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Precious Roy

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Everything posted by Precious Roy

  1. Precious Roy

    All-Star Reserves Named!

    3 Pt Shootout: Voshon Lenard Kyle Korver Joe Johnson Quentin Richardson Vladimir Radmanovich Ray Allen weird that they have two guys from the same team, twice. Damon Jones of Miami should be in it, and I know he wanted to be, Shaq put money on him winning it, so that's a little weird. I'd kick Radmanovich to the curb, and Joe Johnson, since they really don't need two guys from the same team, and toss in someone like Atkins, Mobley, Rafer Alston or Terry.
  2. Precious Roy

    NFL Free Agent List

    Cambridge is a suburb of Boston. Foxboro is it's own city, 30 some odd miles away, and like I said, closer to Rhode Island, a state the NEW ENGLAND Patriots also represent, along with CT, NH and VT. The Patriots haven't played a game in Boston for over 30 years, well before I was born. The parade was in Boston because it's the biggest city in New England, no surprise there. If Providence was the biggest city in the region, that's where it would be. I love how a dude from ILLINOIS is trying to tell me who and what I can be a fan of
  3. Precious Roy

    Should the Ultimate Warrior..

    It didn't help that he had NOTHING in the way of big programs. He was popular, but they never put anything together to capitalize on that. He had the feud with Rick Rude, who he'd already soundly defeated in an IC Title feud, and that was it. They really should have done Warrior-Savage earlier than they did if they wanted Warrior to be a success as champ, like in place of the cage match at SummerSlam. They started the Savage feud once they decided to put the belt on Sgt. Slaughter, but they never ran it as a proper world title program. Maybe they just had trouble booking top feuds for him, I don't know, but you would think they'd at least go through the motions with Hennig and Dibiase, the top heels at the time. They didn't really even bother creating any monster opponents for him, like they did with Hogan-Earthquake on the undercard that same year. Shit, polka dot Dusty Rhodes had better programs that year! But no, I don't think he's a hall of famer, and you know there's no chance in hell of Vince honoring that guy.
  4. Precious Roy

    NFL Free Agent List

    Fuck off He's right, you know. What the fuck do the NEW ENGLAND Patriots have to do with the BOSTON Red Sox. It's TWO DIFFERENT SPORTS, and the Pats don't even play in Boston, they play in Foxboro, which is closer to Rhode Island than it is to Boston. If I was rooting for the BoSox and the Yankees you'd have an argument.
  5. Precious Roy

    NFL Free Agent List

    Fuck off
  6. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    He's not an idiot for taking a shot at the NFL, he's an idiot for the way he left and the bridges he burnt in the process. He looks real stupid for badmouthing wrestling the way he did, and for giving up so easily on his "dream" when things didn't go the way he wanted them to. If he really wanted to make it in football he'd be over in Europe or in the arena leagues, learning the craft.
  7. Precious Roy

    The best coach of all time

    You didn't debate what I said about the territorial drafts and the Celtics having the most talent year after year. Red was a fine coach, and he won a lot, but he ain't exactly sliced bread.
  8. Precious Roy

    NFL Free Agent List

    Where can you find the FA lists? I want to see who the Patriots are gonna steal this year, MWAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH Hey, maybe we can bring in Westbrook and turn him into a defensive back
  9. Precious Roy

    The best coach of all time

  10. Precious Roy

    All-Star Reserves Named!

    O'Neal only missed 15 games, and when he's played he's been without question a top 10 player. Guys have made it missing more time than that for injuries. By the time the game rolls around, Kobe will have likely missed 15+ games, but if he wasn't a starter the coaches would certainly have voted him in.
  11. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    Well, he obviously wants to work for them again, and if the deal is right Vince will obviously take him back, so it's not an issue of the WWE refusing to employee him, but rather both sides being unable to come to an agreement on the terms of a new contract. Vince can effectively block him from the company or screw him over by only making lowball offers, knowing that he hold's Brock's fate in his hands, which is the basis for Brock filing this lawsuit. Now, if the WWE trys to argue that Brock is of great value to them they can't really screw him over in contract offers, as they contradict themseves in front of the law. Technically, he should be paid in accordance to his open market value, and the judge, should he take all this into account, may give the E an ultimatum, pay him his value if you want to use him or else he's free to seek employment elsewhere. That of course, is the best case scenario for Brock. The 10 dates thing is IMO, the biggest stumbling block when it comes to actually negotiating the deal. Vince is not going to want to pamper this guy like that after he walked out on him, I can see maybe 15-20 dates just to avoid the same thing happening again with Lesnar feeling burnt out from the road, but 10 dates, for that kind of money, it's not worth it to the company, and Vince will definitely make that clear in court. Brock's gonna have to sacrifice either money or free time, because he's not gonna get them both. If he'd played nice, did his job, and honored his original contract he might have got some concessions on the next one, but that's his own dumbass fault.
  12. Precious Roy

    All-Star Reserves Named!

    This is the first time in recent memory that the East has the possibility of a bigger team, with Shaq and Z. The West bigs have crazy skill and quickness though, and present defensive matchup problems for those two. I'm expecting Jermaine O'Neal and Ben Wallace to get a ton of run to match up with Amare, Duncan, KG and Dirk. And I'm liking the possibilites of a Nash, Manu, Marion, Dirk, KG lineup for the West, and Arenas, LeBron, Hill, J-O, Shaq for the East
  13. Precious Roy

    Jose Canseco Book

    Yeah, Clemens is in the "bigger than Bonds" category, and Canseco did play two years with him in Boston, so I'd say that's a good guess.
  14. Precious Roy


    I'd say so, yeah. And IMO Pioli, Belichick and Kraft have done a better job at it than Oakland in baseball, because they actually get guys to take less money or restructure existing contracts because they want to be a part of this system and team. The A's lose all their big names. In this day and age that is very rare, for an organization to breed such respect and loyalty from it's players. Watching the parade today, I heard that the Patriots have the 23rd highest payroll in the NFL. The only thing I'm really worried about is the age of some of the guys on defense. Keith Traylor will be 36 next season, Roman Phifer 37, Willie 34, Ted Johnson and Rodney Harrison both 33. With the system in place, the young guys learning from the vets, and the crafty personnel moves I'm not too worried, but you always get a little antsy when you have to replace veteran contributers.
  15. Precious Roy

    Why our goddess hasn't been around lately...

    Gross! Well, now that she's a horrible, disfigured freak maybe she'll take up Hef on his offer and show us her boobies!
  16. Precious Roy

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    Benoit won their 2000 submission match with a crossface choke. I figured it was a nod to that, rather than Benoit *forgetting* how to apply the move. Give them a little more credit.
  17. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    Vince would be insane not to accept him back, and you know he WILL take him back, but from what I've read it was actually Brock who's been reluctant, due to Vince completely lowballing him. And you can't blame Vince on that either, because he holds all the cards, and rightfully so. Brock is joining the kiss my ass club all the way, unless half the top stars get injured at the same time and Vince gets desperate. Brock can ask Sable how his salad tastes.
  18. Precious Roy

    Brock Lesnar Files Suit Against WWE

    That was my initial thought. There's no way Vince can construe Japanese promotions as direct competition unless he really pulls the wool over the judge's eyes, and the judge is ignorant to the business to boot. Yes, the WWE has an international market, but Brock working for a promotion in Japan can't possibly hurt the WWE. The only company in the world going after the WWE's true target market is TNA, and due to a number of reasons, it's hard to even deem them as any form of competition. Not to mention that the prior precedent with no-compete clauses would be in Lesnar's favor, Spanky is the obvious case of a wrestler asking for release and being allowed to work for North American promotions within a few months. Yes, Lesnar signed the thing, but there are many cases where a contract was overruled by the legal system. And I've still got work in the back of my mind, though it's unlikely, especially with Sable in his ear.
  19. Precious Roy

    "Just Accept It, We're Number One Now"

    Yeah, but who else was on their level at the time? Taker, Bret, HBK, Sid, maybe Bulldog, maybe Owen, we're talking the best of the best at the time, and you can't discredit Hall and Nash in that role.
  20. Precious Roy

    This week in the NBA

    I think Josh Smith is out too. Chalk it up to a bad night and move on.
  21. Precious Roy


    Yeah, Brady is too smart and humble to get greedy. What's the difference, really, between 40 mil and 100 mil? At a certain point your lifestyle can't get any better, unless you're just absurdly extravagant. Plus, being on a winning team, and with his reputation with the Pats, he can make up some of the difference with endorsement deals. If he signs with the Cardinals or Saints because they offer the most money, and the teams are mediocre, he's not such a hot commodity on Wall St.
  22. Precious Roy

    Tagliabue says LA team likely

    I love basketball, and the NBA, as much as anyone possibly can, but they're not even close to the NFL in terms of popularity. The violence aspect, and the one game a week on Sundays makes it hard to compete with.
  23. Precious Roy

    Best Double team Combos

    Were they heels or faces? I can't even remember, but I thought they meshed pretty well as a team and deserved a better push than they got.
  24. Precious Roy

    Wild Pegasus vs. Lionheart

    ^ sad but true
  25. I kind of dig this idea, but I'm a mark for unpredictable title booking like this, and I'm also really looking forward to the payoff with Edge. In reality it would never work though. Edge is an established heel, so unless Show has the belt it doesn't make sense to put him against JBL on the biggest show of the year, and you CAN'T go into Mania without firm top matches unless it's a unique situation with red hot performers, like the Mania 4 tourny with a ton of top names and the promise of an Andre-Hogan rematch, or Mania X where you knew what one title match would be and you knew Bret would be in the other one. In your scenario, for the sake of argument, if Batista would take the match with the SD champion, what would be done with HHH? Orton again? Edge in another heel-heel match? The logistics are off.