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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. I finally saw "All the Boys Love Mandy Lane." Pros and Cons: Pros: -The acting, for the large part, is pretty good, especially Amber Heard as the title character, and Whitney Able as Chloe. -While not the goriest slasher flick ( ), it's still brutal enough. Reminded me of a Jack Ketchum novel at times (that's definately a good thing), and at moments, felt like a slasher movie as written by him. -It's a movie that understands genre conventions, but never feels too aware of itself, too self congradulatory, or too busy riffing on other horror movies. -Lesbian overtones. -Great opening sequence. - I don't know why, but I liked that. Cons: -Most of the characters are completely uninteresting. Sure, it's stupid to say that about a horror movie, but it spends plenty of time trying to develope some of them, yet it fails to do that right. Only Mandy Lane and Chloe were interesting. The others are totally unsympathetic, even when the movie tries to make them so. -The twist and the ending. The twist itself ( ) is terrible, and the ending-I'm still trying to figure that out. Overall, I'd give it a 7 or a 7.5 out of 10. It's good, well acted enough, and definately kept my interest, but a part of me thought "that was it?" Worth a look, though not worth all the hype and praise it's been getting.
  2. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    More here.
  3. Gary Floyd

    The feds got Blagojevich

    I can one up that shittiness.
  4. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

  5. Gary Floyd

    On JN News

    Seriously, this has gone the way of kanerulesfan: It started out funny, but it's gotten annoying.
  6. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    A message from Kanye.
  7. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  8. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    2 seconds.
  9. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

  10. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    Caption aside, this picture is
  11. Gary Floyd

    FOX Sunday Night 08/09 - now in HD!

    "Heavenly Creatures" is chock full of lesbian overtones, so yeah.
  12. Gary Floyd

    Chris Masters & JN News have passed away...

    I have no idea where KOAB's new sig comes from, but I love it.
  13. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

  14. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    Yes, it's real.
  15. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  16. Gary Floyd

    My Bloody Valentine 3D

    Yeah, Friday The 13th is being remade, and the sequal to Rob Zombie's Halloween remake comes this October, but what about The My Bloody Valentine remake? It comes out tomorrow, it's getting good word of mouth, and you get to see it in 3D. That's right: 3D gore. So, who else is going to see this sucker?
  17. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  18. Gary Floyd

    VH1 Trash TV Compendium

    Seeing douchebags get humiliated on television is always fun.
  19. Gary Floyd


  20. Gary Floyd

    Check Your Thread

    Paul's Botique is their best, though Check Your Head is pretty great as well. Hello Nasty has it's moments, but falls short in comparison to previous works, and the less said about To The 5 Burroughs, the better.
  21. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like
