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Everything posted by nogoodnick

  1. nogoodnick

    OaO Fable Thread

    Ive played about 5 hours into it and there isnt anything thats really amazing about it. However I cant stop playing. This game was the reason I bought an X box almost 2 years ago. Not the greatest game ever as I thought it would be, but I am addicted to it.
  2. Resident Evil Apocalypse 8/10 Awesome movie if youre a fan of the games. There were lots of references to them.
  3. nogoodnick

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Dana Barros is still in the NBA?
  4. nogoodnick

    This Week in College Football 9/9 - 9/11

    I actually thought Rix was gonna turn it around this season. I guess there is still time but not a good way to start a season.
  5. nogoodnick

    Since ESPN didn't do this list (as far as I know)

    The Oklahoma State Basketball team accident Malik Sealy's accident
  6. nogoodnick

    Corny Parody Movies

    2 was alright, but SC3 was just about the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen. Correction: the biggest piece of shit.
  7. nogoodnick

    Recent purchases

    Legend Requiem For a Dream Pi Knockaround Guys
  8. nogoodnick


    I thought it was surprisingly good and not at all what I thought it would be. I liked it better than Crouching Tiger. Definitely worth seeing. 9/10
  9. nogoodnick

    Napoleon Dynamite

    I wouldnt call it overhyped since 75% of the people I know who saw it LOVED it, myself included. I laughed so damn much. I do know some people that just didnt like it though.
  10. nogoodnick

    This Week in College Football 9/2-9/6

    Those penaltys against OSU were a little bit of bullshit. Maybe call the first one but the second one was trivial.
  11. nogoodnick

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Im not sold on Zach Randolph being the future of the franchise. He just never impressed me with his ability to take over the game. I dont think he'll be worth a large extension next summer because he keeps getting in trouble and their will be better free agents to chase. If the Blazers add Michael Redd then they had better start trading some guards away. There arent gonna be a whole lot of minutes for anyone if Redd, Van Axel, and Stoudamire are playing a lot. Telfair, Woods, and Frahm aren't gonna ever play which is a shame because Woods was so impressive at summer league and still has lots of potential.
  12. nogoodnick

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    Blazers resigned Darius Milles: Six year deal to be signed Wednesday
  13. nogoodnick

    Deion to return to the NFL?

    ESPN has been reprting all day that Deion Sanders is heavily considering a return to the gridiron with the Baltimore Ravens. Ravens intersted if Sanders jumps
  14. nogoodnick

    MLB Game Chatter

    Ichiro grabbed a couple hits today. Hes on pace to finish with 2 over the record.
  15. nogoodnick

    The stupid NCAA

    NCAA= fuck those fucking fuckers. I hate them.
  16. nogoodnick

    Sequels or Games Never Made...

    A new Dragon Warrior. And definitely Starcraft 2. Why hasnt Blizzard even started it yet?
  17. Without A Paddle: Grade= INCOMPLETE, since I walked out half way through
  18. nogoodnick

    NL MVP: Who is it?

    All I know is the Cards would still be in the playoffs withouth Pujols, while the Giants would be seriously fucked and probably below .500 without Bonds.
  19. Euro Trip: too much cock but funny nonetheless, 7.5/10
  20. nogoodnick

    MLB Players from your college

    My school doesn't have a baseball team.
  21. nogoodnick

    Anyone NOT switch over to DVD yet?

    I still got some porn on vhs.
  22. nogoodnick

    NBA Offseason News and Moves

    who the hell are they?
  23. nogoodnick

    So who was cheering for the Men's b-ball team...

    ESPN.com Page 2's Bill Simmons Ideal Dream Team: Starters Duncan, Odom, Hamilton, Redd, Wade. Bench: Brad Miller, Tayshaun Prince, Iverson, Lebron, Amare, Cardinal, Battier, Hoiberg This Dream Team is doomed
  24. nogoodnick

    PSP or DS?

    Sorry guys, didnt see other thread. Thanks
  25. nogoodnick

    PSP or DS?

    Which one do you guys plan on picking up? To me the DS looks akward and bulky and not nearly as cool as a PSP. However, Nintendo actually has shown gameplay of their titles where it seems Sony is just showing FMV's and no actual gameplay. Also, the PSP is rumored to coast way more than the DS and have horrible battery life. I want to get a PSP but I dont know if its gonna be worth it in comparison to the DS.