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Posts posted by ZGangsta

  1. Don't know if anyone else picked this up. Thought it was just kind of interesting until the last page.


    But then:



    Data?? Seems the timeline was fucked up before Nero started doing anything.

    How? Isn't the comic set years after the last Star Trek movie?

  2. "Bush kept the country safe" is the meme the conservatives in the media are pushing. Which is so fucking pathetic and patently untrue it's funny.

    "Hmmm, this memo that says 'Osama bin Laden Determined To Strike in US' doesn't seem too important, disregard that. Well I'm off to vacation guys."

  3. It's also not even remotely possible.

    If Apple's stock price keeps dropping the way it has for the last year (jan2008: 200 per share, jan2009: 80 per share) it's entirely possible.


    Some people mistakenly look at Apple and Microsoft as about the same size and prominence, but Apple is a spec of dust compared to the giant that is Microsoft.


    Question: If it turns out that he does have cancer or some ailment more serious than the hormone problem he says he has, and that he's been lying about it, couldn't he and Apple be nailed by the FTC or whatever regulatory body for not disclosing information that could seriously affect the stock price?


  4. You were at the game? Ouch dude.


    I'm thankful I took my trip to Vancouver in December

    Did you go to the Leafs game that month? Cause I was there for that and it was definitely an experience. GM Place is half full of Leafs fans and the Canucks kill off an almost 2 minute 5 on 3 and then score immediately after and then get up to 4-0 at one point. Crazy energy that game.


    Edit: Never mind, my memory must be going since that was in November. I've been going over to Vancouver so often lately I'm confusing trips.

  5. I have a quick question about Blu Ray playback. I borrowed 300 from a friend. My tv can display full 1080p. My main question is, from time to time, mainly when the colors get bright (which is 99% of this film), the picture still looks sharp as ever, but gets a little "grainy". That's the best way I can describe it. Any ideas how to prevent this? I've checked my HDMI cable, and it's properly connected on both ends.

    That's probably either just the film, or you're sitting too close to the TV. How big is it and how far away do you sit?

  6. That's a pretty apt analogy. I think Moore said in an interview that that's territory they're probably not going to deal with very much.


    What I mean by Cylon God is that

    Baltar exhibits Cylon-like abilities, but I don't think he's the 5th. I think he's something else, apart from them. And with the clear Christ references at the end of 3 and most of 4, I think it's something above and beyond.

    Now that we know what Caprica is about, my original theory is shot:

    Baltar is a cylon based on their creator


    Yeah, I agree there's definitely something special about Baltar, same with Kara. I do think he's human though.


    I will be interested to see how they handle all of the mythological and religious stuff though. Will they bust out a scientific explanation for all of the visions and destinies and such (ie. Baltar DOES have a chip in his brain, there's some time travel going on, etc) or will they have some supernatural explanations for things?


    I really think there's going to be some time travel revealed at some point. I mean, Ronald Moore WAS a Star Trek writer.

  7. Yeah BSG is like crack. I never saw anything from it until my friend convinced me to check out the miniseries (it was halfway through the 2nd season) and I just couldn't stop watching until I caught up.


    I'm stoked. Ready to go for the final episodes.


    I think Baltar might be the Cylon God, but I don't know if that also means he's a cylon. All the signs are there that he's... something connected to the cylons at least.


    I believe Starbuck is an avatar of the goddess Aurora. Or she flat out IS Aurora or something.

    I don't think any stuff like that is going to go down, nor do I think it should. I don't think they're going to reveal anything about the Gods or God because I think it would be disappointing no matter how they do it. Like a character steps from behind the curtain and goes 'Ta da! I'm God! Betcha didn't see that coming.'


    The nature of the universe is a pretty complex question, so I think they're going to leave that stuff alone. I may be wrong and they'll go there, but I don't see how it could be satisfying.


    I understand how people want them to answer that stuff, since people want stories like this wrapped up in a nice bow, and I know there will be bitching if they don't answer the question 'Who's right about God(s)? Humans or Cylons?' I really hope they leave that stuff open ended. Sure they could answer some stuff about the mythology/artifacts/temples but stay away from the really big stuff.


    I think it would be like if The Wire had ended with a perfect solution about how to fix drugs and poverty in American cities.

  8. Canucks are still 5 up on 9th place, so I'm not pushing the panic button yet, especially since Luongo is coming back sooner rather than later. They played well tonight, were just the victims of two unlucky bounces. That St. Louis game was a disgrace though.

    I was at the Sharks game and the Canucks actually looked good despite the loss, especially compared to recent games. That St Louis game was just atrocious.

    The thing that worries me is that if they keep playing the way they do, Luongo coming back isn't going to make a difference. Everyone seems to be assuming that things will get better when he returns since they were kicking ass right up until he got injured and then started sucking it, but if they can't get the fucking puck out of their own end and having pathetic giveaways then having a great goalie isn't going to fix it.


    Oh and I don't know if it was shown on TV, but Sundin got like a 3 minute standing ovation after his first goal.


    Awesome, another Nucks fan.


    I've been saying the same thing- Luongo coming back is great, but he can't stand on his head every game when the team just comes out flat. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed their pathetic attempts at clearing the puck.

    I'm hoping it's one of those morale things where their captain coming back combined with having Sundin in the lineup will inspire the rest of the team to give a damn. If they could play like they did for the first 2 periods of the Sharks game all the time they'd be solid.



    Speaking of Tampa, tonight is the first ever matchup between Stamkos and Drew Doughty, and I will be there live. :)



    Stamkos is still newsworthy?

  9. Canucks are still 5 up on 9th place, so I'm not pushing the panic button yet, especially since Luongo is coming back sooner rather than later. They played well tonight, were just the victims of two unlucky bounces. That St. Louis game was a disgrace though.

    I was at the Sharks game and the Canucks actually looked good despite the loss, especially compared to recent games. That St Louis game was just atrocious.

    The thing that worries me is that if they keep playing the way they do, Luongo coming back isn't going to make a difference. Everyone seems to be assuming that things will get better when he returns since they were kicking ass right up until he got injured and then started sucking it, but if they can't get the fucking puck out of their own end and having pathetic giveaways then having a great goalie isn't going to fix it.


    Oh and I don't know if it was shown on TV, but Sundin got like a 3 minute standing ovation after his first goal.

  10. I know 22 isn't that big but it's for my bedroom, plus I don't have that much cash right now. I was saying it was a deal to me as I have seen smaller 720p TVs at similar or higher prices so I jumped on it. All I know is it sure beats the tube set I was previously using to play my PS3 on ;) For now, it fit my budget and finally updated me to 2009 in at least a small way.

    You're trying to save money and you bought a MONSTER surge protector?

    Buying anything by Monster is the tech equivalent of lighting your cigars with 100 dollar bills.

    Only cuz I needed to get rid of the interference I was getting. Plus I got it at work with my employee dfiscount. Yea it was a neccessary evil I suppose , however I usually don't go for the Monster products.You don't have to tell me about stores pushing Monster products, I know all about it. Customers actually fall for it too,that's the sad part All in all ,it got rid of my problem so that's what matters. I just won't be buying any toys for awhile :P

    Ok, you got it on discount.

  11. This show's back in 10 days and I am fucking pumped. Can't wait to see how they end the series.


    My guess for the final Cylon was Starbuck's father (who we've never seen) because there's clearly something special about Kara but I don't think she's the Cylon. But then I read something where Moore said it won't be a guest star, so I don't know if that would work.


    I just really really want to finally find out how Baltar survived the nuclear attack at the very beginning.

  12. I know 22 isn't that big but it's for my bedroom, plus I don't have that much cash right now. I was saying it was a deal to me as I have seen smaller 720p TVs at similar or higher prices so I jumped on it. All I know is it sure beats the tube set I was previously using to play my PS3 on ;) For now, it fit my budget and finally updated me to 2009 in at least a small way.

    You're trying to save money and you bought a MONSTER surge protector?

    Buying anything by Monster is the tech equivalent of lighting your cigars with 100 dollar bills.
