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Everything posted by CubbyBr

  1. CubbyBr

    Campaign 2008

    Who cares about what happened twenty years ago? McCain stands there, TODAY, and accepts his endorsement and gets completely let off the hook with it.
  2. CubbyBr

    Campaign 2008

    I'd love to see CNN looping that footage all day long.
  3. CubbyBr

    Campaign 2008

    If they have anther debate, Obama needs to firmly hit Clinton the how disingenuous she is on the entire Florida/MIchigan issue. This is a person signed on to not count Florida/Michigan and is now claiming that their votes count for her.
  4. CubbyBr

    Impact (4/17/2008)

    God would i have loved to been a fly on the wall when they came with this Super Eric crap tonight.
  5. CubbyBr

    Campaign 2008

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=NIxmi3e2Vmo&feature=user <------I must admit, starting at the 4:15 mark this clip is pretty hilarious.
  6. CubbyBr

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Personally, I enjoyed the match. I think saying that it's the best match of the last five years is crazy. IT was well worked but it didn't attract any new fans which is what TNA was trying to do. It basically wasn't a real MMA match for fans of MMA. ANd it wasn't a traditional pro wrestling match for strictly pro wrestling fans who don't watch too much MMA.
  7. CubbyBr

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    They were there at the beginning. THe crowd was into the match at the end but it took a while.
  8. CubbyBr

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    THe main event was a well-worked match but I had several issues with it. What they did by working an MMA match was take away all the stuff that make Samoa Joe cool. THe Kicks, the brawling, the suplexes, etc. Joe's entire aura is the way he moves for a guy his size. Without It he basically looked like a fat guy rolling around and applying weak, worked submission holds. I watched the PPV with a first time TNA fan who who likes WWE and has been watching them since the mid 90's, is also a fan of UFC and that's exactly how he reacted to it (after laughing about the name "Samoe Joe). You can't have that type of real match with a guy with a fake name like that, an unimpressive look and not even show some of the cool looking stuff he can do. Can you imagine this being a UFC event with a main event buildup like that but instead of a chuck liddel you put in an out-of-shape guy named Samoe Joe? I just don't think the match served Joe's strengths and there were several boring chants throughout.
  9. CubbyBr

    Lockdown (4/13/2008)

    Bit the bullet and ordered the show tonight. One thing I'm liking is how JB is being a little more serious in his interviews instead of acting like a dork the whole time and making his goofy faces.
  10. CubbyBr

    CTDWAT: TNA Edition

    Greeeeaat. She's probably going to get involved in the main event.
  11. CubbyBr

    The OAO Impact Thread (4.10.08)

    YEah I remember exactly that. West was screaming the entire time and actually trying to call out wrestling moves as they fought backstage.
  12. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    THe other thing about Tenay and West is the image they bring to TNA. You turn on UFC and see Mike Goldberg/Joe Rogan dressed in nice looking professional clothing, talking calmly and giving UFC a sort of cool image. THen you turn on TNA and see Tenay with his bow tie and West with his colorful shirts, yelling like a bunch of idiots and TNA comes off looking corny and bush-league.
  13. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    That's pretty interesting...I liked Trigg during the Angle/Styles sparring match and he seems like a guy that, after some work, could develop an interesting personality and bring a little bit of calmness to the announcing.
  14. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    The other thing that pisses me off about them is that when there is a backstage brawl or some kind of fighting going on backstage, Tenay/West insist on calling it like it's a wrestling match and start yelling about it right away.
  15. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I guess its a difference of opinion. I can't listent to announce team who insist on yelling everything they say instead of talking like normal people.
  16. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I see what you're saying but I think Cole/Coach have the common sense to shut the fuck up when needed. Yeah, maybe sometimes its because they have nothing to say but other times, like the Batista/HBK confrontation last night, I think they realize that the moment speaks for itself. Can you imagine Tenay and West during that segment? Repeating every comment Batista made about the old yeller stuff. My main complaint about Tenay/West, besides the yelling and West's wheezing, is that they feel the need to state the obvious every chance they get.
  17. CubbyBr

    TSM TNA Townhall:The Weekly PPVs

    1. How often did you buy the weekly PPVs? More than the monthly PPVs? Less? I watched from the very beginning and tried to order every week or every other week. 2. What were the benefits of the weekly PPVs compared to the monthly ones? Drawbacks? Obviously some of the benefits were that they had more creative freedom as far as content. The language made the show a lot more realistic IMO. 3. Do you think a promotion could ever successfully use the weekly PPV format? No. It's tough to get casual fans to spend 10 dollars a week on wrestling when they can watch it for free on USA. 4. What are some of your fondest memories of that era? I absolutely loved Vince Russo's rants from late 02' to late 03'. Great stuff. I really enjoyed the AJ/Jarrett/Raven match where AJ got the belt for the first time. Really liked the first KOTM. Obviously a lot of the early X-Division stuff. And bps, thanks for reminding me about Kid Kash because I almost forgot. What a fucking good heel he was? Beating up Sarah the ticket lady, Tiny the timekeeper, etc. Kash was complete prick during the first half of 04 and I loved it. His feud with AJ was and the entire X-Division was great. 5. Do you think the weekly PPVs have any impact (no pun intended) on TNA today? Unfortunatly, not. The cool thing about the weekly PPV's was that it seemed like there was less scripting thus the show didn't feel so rushed. They let things play out a little more and it just had more of a "anything can happen" vibe. TNA had a chance to do that with the live show two thursdays ago but it was nothing like the weekly PPV's.
  18. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    Come on now, does that really compare to Tenay and West reminding us that Rellik is Killer spelled backwards every show? I think they're a lot worse than Coach/Cole not really because of their actual announcing (even though it's pretty annoying and loud) but how they act when trying to sell something blatantly fake and stupid (that and the facial expressions of Tenay). When WWE does something corny on Raw, JR's reactions are brilliant. The bowling shoe ugly comments, his "good good" comments when they do something dumb. Tenay and West insult people's intelligence by treating blatantly fake shit like it's real and serious. See the entire Abyss/Black Reign/Mesias feud for example.
  19. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    Definitly not. I don't think we'd see Cole and Coach high-fiving each other and pumping their fists like two idiots over an announcement of a match like Tenay/West did when that Joe/Steiner match was announced.
  20. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I was shocked that for the first time in months, Tenay and West didn't inform us that Rellik is indeed Killer spelled backwards.
  21. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I really think Jarrett would be a great choice for play by play. Watching that Global Impact DVD, and how he built Angle up, I really got a JR-type vibe from him in that he made me buy into what he was saying because he was straight up and not trying to overhype things like crazy...like Mike Tenay.
  22. CubbyBr

    Announcing Team Discussion

    I honestly think TNA is oblivious to how bad they are. Call me crazy but after watching some of the Jeff Jarrett/TNA press conference clips from the global impact show, I think Jarrett would make a damn good color commentator. The way he build up Kurt Angle in a calm, legitimate way is a stark difference from the Tenay/West craziness and would go over good on TV.
  23. CubbyBr

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    I liked a lot of the show including the MMA Segment, Steiner/Petey vs. LAX and the main event. The joe segments were ok. Again, though, the announcers killed a lot of the good stuff by trying to scream over the crowd. One thing I've liked about WWE lately is that there's is a lot more dead air on Raw with the announcers just letting the action speak for itself. TNA should take note. Another thing that's really bringing the show down is the number of talents they have on every show. It's just way too much. How many people were featured in the first ten minutes of the show? It had to be atleast ten or twelve.
  24. CubbyBr

    The OAO LIVE Impact thread (3.27.08)

    Hopefully with the live format they'll do away with those ridiculous cutaways that they always do.
  25. CubbyBr

    TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

    They should run the big town in states where they've already drawn good in little towns around them. They've almost sold out Lowell for Lockdown...they should try running the Fleet Center next year or so. Being from Chicago and knowing the crowds that WWE draws, I'm sure TNA could do well here too.