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Posts posted by ZGangsta

  1. A bunch of middle/lower class people protesting the government raising (well actually rolling back) the taxes on the top 1% of earners from 36% to 39% while they themselves get a tax REDUCTION. How pathetic.


    Just goes to show what letting a group of rich people from Fox News tell you what to do can accomplish.

  2. I listened to tons of Sublime when I was in grade 6/7 back in the 90s. I recall liking it a lot back then.


    I can't fucking stand Sublime now though. It's irritating because all the rock radio stations in British Columbia (at least around Vancouver/Victoria) play Sublime constantly. The ones from Washington state too. And it's always the same goddamn 5 songs over and over again. Maybe it's a pacific northwest thing, I've never heard the crazy amount of Sublime played when I've been down in California even.

  3. Now, when gay marriage becomes a civil right....and I do believe it will- there will be laws that protect the civil rights of gay couples (and rightfully so)...these laws will conflict with religious freedom....I think that is very clear.

    So in other words you're worried that when gay marriage is legalized, people will start bringing legal action against churches that don't allow gay weddings.

  4. Can you actually specify what the long term threats to religious freedom are from gay marriage? It all seems very vague.


    Also, the idea that one can choose whether or not to be homosexual, straight, or anything in between is preposterous.


    I don't think so. I'm sure there are many homosexuals that are simply oriented that way- yes. But a lot of the time people do make the choice to experiment..or...like...rebel against their parents. I dunno.

    One of the more retarded statements in this thread.

    This really illustrates how completely wrong people from that side of the argument percieve sexuality. You know, it's something 'bad' that people do rather than an aspect of a person. That's why its always interesting that so many high profile religious/conservative leaders get caught engaging in behaviors that they claim are deviant, and then can instantly "redeem" themselves by asking for forgiveness. Like Ted Haggard: "I'm not gay, I've just fucked men for years."


    Are all these middle aged couples, who have been in monogamous relationships for decades and want to get married "experimenting?"

    I really feel sorry for gay people when I read stuff like this. I mean, how hard must it be to live your whole life a certain way, knowing that's just the way you are, and then have people tell you "oh, well you must be rebelling against your parents" or some stupid shit along those lines.


    I dunno.... marriage is just very closely tied with religion and it creates the potential for all of these conflicts. This doesn't mean that the rights that come with marriage should not be available for gays.....so, I'll say again- government needs to provide a compromise that will give rights to gay couples without threatening free religious worship and practice.

    Oh for God's sake. 2 people who happen to be the same gender going down to the courthouse and getting married is NOT going to 'threaten free religious worship and practice.'

    Book says no sex before marriage. People can legally have sex before they're married. Has that threatened free religious worship and practice? No.

    Book says you can sell your daughter as a slave. Laws say you can't. Has that threatened free religious worship and practice? No.


    So how is letting people of the same sex get married different than all the other laws that contradict religion?

  5. Part of religion is trying to improve society. And to some people that means banning gay marriage.

    Oh that's complete bullshit. Religion is not about 'improving society' in the least bit. Religion is all about getting yourself into whatever crazy afterlife that your religion believes in.

  6. The Steve Martin one was weird to me. I was sure Martin was going to phone it in, but then he really seemed like he was on his game, but then they didn't come up with any good material for that episode. The Kirsten Wiig 'Crazy Wife' sketch was the worst thing I've ever seen on SNL.

    The Gun sketch was brilliant though.


    Wiig has been a black hole of suck lately.

  7. I was watching the game on FF after they went down 3-0, and oh man, that's hilarious.


    This team. Before the couldn't win at home, now they can't win on the road

    That game was fucking unbelievable, they've kicked insane amounts of ass lately and then they shit the bed against the Coyotes???

    I stopped watching after they scored on their own goal.

  8. That's pretty sad that Watchmen may not even make it's production budget back from the domestic box office totals by the time it's all said and done, which I think was 120 million.


    I saw it in the IMAX last week and was blown away by it, personally. Awesome flick, particularly for the IMAX.

    I was pretty sure Watchmen was going to struggle to make 70-80 mil total. I mean, it's not exactly the most accessible material.

  9. Well, obviously, the colonials shared their gods and God with the different tribes of humans they encountered, as well as elements of language and mathematical concepts. Hell, one civilization was even named after one of our characters (Galen = Gaelic). I suspect Apollo eventually settled in the Greek islands with other colonial survivors, and his ideals of democracy were eventually passed down to them. The monotheists similarly inspired the Hebrew culture.


    So this is what we're supposed to draw from the show, that our civilization was based off of some magic white people from space. Fuck that shit.


    The language thing alone doesn't make sense. Guess what, Chinese and English and Swahili did not come from the same base space language. All of that shit about starting farms didn't make any sense either, irrigation systems etc were developed way later on. 150k years ago we were hunter-gatherers. The democracy thing? Guess what, the Greeks spent a long time not being democratic before that developed. So were Apollo and his douchebag descendants just keeping the secret of democracy to themselves before unleashing it in 148000 years later? Hell no. Don't even get me started on math concepts...math concepts!?!??! Argghhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Who cares? That's just specific nitpicking. Here's an answer: "genetic memory."


    Damn, that Galen=Gaelic stuff is a great catch there. Chief says he's going to settle on an island off one of the northern continents that's cold, up in the highlands.

  10. I loved the finale. Didn't explain shit, but I loved it.


    I think the part where anglel-Baltar said "He really doesn't like being called that" was just a poke at all the people who thought that they needed to lay out and explain the nature of God(s) on the show.


    Man was Kara's ending ballsy.


    The use of the Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower at the end was my favorite part.

  11. No real good place to put this, but the 2010 Olympic Hockey tickets were finally dished out today. I get to see...Czech Republic vs Slovakia. When formerly unified nations explode! The games were randomly scheduled, so some people got pretty screwed. I'd hate to pay a ton just to watch Latvia play Germany.


    Anyone else get their tickets yet?

    One of my friends just got Canada/USA. Which means soon I will have tickets to Canada/USA and he will be murdered.

  12. From Drudge:


    "Sen. Charles Grassley wants AIG executives to apologize for the collapse of the insurance giant—but said Tuesday that "obviously" he didn't really mean that they should kill themselves.


    The Iowa Republican raised eyebrows with his comments Monday that the executives—under fire for passing out big bonuses even as they were taking a taxpayer bailout—perhaps should "resign or go commit suicide."


    I thought he had the right idea the first time, personally. I think we need to make corporate America a little more uncomfortable, especially right now.


    Yeah but what the hell is with conservatives and Republicans all of a sudden playing the economic populist card. Conservatives have screamed for decades the same tired mantras about tax cuts for the rich, loosening regulations on big business, and trickle down economics.

    And now, all of a sudden they're screaming "EAT THE RICH!!"

  13. Sooooo... one of the bearers of the mantle for the retarded wing of the GOP is going to have an unwed teenage daughter with a baby? This means that there won't be any bullshit on that particular front regarding "family values," right? ... right? Fuck, it's going to happen anyway, isn't it.

    No, the GOP doesn't care about 'Family Values' anymore. Sure they'll use 'Family Values' at the drop of a hat to try and hurt the Democrats, but within the party it doesn't matter. All that matters is the fact that this teenage girl DID NOT get an abortion, thus her family is a shining beacon of family values. Abortion trumps all.

  14. 30 Rock >>> The Office


    Currently, I agree. Though seasons 2 and 3 of The Office were better than any of 30 Rock so far.

    This statement is exactly how I feel too. Though I also think 30 Rock has dropped in quality some in it's 3rd season. The focus on guest stars is really annoying me.

  15. Yeah, I read that Washington Post article the other day and it was pretty brutal.


    As to whether it's a crime? I can't really make up my mind on that one. For the cases where someone is willfully negligent, like intentionally using the car as a babysitter all day, or there is a previous history of neglect or abuse, obviously charge them.

  16. From watching Bill Maher last night, I've realized that Gavin Newsom is basically Alternate Universe Mitt Romney, or vice versa. Both have that creepy bland central-casting handsomeness, both come from major coastal cities, and both are beholden to creepy cults (Mormonism for one guy, Catholicism for the other), but are night and day beyond their common superficialities. I'd be happy if I didn't have to see much more of either one.

    I also totally got a Mitt Romney vibe watching Gavin Newsom on real time, except it was purely based on his look and style of speaking.
