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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Really good Dave Sahadi interview

    sahadi is a fucking madman. best rasslin related interview I've read in a long time
  2. Precious Roy

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    I know, I'm just messing around. We'll be lucky to get this done by opening day, this thread requires levity
  3. Precious Roy

    L. Coles traded for S. Moss

    Well, they have the good defense and offensive players in place to be a very good conservative team, especially considering Curtis Martin is the centerpiece. I can't say what they will or won't do, but it seems silly to play run and gun with that roster. I don't know much about Heimerdinger, but a good coordinator adapts his system to the players and not the other way around.
  4. Precious Roy

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    Al Keiper, you will PAY for slotting me last! PAAAAAAAAAAY!
  5. Precious Roy

    L. Coles traded for S. Moss

    I think this is a good trade for Gang Green. Coles, healthy, is a more complete reciever than Moss, and paired with McCariens that's a tough short-mid passing game to stop. They'll find a speed guy for deep routes, I have no doubt about that, maybe in the draft. They're going to continue to run a conservative, clock control offense, so a top of the line deep threat isn't a necessity for them. I think it makes them better.
  6. Precious Roy

    Slow-Mo Clarrett

    That's great!
  7. Precious Roy


    HBK/HHH is a classic example of a match that owns on first viewing but doesn't stand the test of time. So much of the coolness of that match live was the novelty of HBK wrestling again and his working the back injury in an over-the-top fashion. I won't lie, I loved this match the first time I saw it, but I like it less and less each subsequent time, to the point where I pretty much never want to see it again. Plus seeing HBK return to a full schedule and totally stop selling the back, and seeing HHH-HBK wrestle a million matches on top.....the special feeling that match had is completely gone. Hogan-Rock smokes it on replay value. I still go nuts every time I see that match, it basically gets better each time, which you can say about very few matches of the modern era. As for Hogan-Warrior, I was still a kid when it happened, it's hard to be objective.
  8. Precious Roy

    What's your local teams ownership like?

    I just want to say FUCK JAMES DOLAN! Treating a team like it's a corporate asset is a surefire way to field a loser and piss off fans. The last straw was when he let MARV F'N ALBERT go because Marv wouldn't sugarcoat the Knicks' performance. Knicks announcers aren't allowed to praise the opponent's play OR bash the Knicks in any form, per instruction of the almighty Dolan
  9. Precious Roy

    The Montreal Expos of Washington

    It's because they play in the shadow of the most successful franchise in the sport, and because NY has high expectations. I forgot about Vidro and Livan Hernandez. Hernandez is great, he throws complete games like it's nothing, too bad he never gets the offense to back him up. Vidro is a solid player, not a superstar, but there aren't really any superstars at second these days. So that's four. Four out of 25 players I like
  10. Precious Roy

    The Montreal Expos of Washington

    I like Brad Wilkerson, and Nick Johnson if he could ever stay healthy, but after that......
  11. Precious Roy

    Mounties killed in drug raid

    Why were they raiding a pot farm anyway? I thought Canada was *wink wink* "hip" these days
  12. Precious Roy

    Not the right guy?

    To be fair, Rock wasn't carrying anyone until 01, maybe 00. 97-00 he really needed those good opponents to bring out the best in him, Foley, Austin, Hunter, Shamrock etc. I don't really see this "next Rock" stuff anyway. It's like when everyone and their mother was "the next Jordan." Don't throw around arbitrary labels just for the sake of labeling, wait until someone actually fits the bill.
  13. Precious Roy

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Thanks for the info guys. Here's a couple more questions: Why did Savage want death to Nash? What's the timeline from him being in the Wolfpac in 98 to this point in 99? And how did Nash go from the Fingerpoke of Doom to getting cheered in time for the feud with Savage? Also on Kimberly, how was her thing with Steiner handled? Was there any follow up?
  14. Precious Roy

    First Female Coach resigns...

    The spirit of the ABA lives!
  15. Precious Roy

    Ann Coulter goes batshit on Fox News

    I was too busy listening to Coulter calling the Democrats the party of murder to notice. Yeah, I guess I just have diminished expectations.....well for everyone on FOXNEWS lol, but Coulter especially, and Colmes is the sorriest excuse for a liberal they could have ever got. I take it with a grain of salt, but it would be nice to see the only so-called liberal on the network not play the bullshit game
  16. Precious Roy

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I'd really started zoning out on WCW at this point in time, but some of this makes no sense to me.... Wasn't DDP a mega-over face when he won the belt? And weren't WCW fans not that into Hogan at that point? I don't get why a sarcastic comment directed at Hogan would get DDP that much heel heat. Was Hogan even a face at this point, I thought he was still nWo in early 99? Was Piper the commish at this time? And why was Savage interfering on behalf of DDP? I don't remember them ever being aligned together.
  17. Precious Roy

    Ted Dibiase news

    But why was Honky in position to call the shots in the first place? Since when does holding the IC Title make you the captain of your fate? There was no reason for McMahon to let him dictate change in major booking plans, unless he was indeed on the verge of leaving the company or something like that. It's not like Honky could talk his way out of getting squashed by Warrior.....
  18. Precious Roy

    Ann Coulter goes batshit on Fox News

    Hannity is insane too. And fuck, I'm pretty left wing, but Coulter was right, Colmes was completely baiting her there.
  19. Precious Roy

    Rock and fuckin' Roll.

    Ramones Cream Soundgarden The Kinks At The Drive In The Clash The Hives Guns N' Roses Van Halen Pink Floyd Television AC/DC just to name a few....
  20. Precious Roy

    Ann Coulter goes batshit on Fox News

    That was the tamest "meltdown" I've ever seen. I hate Coulter as much as the next sane person, but I've seen much worse from her.
  21. Precious Roy

    Ted Dibiase news

    This is great news, but I don't think it will last. Not because Dibiase doesn't meet expectations, but because the 'E won't meet his. Hope I'm wrong though.
  22. Precious Roy

    Where is Burress headed?

    I still don't get what the big deal with Burress is, he seems like a chronic underachiever
  23. Precious Roy

    All-Time Draft

    I'll take "New York Highlanders"
  24. Precious Roy

    Can't wait for Wednesday...

    Yankees-Pirates on ESPN today