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Everything posted by CubbyBr
MccCain DOES NOT come off looking better in any way. It's been hammered over and over that just one week ago McCain said that the fundementals of the economy are still strong. And now a week later things are so bad that the first debate needs to be postponed? No one will buy it.
I'd be a little more inclined to agree with you if McCain didn't spend yesterday at a plant talking about solar panels and then all of a sudden, today, it's the end of the world and we need to delay everything and go to Washington. It would also be a little more believable if his poll numbers weren't going down the toilet.
Another McCain stunt...I'm watching on CNN right now that McCain appearently has suspended his campaign and has called for a delay to Friday's debate with Obama so they could "come together" and deal with the economic crisis.
I love Campbell Brown!
Huckabee out-performed Romney in many of the primaries and Romney ended up coming out of it looking like a rich snob elitist while Huckabee came out as a respected guy.
Just saying that since the Republicans are all about who is the best politically to win a campaign, Huckabee is the only one that has the personality and speaking skills to match up to Obama and succeed at making him look bad while coming off as the good guy. He came in second place in many primaries and got a lot more votes than anybody thought he would.
I'm actually gonna go ahead and predict Mike Huckabee for that one.
I haven't actually seen or heard about McCain's economic plan besides all the "clean up Washington" rhetoric but is there honestly any difference at all compared to what the Bush economic policies are?
Just came across this...Chris Mathews absolutely destroying Eric Cantor of Virginia today.
Here's a pretty good new ad from Obama. The music really makes it....
You don't think that wolf ad would be effective with woman? On another note, for anyone interested, McCain got smacked around pretty good on "The View" today.
These are the types of ads the democrates need to do more of. It's pretty effective at painting a different view of Palin...
Obama needs to really speak in clearer terms and make clearer contrasts. He's got a tendency to speak in complex sentences instead of making clear distinctions. Look at McCain: He sits there on the stump and reads off a paper things like: "I will lower your taxes, my opponent will raise them. I will win the war in Iraq, my opponent will surrender." It's completely scripted but it works and Obama needs to adopt some of it.
I think the "McCain/Bush" argument works but he needs to add more to it. How is McCain like Bush? Start with the fact that he'll say/do anything to get elected. Point out the fact that the same exact people who helped Bush get elected are now running McCain's campaign. Point out the fact that the George Bush's speechwriter wrote Sarah Palin's speech for the convention. He's gotta get into clear specifics on how McCain is just another Bush.
What they need to hit her on is the fact that she won't grant anyone an interview and is hiding out in Alaska. Go after her on that! Call her out and say that we've got a VP nominee who we know nothing about and who refuses to answer any questions about herself. They can really box her in and force her to start going on TV where she'll probably make a gaffe and say something stupid an also will be forced to talk about her crazy abortion views and her other extreme positions.
I'm talking about how hilarious it is that the republicans are just chewing up Obama and Biden is sitting there praising McCain for five minutes.
I'm watching Biden right now speaking in PA and it's just unreal. Sarah Palin laughs at Obama and mocks him for being a community organizer and Biden is in PA going on a 5-minute diatribe about how great of a man McCain is. Unreal.
That sleeping baby also has been passed around from the father to the oldest daughter, to the middle daughter, to Cindy McCain, and then back to the father all through the speech while they took turns standing and taking in applause.
Punch of the night so far....
DId I hear Ventura wrong or did he actually compare Fred Thompson's speech to that of Herman Goering of Nazi Germany? EDIT: I guess he was talking about the entire Republican Party.
when asked if he heard Bush, Thompson's, or Lieberman's speeches. Ventura added, "didn't want to, didn't need to, already know they'll promise everything and deliver nothing."
IMPACT: - Awesome Kong defeated Josie. ODB attacked Kong after the match and they brawled until refs separated them. - Consequences Creed and Jay Lethal defeated Petey Williams and Sheik Abdul Bashir. There was miscommunication between Petey Williams and Sheik Abdul Bashir, they argued after the match. - Curry Man defeated Jimmy Rave. After the match The Rock and Rave Infection beat down Curry Man until the Prince Justice Brotherhood made the save. - In a Four Ways to Glory Qualifying Match, Kurt Angle defeated Kevin Nash. Joe and Nash had words during the match, which led to Nash losing. They argued after the match and Nash walked out. - The Beautiful People defeated Roxxi and Taylor Wilde. Velvet Sky used the can of hair spray, which blinded Roxxi and allowed the beautiful People to win. After the match, Kip James paper bagged Roxxi and threatened to cut Wilde's hair until Rhino made the save. - Sting came to the ring and cut a promo to explain his actions. He explained that the young stars don't have respect, so he is going to show them what respect is. He got involved in Joe's match with Booker because Joe simply could have defeated Booker, but he took it too far and then he disrespected a legend when he flipped Sting off. Sting said he used to see Joe as the future of TNA, but not when he does things like that. Sting says Ric Flair showed him respect when he was young, and then calls out any only the youngsters that have a problem with him. AJ Styles then came to the ring, and Sting says Styles disrespected him by calling him a coward and also says that he took his match with Kurt Angle too far. AJ explains that he helped build TNA since day one, and Sting then offers AJ his bat and turns his back on AJ. AJ takes the bat, turns Sting around to face him but Sting counters with the scorpion death drop. Jeff Jarrett's music then played as the segment ends. -Beer Money defeated Shark Boy and Super Eric. LAX attacked after the match, Homicide is now wearing an eye patch to sell the injury. - Team 3D and Johnny Devine called out Abyss for being soft. This led to Abyss coming to the ring, them attacking him and Matt Morgan making the save. -ODB defeated Riesha Saeed. ODB pulled off Saeed's mask backstage and held it up to the crowd, but Kong attacked her and laid her out. -Kevin Nash cuts a promo and explains to Joe that he isn't ready for his PPV match. He books him in a match with Johnny Devine and Lance Rock, who Joe defeats quickly. Nash then announces Joe's third opponent, TOMKO. Joe eventually defeats him. -www.411wrestling.com
MAybe She'll "decline" the position during the nomination process, citing that her priorities are with her family right now or whatever. This stuff is gonna keep coming up especially with the investigation into the trooper incident ongoing through the campaign. If it comes out in October that she did indeed make the call to fire this guy it would go a long way in sinking McCain. Either way this makes McCain look like an idiot.
I think I read that she actually spoke at their convention this year, supporting the party. So in the last few days we've learned that Sarah Palin has a 17-year old pregnant daughter and that this daughter might actually have given birth to the baby Palin is claiming her own, Played a part in firing her former brother-in-law, who is a state tropper, for divorcing her sister and appearently supports Alaska seceding from the Union...Hilarious Seeing as the media is jumping all over this, there's gotta be a good chance she'll be taken off the ticket. If so, who steps in? Romney anyone?
Anyone hear about how Palin and her husband are member of the Alaska Independence Party, a party who's main goal is to actually allow Alaska a vote to secede from the Union?