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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    WWE Married Wrestler/ Diva Affair?

    I think it was found in the states and they started ribbing her on the trip to Japan. But either way, I don't see any connection between the two stories. Say it is Weber who's having an affair with a married wrestler, why would she ask for her release? Or why would they release her and then lie about it? Why bring Johnny Ace into the story with threats of taking the involved parties off the same brand when Weber is already out of the company? Doesn't make any sense.
  2. Precious Roy

    The Age of Jobbers

    And your point is?
  3. Precious Roy

    TNA Against All Odds predictions

    I'm not even going to complain about the main-event booking, because what's the point? As long as Jarrett is the focus of the show we'll get shit like this, and with Jarrett-Nash, hey, it could have been worse? And as misguided as it is, and destined to fail, at least they have some sort of logic in trying to play off DX, the nWo and The Kliq, flawed to the teeth, but logic none the less. But when you job your best young heel team, a team that's actually blossomed in-ring and out despite low expectations, that has far more potential than the Naturals or Team Canada IMO, to a fucking NASCAR ANNOUNCER.........I mean, what the FUCK?! It's bad enough having this guy in a PPV match, but at least you could argue that it puts heel heat on Shane/Kazarian when they dismantle him. But this guy pins Kazarian with a fucking ELBOW DROP?!?! And are they teasing a split here with the mistaken superkick? Does any of this make any sense to ANYONE?!?? A split doesn't matter when you haven't done a god damn thing to make people actually care about this team. I used to be very down on Shane when he was involved with Douglas, and apathetic towards Kazarian, but they've really grown on me since teaming up, and to bury them like this.....let's just say shit like this is why I stopped supporting TNA financially. It's the SAME EXACT bullshit that went down in WCW. As for someone complaining about Skipper going over Williams....I'd say that's the least of your worries at this point. Petey has already had a ton of exposure in the X-Division, he got pushed real hard and can afford some losses now, and it makes sense to push Skipper as a single after breaking up XXX. Plus this match was for a spot in Ultimate X, Petey was in the last two, and IMO they're going with Styles/Daniels/Skipper in this next one, which is a good thing, a very fresh matchup, rather than a Williams/Styles retread. Shit, at least they're doing one thing right in this god forsaken company.
  4. Precious Roy

    Why are baseball numbers so "treasured"

    Kareem is 38,000 and change. I couldn't have told you Cy Young's # though. I think baseball's numbers are treasured because a) it's the oldest of the major professional leagues, and b) it truely was America's undisputed pastime for a long, long period of time, with the NFL only recently challenging that throne. I don't buy statistics being more important to the game as a reason why people care more about records in baseball than in other sports, I think it just has to do more with the fact that so many have stood for such a long period of time and that baseball has had more time for the mythology to develop.
  5. Precious Roy

    NFL Free Agents

    Shaun Alexander Rudi Johnson Edgerrin James (likely staying with Indy) Jerry Porter Plaxico Burress those are the big offensive guys
  6. Precious Roy

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Ditto. UPN sucks.
  7. Precious Roy

    The Age of Jobbers

    I like when they bring in 'name' indy guys for Velocity or Heat. The Maximos, American Dragon and a few others who've slipped my mind have done matches for them in the past year. AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels and Samoa Joe worked matches for them back in, I think 02. Random jobbers on Velocity and Heat is fine, but it's much cooler when they bring in hot indy talent.
  8. Precious Roy

    OAO pre-No Way Out No Way Out thread

    Eddie/Rey v. Bashams would make sense. Funaki v. Kidman/Nunzio/Akio/Spike/whoever to fill time They'll want to get Booker on the card, so I expect interference from either OJ or Jindrak on SD! next week to set up something for the PPV After that....? Do Kenzo and Dupree still team? Maybe a match with Holly/Haas
  9. Precious Roy

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Agreed. I think if Cena wins the world title at Mania that they'll do like they did with Warrior, strip him of the US Title and hold a tournament. I'd expect Carlito (if healthy) to win the tournament. If not? Either someone obvious like Eddie or Booker or someone unexpected like Orlando Jordan. It would be a great chance to put over Charlie Haas, much like Perfect winning back in 90 did, but fat chance of that happening. As for Vince favoring the world title, I don't see it so much as favortism as it is circumstance. RAW is the #1 show, so initially they put the WWE belt on SD! to make the brands seem even. HHH is the favorite son, as well as a mark for the big gold, so that combined with RAW makes it seem more important. In Vince's eyes he probably thinks the WWE title is as strong as it's ever been, considering he's a mark for JBL. And as much as I dislike this whole JBL push, just by sheer ammount of time with the belt it will be important when he loses it, so I have to give them that much.
  10. Precious Roy

    The Old School questions thread

    Eadie debuted around the mid 1970's, he was a teacher and football coach before that, probably in his mid-late 20's, so my guess is he was in his late 30's/early 40's during Demolition's run. I can't find his actual birthday anywhere though.
  11. Precious Roy

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    Didn't Mysterio go over with a rana-rollup?
  12. Precious Roy

    When they come back - Lita, Hardy, RVD

    I do too, but it would never happen. If they wanted to use Fonzie they would have done it by now.
  13. Precious Roy

    Live from Saitama, It's Velociday Night!

    HOLY SHIT! @ London's bump to the steps
  14. Precious Roy

    Is that who I think it is?

  15. Precious Roy

    Flip Saunders- YOU'RE FIIIIIRED

    Redd is a free agent, it's possible Minnesota could sign him with the money off the cap from Spree/Sam, but I'm not sure quite how their finances shake down. Ray Allen is obviously the big prize this off-season, but with KG's contract they probably can't afford him, and Seattle is gonna go all-out to keep him.
  16. Precious Roy

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    Yeah, but I thought Bret's best opponent was Owen, therefore........I'm right
  17. Precious Roy

    JoeDirt's old school match thread

    I'll second the request for Scotty-Malenko and Dangerous Alliance-Sting's Squadron War Games, as well as adding a request for any and all Vader-Sting matches (after reading the greatest opponents thread) And thanks to everyone who's been uploading matches
  18. Precious Roy

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    I completely agree with that. I think the Sting-Flair series, especially the first Clash match, is totally overrated. Like HTQ said, they were predictable, and repetitive, often repeating the same spots several times within one match. I much more enjoy the Sting-Vader series, which I think is one of the best of all-time, and for Flair, I thought dozens of opponents had better matches with him than Sting.
  19. Precious Roy

    Eric Mangini stays with Pats

    Sweet. Any buzz on who'll take over for Weis?
  20. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    Allen Iverson drops 60 on Orlando, tossing in 5 steals, 6 assists and 4 boards, on close to 50% shooting, plus 24/27 from the line. That's game of the year to this point, hands down.
  21. Precious Roy

    Flip Saunders- YOU'RE FIIIIIRED

    I'm not going to question McHale's judgement. He's closer to that team than any of us will ever be, he's basically best friends with Flip, hired the guy when he had basically no NBA experience, he wouldn't have made this move without a very good reason. I think Flip must have just completely lost the team, KG included likely, and McHale had to make the move. The Timberwolves have gotten progressively worse as the season's gone on, 3-7 in their last 10, and there was no promise of Flip turning it around. McHale coaching is the most bizarre part, I never thought I'd see that
  22. Precious Roy

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    Bret had better matches with Owen and Austin. Shawn had better matches with Ramon. I know that sounds weird to say, but yeah, I think Razor Ramon is Shawn Michaels' best opponent, considering that two of his best three matches have been against him, the other against Foley. I think Marty Jannetty would be the easy answer if they had worked more high-profile matches against each other. I don't disagree that Bret had better matches with others, but I'd also rank Bret as the greatest opponent for several wrestlers, like Yokozuna as mentioned above. Bret and Shawn have had at least 6 memorable singles matches though, and when I think of Shawn Michaels I think of Bret Hart as his nemesis. HBK and Razor really only had the two ladder matches, and just one feud. Bret and Michaels had a long-running feud, beginning around Survivor Series 92 and picked up in 96 and twice in 97. Shawn Michael's greatest moment (winning the belt at Mania) and most infamous moment (Montreal) came against Bret Hart. And not to mention the backstage fights and real life animosty. Bret Hart's greatest opponent? That's a tougher call. I'd probably say Owen.
  23. Precious Roy

    Name wrestlers and their greatest opponents

    HHH and HBK have done their damnedest to qualify here, but I'd rank it HBK-Bret Hart and HHH-Rock....
  24. Precious Roy

    What If....

    I'm pretty sure that wearing the dress was Pillman's idea. IIRC Pillman was meant to go over in the feud, with Terri Runnels turning on Dustin to become his valet. I actually thought he was a pretty strong heel during that period, he was getting great heat.
  25. Precious Roy

    Flip Saunders- YOU'RE FIIIIIRED

    Oh yeah, how could I forget old man Sloan?!! Cassell's had a lot of injurys, but even in the begining of the season when he was healthy he was playing like shit, like his head wasn't in the game. All things considered, he's got a couple more productive seasons left, health permitting. He had the best season of his career last year, so there's no reason to believe his skills are eroding. Sprewell on the other hand, is just plain dogging it. When he feels like playing hard (like against NY or GS) he goes out and gets 25 points, but he just flat out isn't playing most of the time, which if he's so pissed about not getting an extension doesn't make any sense to me, shouldn't he be trying to up his value around the league? He's the first guy to dog it in a contract year