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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    Sports Feats You'd Like to See...

    How about Scotty Skiles' 30 assists in a game? That is NASTY.
  2. Precious Roy

    Top 5 Lineups In the AL

    It is the product of having Derek Jeter (.370 OBP), Paul O'Neill (.399), Bernie Williams (.408), Wade Boggs (.373), and sometimes Tim Raines (.403) batting ahead of Tino in the lineup. Any scrub hitting fifth in that lineup would knock in 100 runs. The only statistic Martinez led the league in that year was sacrifice flies. And that was his best year. I'm sorry, but zero times leading the league in any important offensive category, and just two All-Star appearances, does not rank a player above "pretty good." This should kill that argument... kinda like how Brady Anderson had one great year (50 Home Runs I think), which meant to everyone in Baltimore that he was the greatest player alive. No, it's not like that at all. Brady Anderson is like the aforementioned Darin Erstad, one great year, a couple good years, then nothing. Tino Martinez was never a "great" player, but he was a hard worker who maximized his talent and strung together many consistent quality seasons. Don't insult him by comparing him to a failed experiment in steroids. True, but his season with Tampa Bay last year was much more productive than the previous two in St. Louis, which kind of shoots the steady decline theory out of the water. I've got a feeling Tino's got a little magic left in him. Just playing in Yankee Stadium again is going to energize him, because he'll easily be one of the most popular guys on the team.
  3. Precious Roy

    Adios Ty Law

    Why are you angry?!? The team played every bit as well without him (well, almost as well without him) and he was a malcontent that was borderline "cancer in the locker room" at time. I liked him as a player, but he soooooo wore out his welcome with me. Eh, I'm not angry, I just hate it when long-time guys leave my teams, especially big game guys like Law. He'll always be a Patriot to me. I guess I'm old school, but it's so rare that guys go their whole career with one team, I just think it would have been cool if that group of Law, McGinnest, Bruschi Vinatierri and Brown had all gone the distance. For example, in my lifetime not ONE player has gone start to finish with the Knicks. F'n Charlie Ward was the closest next to Ewing. Yankees have Rivera, Jeter, Posada, Bernie.....should still have Pettite, but I don't expect a class like that with them again for a long time. Plus, Law is stuck in a tie for the Pats all-time INT record, would have broke it if he didn't get hurt.
  4. Precious Roy

    This Week in the NBA

    DeLonte is playing nice right now, probably the smartest player on the Celtics, he's mad quick and crafty, but I've got a bad feeling about his longevity. He doesn't look very durable, I can see him wearing down with heavy minutes. You can see him doing some of the little things he learned from Payton though, mimicking the Glove's game a bit, which is cool. Banks isn't panning out like I expected, pretty good defender but his O is weak. Antoine Walker looks better than I've EVER seen him. Dude is fuckin sleek, I had no idea he got himself in such good shape. Celtics are gonna be money down the stretch.
  5. Precious Roy

    Sports Feats You'd Like to See...

    I think for the steal variety that LeBron and Iverson have the best shot. If Kidd could get 10 steals he would have done it by now, he's lost a step off his speed from a few years back.
  6. Precious Roy

    Sports Feats You'd Like to See...

    I don't know about stealing stereos, but he was definitely into beating on women. He got caught beating up his wife when he was on the Bucks, beating up a girlfriend when he was on the Raptors, and then breaking into some chicks apartment and choking her after he retired.
  7. Precious Roy

    Sports Feats You'd Like to See...

    .400 56 game hitting streak 100 pt game those are the three big ones to me. I think 56 can be broken, it doesn't seem that hard for a great hitter, but since nobody has come close I guess it is. I remember Luis Castillo had like a 30 game streak a few years back, think that's the closest anyone has come recently. .400 is another one I think someone can reach, I'd put my money on Ichiro out of current players. the 100 pt game though, nobody will ever do that again in the NBA without drastic rule changes. David Robinson's 72 is the modern standard.
  8. Precious Roy

    Favorite Baseball Nicknames of All Time.

    Gabe "WELCOME BACK" Kapler! Classic! Jim "Pork Fried" Rice Kirt "What was that" Manwaring John "I am not a" Kruk Chuck "New Kids On" Knoblauch
  9. Precious Roy

    Chris Webber traded to Philadelphia

    Webber thrives on average pressure, but until recently he didn't thrive under THE pressure of a late playoff series. I think with the knee injuries and everything though, the way he played against Minnesota last year, that he may have finally matured into a guy who can go the full distance. Also, there's a problem when your #1 option at the end of the game is a jump shooting/passing big man. That's not a knock on Webber, it's a knock on whatever team was constructed to have to rely on him in that role. Peja and Mike Bibby had to be the guys down the stretch for those Sacto teams, because they can drive and create or create their own shot, Webber is flat-footed and relys on fakes, shakes and innuendo....the Vlade Divac game. I always thought all the noise over C-Webb taking big halfcourt shots in close playoff games was silly, I wouldn't want him taking those shots unless the play broke down.
  10. Precious Roy

    02/25 - Friday news update from Dave Meltzer

    I feel like I'm being set up for an epic letdown once Nitro/Matthews debut. It'll be hard to live up to their OVW reputation when they're designated jobbers in a weak as shit tag division
  11. Precious Roy

    Update on the 24/7 Situation . . . .

    Yes! This means I'll get access to this!
  12. Precious Roy

    Matt and Lita

    "Oh yeah, you want some of the Tattoo Terminator's sweet nectar?"
  13. Precious Roy

    WWE signs another wrestler

    Sparky Plugg 2K5
  14. Precious Roy

    Matt and Lita

  15. Precious Roy

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    Hey, let's get that Beulah video running again
  16. Precious Roy

    Adios Ty Law

  17. Precious Roy

    Chris Webber traded to Philadelphia

    Webber is gonna get MAD assists with Iverson making backcuts. They should be a lot of fun to watch together. Yeah, he's a defensive liability 1-1, but Kenny Thomas and Corliss Williamson were hardly Bill Russell out there. Outstanding short-term move for Phila., the question is obviously will Webber be able to maintain a high level of play for the remainder of his huge deal. It's worth the risk IMO, not like they had a better option.
  18. Precious Roy

    RAW Rating

    long, rambling HHH promos = ratings!!!
  19. Precious Roy

    Spring Training

    Hhahahahaha, why is A-Rod watching porn?
  20. Precious Roy

    Carlos Boozer to the Lakers

    What an odd trade for Utah. I guess they figure now they can go Okur-Kirilenko-Harpring-Butler-whoever, I know Sloan had issues with playing Okur-Boozer-Kirilenko-Harpring in the same unit, but I'd think they could get more for Boozer than that. Caron Butler is a nice player, but who knows when Vlade will play, and George just eats salary. It's sounds like they're just trying to free themselves from the Boozer deal to add someone else down the road, but what other free agent wants to sign with Utah after the owner publically disses then trades their biggest ever FA signing? Weird stuff.
  21. Precious Roy

    ESPN.com Preseason Baseball Rankings

    I've seen Byrnes to Pittsburgh rumours, which again doesn't make sense, since they already did a deal with Oaktown and if they were that hot on byrnes should have got him in the Kendall deal...... Rhodes and Redman for Kendall? I wouldn't say Pitt got screwed. Rhodes is a decent set-up guy, I'll ignore last season for his sake, and Redman isn't awful or anything. Kendall is ok, but overrated IMO, and I don't think Pitt will miss him that much.
  22. Precious Roy

    Eddie Gilbert and Kerry Von Erich

    they died on the same day? creepy..... I prefered Gilbert to Von Erich, but neither really impressed me to a great degree. I've heard that Gilbert was a rasslin' genius in the broad sense, but my exposure to him is limited to midcard NWA and early ECW stuff, so I probably don't have the greatest sample of his work to judge from
  23. Precious Roy

    Title belts

    IC Title, before it became what it is now
  24. Precious Roy

    ESPN.com Preseason Baseball Rankings

    Lube? What did they get for Kendall? And speaking of the A's, what's the word of Eric Byrnes? Is he still on the block?