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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    Best 80's music

    FINALLY, someone here agrees with my recomendations! I thought I was alone in here. While I'm at it, I can't believe I left these ones out Current 93 (Currently more folksy, albeight still with occult themes. There early stuff however, is the stuff of nightmares, especially "Dog's Blood Rising) The Cramps (Songs about b-movies and comics...before Rob Zombie, all in an excellent punk/rockabilly/psychobilly hybrid. Fun for the whole family!) 23 Skidoo (Post-punk with ethnic,free jazz, funk, and industrial tendencies. Bass line from song "Coup" sampled by Chemical Brothers in "Block Rockin' Beats") Liquid Liquid (Funkier version of 23 Skidoo. Their song "Caravan" was sampled by Grand Master Flash in the song "White Lines (Don't do It)") ESG (Yet more post punk/funk. Song "UFO" heavily sampled by many a hip-hop artist) Boogie Down Productions (With the incomperable KRS-One) Ultramagnetic MC's (Featuring Kool Keith. Album "Critical Beatdown" is a must for old school hip hop denzines) Pet Shop Boys (Album "Actually" a Synth-pop classic, and definitive guilty pleasure) Cybotron (Electro outfit, and originators of the Detroit Techno. Next time you hear Eminem say "Nobody Listens to techno" in "Without Me" remember that his hometown is a crucial place for the genre.) Oh, and yes, Japan were awesome, as were ABC, Sonic Youth, and...my God, the list just goes on!
  2. Gary Floyd

    Best 80's music

    Oh yes, we should all listen to Mr. Manson, king of cool, who will ruin...er, I mean cover Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus", and who's Anti-Christ act was dull from day one IMO, and who would do anything for attention. You're a moron. Sorry if I offended you with the fact that I don't like Mr. Manson. I don't want to piss anyone off, I'm just saying my opinion.
  3. Gary Floyd

    Best 80's music

    I don't know how to rationally explain it beyond "the difference is that Morrissey and Johnny Marr don't fucking suck." Exactly. The Smiths were a great band. Marylin Manson, IMO, is nothing but a joke, a poor man's GG Allin. In other words, Manson sucks. Sure, maybe the whole anti-christ thing was done on one album, but it was done years earlier by better artists.
  4. Gary Floyd

    Best 80's music

    Oh yes, we should all listen to Mr. Manson, king of cool, who will ruin...er, I mean cover Depeche Mode's "Personal Jesus", and who's Anti-Christ act was dull from day one IMO, and who would do anything for attention.
  5. Gary Floyd

    Upcoming Horror Movies

    Judging by my name, you can probably tell that I am a horror fan, so, i'm pretty much looking forward to: SAW (Trailer made me thinl "Holy Shit, they made a Giallo flick in America!) Haute Tension Shaun of the Dead Worst Case Scenario (German Nazi Zombies)
  6. Gary Floyd

    Best 80's music

    Though it's not included, Cabaret Voltaire, an obscure industrial group (and major pioneers) that I have mentioned before, were the best band in the 80's, IMO As for others Depeche Mode New Order The Smiths Front 242 Skinny Puppy Mantronix (Electro-Funk/Hip Hop) The Three O'Clock (Neo Psychedelic) Coil (Early Industrial/experimental) Talking Heads Psychic TV (also early industrial, at least until they did shitty acid house) Blancmange (pretty good synthpop) Public Enemy Run DMC (well duh) Afrika Bambaataa (one of the definative hip hop DJ's) Butthole Surfers (80's Surfers is the best their is) Cocteau Twins (excellent 80's dreampop)* *As you can probably see, I'm not much of a Metal fan. Sorry, just my personal taste. It's probably a first though; a guy who posts on the Smartmarks who doesn't care too much for metal. I do enjoy a little, but usually in moderate amounts. Please don't hate me.
  7. Gary Floyd

    Guilty Pleasures

    Guilty pleasures, sure, I've got 'em A few songs by the Pet Shop Boys "I Turn to You" by Christina Aguilara "Toxic" by Britanny Spears The new version of the theme form "Last House on the Left" in the end credits of "Cabin Fever"
  8. Gary Floyd

    Best Wrestling Quotes...

    "Hey Mr. Personality, This show is about television ratings!"-Disco Inferno "You don't respect me, because I'm GERMAN"-Alex Wright (I don't know why, but that one always cracks me up for some reason)
  9. Gary Floyd

    When did Vince McMahon lose touch with reality?

    When did Vine officially lose it? There are so many speculations * Royal Rumble '94: The whole Undertaker vs. Yokozuna fiasco. * The "New" Razor and Diesel * The "Billionaire Ted" sketches. Sure, they started out amusing, but went down quicker than Steph on HHH. * Bringing the Ultimate Warrior back. Really folks, the possibilites are endless.
  10. Gary Floyd

    Bill Clinton admitted to hospital.

    Never a huge fan, but I hope he has a speedy recovery. I'll bet Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O'Reilly are real happy right now.
  11. Gary Floyd

    Eternal Sunshine out on DVD

    Wow, a sequal to the obscure cult horror film "Blue Sunshine" is coming out! Oh, you mean that movie with Jim Carrey. I'll still check it out though.
  12. Gary Floyd

    JBL on "Crossfire"

    Missed it, but for some reason, I'm not too upset. Maybe because Crossfire is probably the worst show on TV today If you've ever seen the show, it's like this: Take the worlds most sterotypical liberal, then the worlds most sterotypical conservative, put them in a room, let them argue for 30 minutes, and taa-daa, you have Crossfire, a show you don't want to get caught up in (unlike the game Crossfire, but that's a totally different story .)
  13. Faye Valentine from Cowboy Bebp. A hard gamblin', hard smockin' woman who will kick your ass and look hot doing it. I'm not a furvert or furry or anything (can't fucking stand 'em, no offense) but I found Captain Amelia in Treasure Planet to be...oddly alluring. Not a bad movie either. Amy form Futurama Android 18 from DBZ. Hate the show, but I thought she was a kinda cute. Josie and the Pussycats..like you wouldn't Haruka from FLCL Baroness from GI Joe... Come, on, do it for Mr. C. (I wonder if anyone gets that reference.) ...Good God, I need to get a life
  14. Gary Floyd

    Top 5 Favorite Movie Characters

    1. Dr Herbert West (Jeffrey Combs) "Re-Animator": Best Mad Scientist character EVER 2. Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) "Fight Club": I think that theres a little bit of Tyler in all of us. 3. Kakihara (Tadanabu Asano) "Ichi the Killer": IMO, the ultimate sadist, and one of the best villains ever portrayed in recent memory. 4. Leatherface (Gunner Hanson) "Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)": Still the best cannibal/inbred psycho ever portayed on the big screen. 5. Buffalo Bill (Ted Levine) "Silence of the Lambs": "Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me."
  15. Gary Floyd

    Jurassic Park 4 - A review of the screenplay.

    I'd pay to see that. I'd pay to see a Turok film as well! Or even better, a Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Movie
  16. Gary Floyd

    50 Cent Booed Offstage At Reading

    This is the funniest story I've heard all day, if not all week. Almost as funny as Eminem getting booed pff the stage at the 2002 MTV VMA's.
  17. Gary Floyd

    Jurassic Park 4 - A review of the screenplay.

    I heard about this a while ago. This whole idea is so stupid, it almost,ALMOST can't fail. I mean come on, super intelligent, talking Dinosaurs? It's so insane, it's brillient. All we need now is Kurt Russel to sign up to it, so it can be "Escape from Jurassic Park", and we have a brillient film.
  18. Gary Floyd

    Pitchforkmedia loves King Crimson

    While I don't agree completely with the order they are in, I think this is a pretty cool list. It's great to see Suicide,Cluster, Brian Eno, Faust, Throbbing Gristle, and Can on the list. Also, I think it's strange that many people think of Brian Eno as a producer and as a king of ambient music, when they can forget that he can write and perfom some great songs as well. I recently bought "Before and After Science", and it's a great album throughout. As for the band Suicide being on the list, it's just proof that no matter what some will say, a band consiting of a cheap synthesizer/rhythm box, and a vocalist could be a punk band.
  19. Gary Floyd

    Vince McMahon not backstage at the PPV

    I wonder if an unemployed "Stone Cold" Steve Austin came by and sodamized Vince with plastic tubing.
  20. Gary Floyd

    The one album you own that most others don't.

    Wow, so many in my opinion... If you like industrial (or at least say tyou do...) Then get some early/mid period Cabaret Voltaire. Truly brillient stuff. As for albums, for earlier stuff;"Red Mecca." Mid period stuff; "Crackdown," "Microphonies," "The Covenent, the Sword. and the Arm of the Lord," and "Code." Also, Pink Floyds "obscured by Clouds" is an Floyd album any true fan should own.
  21. Gary Floyd

    Albums that are widely disliked that you enjoy

    Though not widely disliked, Pink Floyd's "Obscured by Clouds" is a brillient album that is possibly their most underrated work. The album "More" tends to get mixed receptions, but it's still pretty good. Cabaret Voltaire's (really sucks that so few people know about them. Their the best "industrial" group of all timeIMO, and influenced so many artists, but sadly remain almost unknown . Anyway...) album "Code" never gets the respect it deserves in my humble opinion.
  22. Gary Floyd

    first album you ever bought.

    Alice In Chains "Jar of Flies", I was about 14. Still listen to it to this day.