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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    Sorry, I'm trying to fill the Anglesault void.... But seriously, I think Kay is exagerating the boos and trying to sensationalize this, because it wouldn't be NY baseball without constant controversy
  2. Precious Roy

    More lawsuit information

    I agree, when Brock left for the NFL it hurt the company. Except, if you read the language, that's not what the WWE is saying. They allege that they've "suffered irreparable harm" from him breaching the agreement, not from the circumstances that led to that agreement being reached. The lawsuit, and the E's countersuit, stems from the New Japan appearance and the WWE subsequently withholding agreed upon royalties from video games, DVDs etc. with Lesnar's likeness. So basically, what the WWE is saying is that Brock showing up in the audience at a New Japan show caused them great damage, which is bullshit. Obviously, if he were to take future bookings, and actually work for another company, that's a different issue, but that's all hypothetical for now. If he didn't recieve payment for that New Japan appearance, and was merely comped, it's hard to prove that he breached the agreement. As for the shit about Lesnar "damaging" his character at WMXX, COMPLETE BULLSHIT, if anything it makes him a bigger star. WWE saying "we'd have to invest more money in him to build him back up" is their way of saying, "we don't want to build him back up, and would rather job him out," because if he returned the guy would be a HUGE heel if the E wanted him to be, which they obviously don't.....
  3. Precious Roy

    Yankee dynasty officially over

    Shut up. Shut the fuck up. We haven't won a world series in FIVE years. We only have THREE players left from that team, four if you count Tino. You needed today's game as validation that the "dynasty" was over? Fucking moron. Do us all a favor, and slit your wrists after you read the next paragraph. Anyway, watching the game I didn't hear any boos towards him, not enough for the TV mics to pick up anyway. And I did hear an audible cheer when Damon recorded the last out, so there was obviously (as usual) a lot of Red Sox fans in the house. I'd like to give Michael Kay the finger.
  4. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    It was easy. Hit right at him, not too hard, took a hop, he dropped it, tried to pick it up, and dropped it again. Bases were loaded, he had a force out at home or a double play to end the inning, and it looked like he couldn't decide where he wanted to go and lost his concentration. But, it doesn't absolve Rivera completely, he loaded the bases before recording an out. And on a related note, Bob Wickman blows a 3-0 lead to the White Sox, giving up back to back home runs to Konerko and Dye, and then loading the bases to set up a sac fly. Any bets on how long he lasts as closer?
  5. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Well, to Rivera's credit, he would have been out of the jam if A-Rod hadn't fumbled that grounder
  6. Precious Roy

    All-Time Baseball League Trade thread

    I can offer Brian Giles. He's a lefty, comparable OBP and SLG, and plays all 3 OF positions
  7. Precious Roy

    When does the Kurt Angle Invitational end?

    Yeah, but there are a million ways to bring Lesnar back and he'll be over...this is an easy way they can put over a new guy from OVW, by giving him a big win over Angle, and maybe going with something like Razor/123 Kid from there. With JBL/Orlando in the Dibiase/IRS roles?
  8. Precious Roy

    Somewhat SmackDown! Spoilers

    I don't know, what about Kazarian jobbing to Jindrak in 4 minutes? Glad to see that re-commitment to the cruiserweights taking shape.
  9. Precious Roy

    When does the Kurt Angle Invitational end?

    Sure, but there has to be some sort of payoff. Running this for MONTHS and then dropping it out of the blue would be a mistake. Angle can't do this forever, and it's not like his condition will suddenly improve.
  10. Precious Roy

    Somewhat SmackDown! Spoilers

    I don't count the Angle stuff and Big Show squash as matches, so basically this show has two matches, totaling 21 minutes of bell time. Great
  11. Precious Roy

    Terry Francona (red Sox)

    Apparently this guy is a ticking time bomb health wise, had like a shitload of surgerys in 2002 and problems with blod clots. I'm wondering why I never heard this before....
  12. Precious Roy

    Who should get NBA Rookie of the Year?

  13. Precious Roy

    When should Edge cash in his title shot?

    Agreed, they've had some excellent, stiff matches, both with Edge as a face and with the roles reversed. I haven't liked a single Jericho/Edge match though, below average work from both men, their styles just don't mesh well.
  14. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I have a feeling the Lakers, if they get a top 5 pick, will end up with Sean May (if he declares, that is).... Word from ESPN's crack staff ("they on crack!") is that the Cavs will fire Jim Paxson in the next day or two. Seriously, what the FUCK is up with their new owner?!?! At this rate they'll run LeBron straight out of town, unless this is the prelude to bringing in someone in a coach/gm position (Phil Jackson?)
  15. Precious Roy

    If you could have one sport thing happen this year

    New York Knicks win the NBA draft lottery
  16. Precious Roy

    RAW Rating

    Are there still quarter hour breakdowns? I'm wondering how the Hogan/Hassan replay and Austin/Dean segments did.....
  17. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Your avatar tells me this is sarcasm.... Games: 80 Wins: 9 Losses: 4 Saves: 4 IP: 89.0 Hits: 56 Runs: 23 ER: 22 HR Allowed: 5 BB: 23 K: 96 ERA: 2.21 Not bad for a set up man. Yeah, but in the playoffs against Boston last year he gave up 10 hits and 6 earned runs in just under 7 innings. Probably due to overuse in the regular season, but the Sox had his number....
  18. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Your avatar tells me this is sarcasm....
  19. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    It we had a guy like Mo was when he setup for Wetteland, sure, but would you really have more confidence in Felix Rodriguez or Tom Gordon? The easy solution is to put the game out of reach by the 7th or 8th, like we did on Sunday. In close games it's gotta be Rivera.
  20. Precious Roy

    Did anyone else notice this?

    I was surprised they didn't have a short backstage segment with Batista showing up, stepping out of a limo or something, getting told about the Orton match by Coach, and dropping a one-liner on him. I understand saving his first entrance into the arena as champion for last, as his show closing segments popped nice ratings leading into Mania, but to not use him at all until 10:55 was stupid.
  21. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    "IT'S A WALK-OFF!"
  22. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    *sigh of relief* Damon flys out..... Jeter-ARod-Sheff coming up against Foulke
  23. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    Varitek with a solo shot off 'Mo to tie it up w/ 1 down FUCK!
  24. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    And Womack grounds out....
  25. Precious Roy

    MLB Opening Day Thread

    no longer opening day, but this may as well be an "opening week" thread..... great game between the Yanks and Sox right now, 3-2 NY, Foulke has just come on in the bottom of the 8th to face Williams (just popped up), Tino (K), and now Womack. Rivera's in the pen...