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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    One week late, but thanks Enigma! I'd love to know how the news is one week late, yet McMahon didn't see the movie until Saturday learn 2 troll
  2. Gary Floyd

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    One week late, but thanks Enigma! I'd love to know how the news is one week late, yet McMahon didn't see the movie until Saturday learn 2 troll Go away Enigma. Nobody likes you or your "Breaking News" posts. Post somewhere besides TSM.
  3. Gary Floyd

    Guys, I think Marney is dead.

    I never was a fan of hers, but damnit, I'd never wish something like this on her, or anyone. R.I.P. Marney.
  4. Gary Floyd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    I saw "Benjamin Button" and "The Spirit" this week. "Button" is pretty damn good, "Spirit" ranges from hilariously bad to unwatchably bad.
  5. Gary Floyd

    TSM Death Pool -- 2009

    1.) Chyna BEST BET (Come on, she recently attempted suicide) 2.) Robert Novak 3.) Ted Kennedy BEST BET 4.) Jake Roberts 5.) Betty White 6.) Ed Asner 7.) Varg Vikerns 8.) Amy Whinehouse 9.) Shawn "X-Pac" Waltman 10.) Patrick Swayze 11.) Roger Ebert 12.) Michael Jackson 13.) Scott Weiland 14.) John McCain 15.) Fred Phelps 16.) Michael J. Fox 17.) Magic Johnson 18.) Scott Hall 19.) Nancy Reagan 20.) Bobby Heenan
  6. Gary Floyd

    The Bush Years Compendium

    The right to Marry for one thing.
  7. Gary Floyd

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    I can already tell everybody on this board hates your fat gelatinous ass Does Enigma even know this thread exists, or our opinion of him?
  8. Gary Floyd

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    gimmick? no gimmick here guy...I am me
  9. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  10. Gary Floyd

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    Oh the irony.
  11. Gary Floyd

    Final Best and Worst of Awards 08

    -Comercials that most need to end-The Geico Cavemen. Look, it was amusing at first, but it got old fast. Now it's gotten past the point of flogging a dead horse-it's practically sodomizing it. The more I see these, the more annoyed I get. -The finally cancelled award-Mind of Mencia and MadTV. While Mencia was horrible, it didn't pollute the airwaves as long as MadTV did. For giving the world terrible music video parodies, Ms. Swan, Stuart (I want to personally kill Michael McDonald), that annoying old lady who plugged her ears and said "La La La" over and over again, Bobby Lee, and helping to make Frank Caliendo a star, it may be the worst comedy show in history. At least it gave us Nicole Sullivan (who has always been easy on the eyes,), Phil Lamarr (who's turned out to be a pretty good voice actor), and Artie Lang, but that doesn't make for a case for forgivness. The crimes it has comitted are far too numerous. -People actually like this?-Twilight. Really, when I was a kid, I saw a picture of Nosferatu. It gave me nightmares. Vampires should be cool, not this retarded shit. This almost makes the goth chic vampires of "Underworld" and their ilk look tolerable. -Worst Food Network Personality-Guy Fieri. In a network with Paula Deen and Rachel Ray (who I'd fuck given the chance), this bleach blonede, sunglasses on the back of my head wearing douche makes my blood boil. My hatred of this man knows no bounds. -Best type of Metal-Doom Metal. I like Technical Death Metal and Thrash and some Black Metal, but Doom is the best. -Worst Critic-Armond White. A man who unironically references the Ting-Tings, hated "The Dark Knight", "Milk", "There Will Be Blood", "Slumdog Millionaire", and other acclaimed movies, but loved "Norbit" and "Chuck and Larry", he has to be a practical joke. -Most Certifiable insane Presidential candidates-Cynthia McKinney and Lee Mercer jr. McKinney believes 9/11 conspiracies, that the government killed 5,000 men in New Orleans, and hates the Jews (kkktookmybabyaway comment forthcoming.) Mercer though-it's a shame his site is gone, because he was a whole golden pot of insanity. He also looked an awful lot like Michael Clark Duncan. Look him up on Google, you will be entertained for hours. -Worst Avatar-Anyone with their picture as an Avatar-especially Enigma and NoCalMike. I can't believe I used to like Mike. -Farewell To These Shows-"The Shield", "Pushing Daisies", and "The Wire." Shield and Wire are tied for me as best crime show ever, and had great runs, and while "Daisies" isn't gone yet, it will be soon. At least I still have "The Venture Bros." -One Gets Worse and One Gets Better-"Family Guy" and "American Dad." "Family Guy" is so terrible now, I wonder if Seth isn't pulling some kind of "Wacky Deli" style prank on us. "American Dad" however, is much better, as it actually is funny, pays attention to things like plot and characterization, and doesn't rely on bad cut away gags. Plus, the social commentary is less forced and preachy. -Worst Wrestling Promotion-TNA. I rarely mention wrestling here anymore, but TNA is like WCW in it's late period levels bad. It's like some kind of Dadaist interpretation of Professional Wrestling.
  12. Gary Floyd

    Final Best and Worst of Awards 08

  13. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    It's pretty good, though I still like Flight of the Behemoth more.
  14. Gary Floyd

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    "Here we go again..."
  15. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    You know what, you're right. Fuck it, who cares what others think? So Friday-Today, it's been
  16. Gary Floyd

    Horror Year End Review 2008

    Best Horror Movie: Let the Right One In. Honerable Mention: Inside, The Lost, The Signal, Stuck, Splinter, Teeth, Eden Lake, The Strangers, Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, Cloverfield, Dance of the Dead, Doomsday. Worst Horror Movie: The Happening. Honerable Mention: Prom Night (remake-also, a PG-13 slasher flick? Really?), One Missed Call (remake), Shutter (remake), Rest Stop 2, Otto: Or up With Dead People, Cthulhu, Funny Games, Feast II, Untraceable. Most Disappointing: Tie between Mother of Tears and Diary of the Dead. Honerable mention goes to The Ruins, Cthulhu, Blindness, Rogue, My Name Is Bruce. Best Kill: Mom and son kick the bucket (Machine Girl) Honerable mention goes to Head exploding shotgun blast (Frontier(s)), Scissor Stabbing (Inside), accidentally shooting friend in the head (The Strangers), Amish Scythe Suicide (Diary of the Dead) Most Cringe Worthy Scene: Scissors cock stab (Inside), Tendon removal (Frontier(s)), actually, most of Inside, "Just like Sharon Tate..." (The Lost), Deep fired hand (Machine Girl) Goriest Movie: Tie between Machine Girl and Tokyo Gore Police. Best Actor: Mark Senter (The Lost), A.J. Bown (Signal) Best Actress: Lina Leandersson (Let The Right One In), Beatrice Dalle (Inside) Best Cast: The Lost. Honerable Mention: Stuck. Best Villain: Ray Pye (Mark Senter) in The Lost. Honerable mention goes to The Woman (Beatrice Dalle) in Inside, Lewis Denton (A.J. Bowen) in The Signal, The Strangers in The Strangers. Best Independent Horror Movie: The Lost. Honerable Mention goes to The Signal, Stuck, Splinter, Teeth, Dance of the Dead. Best Foreign Horror Movie: Let The Right One In. Honerable Mention goes to Eden Lake, Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police. Best Hollywood Horror: The Strangers. Honerable Mention goes to Cloverfield and Doomsday. Most Pleasant Suprise: Dance of the Dead Guilty Pleasure: Doomsday Best Quote: "Because you were home." (The Strangers)
  17. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  18. Gary Floyd

    WWE Folder sucks dick

    What's this post supposed to mean exactly? The thread you started hot shot. A thread that gives me a headache.
  19. Gary Floyd

    Santa' shooting kills at least 6 in LA

    Santa Slayer.
  20. Gary Floyd

    List Things That Bother You

    I've had the same dream three nights in a row, in which I'm just laying on my bed, and all this weird shit goes on in my room. Dreams like that bother me.
  21. Gary Floyd

    Cryptopsy: None So Vile

    "Phobophile" has always been my favorite song on that album.
  22. Gary Floyd

    Albums gary floyd Listened to Today

    Seriously, I don't know if I should be embarresed or proud of this thread. Hence why I don't post what I listened to anymore.
  23. Gary Floyd

    Did pbone post kiddie porn?

    Brody already posted a snuff movie-I think.
  24. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    R.I.P. Eartha Kitt.
  25. Tim Allen and Martin Short need to be on somewhere.