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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Yeah man, Brunson's been productive this year. Least Valuable my ass....
  2. Precious Roy

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    Yet another reason to dislike the guy Well maybe he's Straight Edge which means he's gayer then you. *edited for accuracy*
  3. Precious Roy

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    Yet another reason to dislike the guy
  4. Precious Roy

    More lawsuit information

    Positive. I think that's an ingenius idea, too creative for the 'E's writers I'm sure....
  5. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Oh shit, I thought that was a joke. It really happened!
  6. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

  7. Precious Roy

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    that's a fine idea
  8. Precious Roy

    I Don't Think Triple H Likes Me...

    When you buy someone a drink, it's proper etiquitte to ask them what they're drinking first. I'm sure HHH drinks, but scotch and coke probably isn't his thing. If you'd approached him and asked, I'm sure he would have been cool about it. But whatever, I'm sure Flair guzzled it down
  9. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Eric Young made an AMAZING catch to rob a Pirates homerun a couple minutes back, and seperated his shoulder in the process
  10. Precious Roy

    More lawsuit information

    Because that's the way the brand extension is set up. It's a two tiered system. Everything is under the WWE umbrella, with RAW and SD! as competing subdivisions, both of which are ultimately controled by WWE authority. In the storylines a degree of authority has been delegated from Vince/Linda to the respective GMs. So, the way I see it, if Lesnar were to return it would be under contract to the WWE as a complete entity, and he would then be entered into the pool of talent available to the GMs, thrown to the wolves so to speak, who would compete over his services exclusive to one brand. Personally, I just think the outsider angle is dated. It's been done to death.
  11. Precious Roy

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    Yeah, because it's SO much fun watching the Yankees buy insane ammounts of high priced talent, have NO farm system, and no team chemistry. And hearing every single non-Yankee fan in the world bitch about my team, that's the bomb. I live for that shit If I was a frontrunner you'd see a Sox flag down there, and forget about the F'n Knicks. I've explained the hows and whys of my fandom a half dozen times here already, if it matters that much to you go dig up the posts.
  12. Precious Roy

    Major Heat on Rhyno

    He had some good garbage style brawls with Sandman, Dreamer and others. Had a couple short but decent matches with Tazz. Was involved in some fun tag and six man matches along with Corino/Tajiri. A pretty good match with Super Crazy in the TV title tournament. He was mostly a brawler/hardcore style guy, good intensity and awareness in the ring, but was never too big on moveset apart from your standard powerbomb/spinebuster/powerslam type stuff.
  13. Precious Roy

    More lawsuit information

    I like this. Maybe even have Lilian Garcia/Tony Chimmel refuse to announce him to the ring and when he does wrestle in the first few months the WWE officials have an obvious bias against him, but since everybody in the company (including the commentaters) despise him, there's nothing he can do. Another good touch. The ring announcers can't introduce him because, in kayfabe, they don't have his details at hand because he's not under contract, and they can't introduce people who just hop over the guardrail. But how exactly would they explain him wrestling despite supposedly not having a contract? UNSANCTIONED MATCHES!11!!11111 Yeah, I'm not a fan of that whole "HE'S NOT UNDER CONTRACT!" idea, it's too hokey, and everyone with a computer will know the outcome of the lawsuit, which, like MSG and the Lita stuff, will spread to the mark audience. Better to just do the bidding war thing between the GMs with Lesnar as the "hot free agent" and have the lockerrooms divided over his presence. More realistic, and not as insulting to the hipper fans.
  14. Precious Roy

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    I know man shit, I was about to say the same thing. I guess expectations are raised when you have such an obvious handicap on the rest of the league though. My POINT was that saying the dynasty is over NOW is retarded, because it's been over for several years. We haven't won shit since 2000, the dynasty was 96-2000, and it ended in 2001. But go ahead and pretend I was whining, make me out to be a spoiled Yankees fan so you can feel better about your shitty teams, ya jackasses
  15. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Don't forget Mikael Pietrus, he's logjammed at the 2/3, but he's got some game. If they can add a big man through the draft who's ready to contribute productive minutes, they're a playoff contender. As long as Baron Davis stays healthy that is, which is a big IF given his track record.... The Lakers fans will go into cardiac arrest when both the Clippers AND Warriors are better than them
  16. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Darin Erstad knocks in Molina with a 2 out GRD in the bottom of the 9th, ties it up 2-2 with Texas!
  17. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    And right as I say that Chipper puts ATL up 1 with a solo shot
  18. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    This Marlins/Braves game is never going to end....
  19. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Joe Randa with a grand salami, Mets are getting spanked 9-3 in the 8th
  20. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    FUCK! I benched Wilkerson in The League of The Elite in favor of Travis Hafner. Hafner went 2/4 with an RBI, but still....
  21. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Wasn't Sarloos somewhat of a hot prospect for Houston a couple years back...?
  22. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    This MLB Extra Innings package is like baseball crack. I wish I could afford the real thing
  23. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Holy shit, Bill F'n Pulsipher is pitching for the Cardinals! That gives them two thirds of generation K!
  24. Precious Roy

    Warrior goes insane at UConn!

    Did anybody else picture him doing this in full costume with face paint? Yes, because it's probably from the WWF circa. 1991