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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    Is it my pick yet?
  2. Precious Roy

    Benoit vs. Triple H on Raw tommorow night

    The match was on at 10:20 or so, that tells you how seriously they took it, and how seriously they treat Benoit. Realistic hope? Nah. Batista v. SNITSKY was the main-event! I know Batista segments have been grabbing ratings, but give me a break! If they wanted to put over even the vaguest possibility of Benoit winning that match would have ended the show, not a Batista squash.
  3. Precious Roy

    Lock Down Rumor

    They already did a "WAR GAMES" match a couple years back on a weekly PPV, it was one ring but they definitely billed it as WAR GAMES, and an indy promotion who's name escapes my mind did a WAR GAMES with Corino's "Extreme Horsemen" so it obviously can be done. Neither match used a double cage, and I don't even think a double six-sided ring/cage is possible, so there shouldn't be any problem there.... Brings up an interesting debate though, can a promotion truely own a gimmick match?
  4. Precious Roy

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    Did anyone know that James Marsden (Cyclops) chose a role in Superman over X:3? These changes do not bode well......
  5. Precious Roy

    Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair

    If I remember correctly the Japanese release was Tarantino's original vision, before he was convinced/coerced into splitting it into two films. I believe that the sequencing is quite different, there may be some footage cut/added, and again IIRC, I don't believe it contains the Anime segment from Vol. I
  6. Precious Roy

    Benoit vs. Triple H on Raw tommorow night

    That's standard for HHH, he works like a face whenever he feels like it. C'mon, you all knew that roll-over was coming a mile away, right? He's already done the same spot with Benoit a bunch of times. And I completely agree on Benoit being sent back to the midcard, it happened while he still had the fucking belt. I honestly didn't even pay attention to the match because you could see the result a mile away.
  7. Precious Roy

    The Rockers!

    More like 4th chance
  8. Precious Roy

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    Essentially he was offered the chance to direct Superman and have free reign towards the direction of the film but on the condition that he had to take the offer right then and there, which purposely meant that Singer couldn't do X-Men 3 and that rather than wait patiently for Singer to finish Superman, the studio basically severed ties with him and announced that they would replace him as director for X-Men 3 since the studio wants to rush out X-Men 3 ASAP, presumably do to the fact that they won't have Spiderman 3 done until 2007. I don't like the sound of that....
  9. Precious Roy

    Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart...

    You know, seeing as how Shamrock is from the MMA world and the way his character was, I would just think it was Shamrock selling the intensity of the matches between them, out of respect for Owen as a competitor and for how Shamrock might have thought Owen would have wanted him to keep kayfabe
  10. Precious Roy

    The Rockers!

    Marty running in on that match and turning on HBK would be CLASSIC
  11. Precious Roy

    Edge/Lita/Matt a work?

    It's probably on or was on the frontpage of every page you'd get searching "WWE" or "pro-wrestling" on google, and it got some decent chants on RAW last week, I wouldn't assume that the "general audience" is that ignorant
  12. Precious Roy

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    the Cos?
  13. Precious Roy

    The Ultimate Fighter

    Is that cut seriously enough to keep Forrest out? He was bleeding pretty good, but still, they kept dude on crutches around for a while....
  14. Precious Roy

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    Why isn't Singer directing?
  15. Precious Roy

    Morgan Freeman: I'm joining the

    That's funny, all I could see from the mainpage was "Morgan Freeman: I'm joining the" and the first thing I thought was "KKK" just because of how absurd it sounds. And sure enough....
  16. Precious Roy

    Age restrictions in the NBA

    good points all-around I just see this age limit thing as a way to protect GMs and owners more than the players. The idea that players need college to develop is antiquated, and the reality is that the best players now are the ones that develop in NBA practices rather than in college. There does need to be a better screening process and more caution when it comes to taking high schoolers, but it's a work in progress, the methods of determining who will make it have become more refined since KG came out and every year it's more of an exact science, and I'll keep harping on it, but mistakes are on the GMs, not the players who get drafted higher than they maybe should be.
  17. Precious Roy

    Ken Shamrock and Owen Hart...

    Shamrock trained in the Hart dungeon with Bret prior to joining the WWF, and far as I know was on good terms with Owen and the rest of the Hart family. The two of them worked some super stiff matches together (Dungeon Match, Lion's Den) and with that kind of stuff, in a scripted sport, you have to be on the same page. Never heard anything about beef between them personally
  18. Precious Roy

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Yea, it bought him crack...rocks...made of cocaine yeah, that's what I said Sorry, it was a totally failed version of a joke from Sealab 2021 hahaha, my bad, I shit all over your joke
  19. Precious Roy

    The Rockers!

    It was weird hearing JR refer to them as former AWA tag champs. You know they SHOULD have held the WWF belts at least once, and from the sound of it JR feels the same way
  20. Precious Roy

    Jake the Snake Roberts

    Yea, it bought him crack...rocks...made of cocaine yeah, that's what I said
  21. Precious Roy

    Age restrictions in the NBA

    So, because Chandler isn't Kareem and Curry isn't Shaq they're BUSTS?! Sorry dude, they're fine players, and again, it's THE BULLS fault for taking them so high. Have they lived up the THE BULLS expectations? No. Are they top 4 in the draft type players? Not exactly, but lots of college kids get drafted high and don't pan out too. The Bulls gambled on em, they live with the consequences, plus these guys are like 22, 23 years old right now, they've still got another DECADE at least in the pros. Just because these guys aren't the second coming doesn't mean you should make excuses for the GM who was stupid enough to draft them high and then change coaches and playing styles a dozen times before they even hit legal drinking age. Yeah, and Jermaine O'Neal didn't get any meaningful run until his FIFTH FUCKING year, after he left the team that drafted him. Rashard Lewis wasn't getting any time til his third year. T-Mac was playing 15-20 minutes a night his first two years. This same "formula" you've used to identify busts applies to guys who are all-stars right now, making your observations relatively meaningless.
  22. Precious Roy

    WWE Signs Masato Tanaka

    Add me to the list, I'd tune into SD! to see Tanaka..... And they really need to bring in Awesome as his opponent, that's what people associate Tanaka with when they think ECW
  23. Precious Roy

    Age restrictions in the NBA

    The Celtics really like Kendrick Perkins, and have had the luxury of bringing him along slow, so he's hardly a bust. Chandler and Curry are major reasons for the Bulls looking like a playoff team this year, so it's hard to call them busts either. Swift and Telfair are ROOKIES, how the fuck can you call them busts already?!? And ditto JR and Josh Smith. Jermaine O'Neal was "just a dunker" when he came out, I don't hear anyone calling him a bust. Bottom line, if you're good enough to play, and a team wants to draft you, then it's all good. If a team makes a mistake and drafts a guy who doesn't have what it takes, if they push a guy who into a role he isn't ready for, or if they mishandle a guy and don't provide the proper environment for them to develop that's THEIR fault, the team's, not the system's. When practically half of the top of the line players in the league jumped straight from High School it's hard to say the system is broken. EDIT* and Charles "Bo" Outlaw went to college, unless you're talking about another guy with the same name....
  24. Precious Roy

    Hey Yo

    I remember hearing that TNA didn't want to use D-Lo because they feel it's a waste to get behind someone who spends so much time working Japan. Same reason they don't want to use Low Ki much. I disagree, as both guys are established with the diehard TNA fans, and it's not like the TV time is going to better use right now.