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Gary Floyd

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Everything posted by Gary Floyd

  1. Gary Floyd

    the most offensive two word combination

    Is there a second in your life when you don't suck?
  2. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

    I want this shirt.
  3. Gary Floyd

    the most offensive two word combination

    Prince Paul.
  4. Gary Floyd

    Teach Me TSM

    Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask is an underrated movie from him. It's not his best, but there's some great skits in that movie. "Fabrizio, go easy on my hymen."
  5. Gary Floyd

    Campaign 2008

    I've mentioned it before, but the the fact that the dude who wrote "Obama Nation" is a truther doesn't help his argument much.
  6. Gary Floyd

    2008: The Year in Music

    I haven't heard anything from this album yet. To be honest, it's produced by Rick Rubin, so I honestly don't have much hope for it. I just don't care much for his style. Two questions though: 1 - Did Lars drop the trashcan drums? 2 - How does Unforgiven 3 sound? 1-Yes he did. He's still not that good of a drummer, but oh well. 2-It's probably my least favorite track on the album, though it's much better than "Unforgiven II"
  7. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Deon's thread bumping almost makes Vanhalen's seem ok.
  8. At the moment, I'm using a campus computer because the Power has gone out in the neighborhood. Yes, it really sucks.
  9. Gary Floyd

    I'm using a campus computer at the moment

    Damnit, I missed it. Sorry I wasn't there. We still don't have power, and it's driving me insane. I'm in the only are in campus that doesnt too-everyone does except my community. What kind of issues?
  10. Gary Floyd

    2008: The Year in Music

    Yeah, I'll be avoiding the new Cryptopsy. The new Tricky album is really hit and miss. It's the best thing he's done since Pre Millenium Tension, though that's not saying much. The new Leviathan is actually the first album of his that I like. The improved production is actually quite fitting, and makes the project sound more convincing and interesting. Also, good to see he's dropped the horrible song titles.
  11. Gary Floyd

    The Internet is driving me crazy

    In case you didn't know, the internet is where political debate and a personal opinion go to die. Now everywhere I go online, I hear bullshit like "OBAMA A SECRET MUSLIM" or "PALIN AN EVIL WOMAN!" This is what politics has transformed into: a shouting match. Taunting each other. Puffing one's chest. Saying retarded things like "Barack Obama HUSSEIN!!!!" This is not political discussion or observation. This is childish bullshit. This has become The Justice League vs. The Legion of Doom for some people. How else would you explain the popularity of political blogs that say the same right wing and left wing talking points? This is retarded. I do not want McCaine to be the next president.* I also wish people on both sides were better than this, and that dumb personal attacks, "our way or the high way" and "America: love it or leave it" bullshit didn't exist. But it does. Maybe it's because the internet has given retarded mouth breathers a voice that no one with a properly functioning brain would want to hear. People should be better than this, but they aren't. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have the likes of Michael Moore and Sean Hannity. It's not a eprfect world though. In short, until you have something to say that's 1.) Not a talking point, 2.) Actually intelligent, 3.) Not a stupid personal attack on character that has nothing to with the issues, or 4.) Mature, then I don't want to hear it. Blow it out of your ass. People like this are what's ruining political discourse in this country. It has gotten to a point where disagreement leads to insults and shouting. Come on, you can be better than that. *I do however, want to fuck Palin's brains out.
  12. Gary Floyd

    The Internet is driving me crazy

    You realize politics has always been like this, right? No shit Sherlock.
  13. Gary Floyd

    Covering Coverage

    Awesome post.
  14. Gary Floyd

    Weekend Box Office Report

    Great to see "Burn After Reading" take the top spot. I saw it yesterday, and it's hilarious.
  15. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The amount of hatred the vocalizer gets pleases me.
  16. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    I want to know who's behind the Fierce! gimmick.
  17. Gary Floyd

    Digger Smolken loves the 90s

    Do "Enjoy the Silence"
  18. Gary Floyd


    He does look good in a top hat though. As for the new Metallica-it's actually pretty listenable. It's not great, and it's not my pick for metal album of the year (so far, that would be Nachtmystium's Assassins), but it's a step in the right direction. "Unforgiven III" is probably my least favorite track though.
  19. I think Inc hated the Beach Boys, though he just kind of disapperared. I think he shows up from time to time. I've said it before and I'll say it again-The Killers first album is a great guilty pleasure. It's far from great, but damnit it's a lot of dumb fun. Same with The Sounds. I do hate The Bravery though.
  20. Gary Floyd

    Pictures I Like

  21. Gary Floyd

    The Youtube thread

  22. Gary Floyd

    the most offensive two word combination

    Deon Dark.
  23. oh the Evil Deads certainly get a pass. There was another one that got amusement out of me...Dead Alive I think it was called? I had only seen it once. "Re-Animator" and "Return of the Living Dead" deserve a pass as well.
  24. Gary Floyd

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Mad Season's "Above" is a really underrated album.
  25. Damn, Layne had a great voice.