilers?

    I agree completely. Some of the shitty stuff they do is made that much worse with Tenay and West trying to sell it.
  14. CubbyBr

    No Way Out

    Don't know if anyone caught this but there was a hilarious moment in the Smackdown chamber where Taker dragged Batista back-first on the concrete floor of the chamber and Batista started screaming and shaking like he was having a seizure. I probably watched that part five times.
  15. CubbyBr

    Impact spoilers for 2/14

    So those two idiots, Tenay and West, can tell us a million times that Rellik is Killer spelled backwards.
  16. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    They should get rid of Tenay and let Hudson to the play by play.
  17. CubbyBr

    Predictions for 2008

    That SEX period was actually some decent TV compared to the stuff they're doing now.
  18. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The one good thing about him was that there was less yelling by West but IIRC Sadler didn't provide anything of substance.
  19. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Have you seen his commentary from the FSN days?
  20. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    So after months and months of complaints about that announce team they bring in Hermie Fucking Sadler. Not a wrestler that could actually add some color to the show...Hermie Sadler. Unbelievable.
  21. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    He'll probably just appear in a random backstage segment and not even be named ala Matt Morgan.
  22. CubbyBr

    Impact spoilers for 11/15

    I can't think of anyone they have who could sell a storyline better than Nash. Say what you want about his wrestling skills but the guy is a pretty good actor.
  23. CubbyBr

    Impact spoilers for 11/15

    Styles/Tazz look like Gorilla/Heenan compared to Tenay and West.